Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday 20th May 2010..........

Morning, just woke..
in a cloud on a mountain in the tropical jungle...
How did I get here? long story, call it life...

by the way, I saw the skulls in Ica in person..

what I noticed, was by age the oldest appeared to be larger in brain
capacity and capacity went down as they got more recent in time...
There were hundreds..... so unless the capacity was measured by
age of mummy, I dont think I'll believe what someone says in a denial

I think I'll believe my own eyes...
And my mental reaction was this isnt normal human genetics, this is
alien... I started thinking about the possibilities after this, and
have since done a long mental hajira leading to this blog...

what do scientist know? what ever they are told by other scientist...
Stuffed shirts... operating on a mass psychosis resulting from a good
stiff brain washing at snob class universities...

they come up with grandiose theorys about this or that on little or no
evidence, and because they have a wall hanger degree encrusted with
ivy leaves and signed by an academic fossil with an elongated ego,
they are the gods of learning...

case in point; my favorite toy dinosaur as a kid was the
brontasaurus.. now admitted to have never existed, and that it as a
species was the result of several bones that didnt belong to the same
species being stuck together.. we have early humans extrapolated out
of a hunk of skull that could have been a deformed individual, or
something entirely different than their conceptions... my thesis is
as good as theirs, and I have the benifits of an imagination as good
as theirs, and I didnt go thru a mental maytag university education
where my future depended on pleasing some tenured blue nose with
nothing better to do than be puffed up with his own importance... I
will most likely die as unimportant as I was born... but I do use my
gifts, and I dont make a fat salary at the public trough because I go
along with the Hyeena pack think supposed reality...

the elongated skull humans werent only in Peru...

google; queen nerfiti, elongate skulls

no possible connection? well humans are humans, and we do like to
travel, be it by papyrus reed boats, balsa rafts, dugout canoe, or
modern aircraft....

Google; helicopter Egyptian hyroglyphs

notice that its not any modern human helicopter, the frame is
triangulated, and the cargo lift cut out is smaller than ours... the
fixed wing aircraft hyroglyph with it is no known human airplane, but
its shape is similar to ours but MORE REFINED, not wings stuck on a
tube fuselage, but more intergal, we havent gotten there yet, boeing
and airbus are still building aircraft the same as biplanes....

in Ezekial 1, the aircraft has robotic arms, and oversized wheels,
like one would want to use on a planet with no improved airstrip..
the pilot declares over the loudspeaker to be God himself... must
have had a science degree? and the plane flew like a fixed wing
aircraft, sounded like a jet engine, had cockpit lights, seat, and a
humanoid at the controls.... since when is the God of the universe
taken up flying in machines...?

if I were an aircraft designer, with an unlimited power source, how
would I build a motor? well if the power source created heat, I could
use it in a turbine engine to pump air.. could be handy on primitive
planets to not have to refuel....

what do you suppose the odds are of Ezekiel having a vison of four
fixed wing aircraft 3 thousand years before their invention are?

Or Jacobs ladder... Mentioned more than once in the bible... what
would primitives call a trussed space elevator structure?

funny, my design is trussed, and if I had an unlimited power source I
could pump air in it too...

read my space elevator concept at the beginnings of this blog....

folks, I suggest you not believe what scientist say so much... think
for yourself, all the pieces fit, this isnt alien stick men drawn
on cave walls, this is from writings... i.e. Historic passed down

deny aliens out of one side of your mouth, ask for government grants
to look or listen for them out of the other side of your mouth, call
it science, live well at public expense, and call anybody who
believes they ever came here, a nut case... my, my, arent we highly
evolved hippocrits.....

my blog entries are supposition... but I'm neither blind nor
stupid... nor do I get on my knees to the gods of Ivy halls to be
accepted by them, just a common man that can add up 2 &2 and get

scientists come and go... evidence stays the same..

Welcome to project earth.....

gentlemen, the project has been contaminated by those scientist sent
to observe it, couldnt keep their uniforms zipped.. Now what do we
do? We seem to have some throwbacks similar to our own early pre star
flight selves, dangerous genetics if set loose in the galaxy... it
has been ordered we let it work itself out just as we did.... the
killers will eliminate each other over time, prey on the faster
breeding more pure original gentics, and cause an armageddon... we
only have to wait a few thousand years, and we can go in and do a
final genetic editing or two, and set up a kingdom using our own
genetics regrafted in more carefully, and reap something better than
we were after originally.. genetics enhanced by thousands of years of
killing and harsh conditions, a new species of humanoids very
resistant to war, diseases, etc.

of what use are they to us? why we can spice it in to our own
genetics and get the improvements without having to suffer getting
there ourselves... and we also get genetics that can be planted on
primitive planets, and with assistance colonize them readily..

and spread ourselves thru the galaxcies more efficiently... There
doesnt seem to be any limits to the number of habitable planets....

Hey! Folks, best you get prepared for armageddon... and best you quit
killing each other for a few mental rejects that are nothing more than
assholes on power trips using cultural and religious divisions to have
us kill each other by the millions fighting terrorism... best you
quit sucking up what the corporate vantriloquist's lap dummy reading
the monitor says.... he'll only get you killed....

thats his job, to sucker you into more of the same as what got us into
all the grave problems...

best you stick a hand out to your neighbor across the pond that are
your statistical cousins, and put a stop to the beast government by
refusing to feed it your lives and children....

best you quit worrying about your job and you vanity perks, and start
worrying about survival in a society ran by genetic defects, best you
clean up your own acts and find some guts, or you are dead meat...
and your children too....

if you keep being followers instead of leaders, your children will die
horrible deaths before your very eyes, get off your ego trips and get
some actual humanity... And if they shut down the web best you have
some archives to blue tooth to your friends and family, best you have
a few gigas of download libraries in EMP hardened storage, so when the
dust settles you have something more than vague ramblings about
american idols, or insane cultures to pass on to them....

scientists? Bah! Humbug! assholes! With no moral integrity..

its truth that is our holy grail... Nothing less... if it isnt truth,
its worse than worthless...

quit arguing, start doing.. We have the technology... with the
splitting of the atom everything has changed except us... Time for
some self improvement folks, and not yuppie self improvements while
trying to be "well adjusted" to a terminal culture....

look in the mirror.. There's the guy who can do something about it,
theres the potential good boyscout... rethink yourselves, then begin
taking actions... Whatever you see needs done to stop the insanity...

I had a good day yesterday on the bus, I had people who wanted to
discuss issues with me.. Exact same issues I've been hammering them on
for years in my bus sermons... I started more rumors and concepts
yesterday, things that will save lives, then I came home to my happy
dog and my tarp roofed hut on a mountain...

Sent from my mobile device

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