Sunday, May 2, 2010

Saturday, 1st May 2010..............


raining, typical wet season weather...

did a town run, visiting lawyer w/friend/partner..

and stooped on way home to buy some flour and a couple other items..

had a desire for biscuits and gravy, and bannock....

did also find a nice pocket knife for $8..... a drop point, fairly
hunky, 3 inch blade, 440C type blade, nicely done.. have been
wanting such a knife for many years.. perfect skinner for deer sized
animals.. OK as a whittling knife also.....

thinking today about situation in US.... and how my role is limited
to observer/comentary...

I think its going to go all the way to civil war..

and it will be very ugly.... the price you pay for not sticking up
for whats right, and not being involved all along.. all the lazy suck
ups will have to think about what happens to collaborators at the end
of wars.. often taken out and shot...

not going to be a cake walk... but the eventual outcome is
predetermined... the people always win over time.. and the power
trippers get genetically edited and reduced... fact of life, read
book of enoch if you'd like the overview..

add in the rancher arrival, and the chances of anyone on the side of
the beast government getting away go to zero..

not a good deal... And I suspect one will be rated by things like
bravery... and cowardice... its a warrior society... evidently a
just one...

one would be lucky as a coward if you didnt get your throat cut out of
contempt... next step up would be slavery.... followed by free
man then warrior etc.... your status will depend on your game score,
and which side you are on..

also, another thought, is not wise to refuse to obey a direct
order.... much better to go over and fight on the right side..
Disobeying an order, is asking to be stuck in harms way from then on
to get you killed... Or killed outright... much better to analyse the
situation, and take out the biggest asshole you can see, who is
pushing the anti-constitutional agenda....

anyway, your choices, but I know my choices.. especially considering
the star of Bethlehem was most likely a star ship.... I want on the
side who has the moral high ground... not to mention unlimited
New pack think paradigm; new bigger stronger pack....

anyway, happy to have the pocket knife.. Generally a most used tool...
and this one is a nice stout well made knife..

a pocket knife is the knife most likely to be on you, and therefore
most likely there when you need it..

I have three knives now from the same manufacturer... likely Chinese,
but German contract, as markings are in German...

Only things I'm missing at this point is a nice big jack knife, and a
little tiny midget version...
All have their place..

another thing I tried today was cooking bread in a green leaf...
worked great, didnt stick, browned nice, less hassel than stuck to the
pan cooking...

I think its preferrable method compared to grease or trying to use
corn flour or meal to keep from sticking... Once again the most
natural method
prooves to be the best method....

have been attempting the pro flute now and then, getting mostly grins
out of myself instead of haunting love tunes out of said flute....
it will be months at the present rate.. but, no TV, and I look
forward to some day playing it well..

and thats how it is... In persuit of whats real and true... searching
for reality is much more entertaining than sitting on your ass living
in fantasy land... thats not a life, its a living death....

I know, I've been there.. worked all kinds of jobs, few were ever
worth the pay...

also got a box of black tea... Havent had tea in a year or more..
Drinking it without sugar, its fine, have gotten used to zero white
sugar diet.. dont really miss it..

keeps one from over indulging....

anyway, I keep working towards simplicity.. Also towards country
roots... glad I didnt grow up in the city, wouldnt know as much as
useful for whats coming....

Sent from my mobile device

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