Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday 7th June 2010..........

dawn soon, slept good, woke rested, rebuilt fire, got some tea making....

thinking about all the problems of humanity, and how the pattern is
mostly doing too much.... From bankers to bombs, vanity to Valhalla,
always we arent content when enough is enough... Nothing is enough for

well, there is only one way to save our own butts individually and

and thats for every one of us to get real....

and if not enough get real, then at least those who do, have an
improved chance of surviving, and those who dont, can ride the Titanic
down, into the deep cold water...

doing too much is incredibly stupid... especially when youre so busy
doing it, that youre not doing enough somewhere else....

which seems to be the case.....

fighting wars in Afghanistan over corporate pipelines? and Mexico
implodes from lack of social justice... plenty of oil in mexico....
plenty of oil in the gulf.... if we had done all the right things in
our own neighborhood, we wouldnt be interested in putting long noses
into far places, where they will get cut off.... its doing too
much... same as the banks, credit engine economy and dirivatives...
Thousands of times the value of everything on the planet? drones
thicker than fleas on a street dog? a billion secretaries in hot
outfits? give me a break, none of it makes any sense what so ever,
its all over the top, all crackers, all insane....

its Sally soccer mom, driving all over town keeping her little johnny
future sixpack, and little Sally soon to be soccer mom too, up with
the Joneses kids.... people used to play sports in their
neighborhoods, and didnt need yuppie tanks to haul kids to social
trips miles away....

I played sports as a kid, went on my bike...

the problem is all in our heads... We're trying to fill a mental
vacuum with infinite shit... would make more sense to take up playing
checkers, and quit screwing everything up with exponential growth in
the busybody industry..

greed, vanity, pride, stupidity, arrogance...

the human condition..

anybody seen any balance lately? is there anything in balance
anywhere, that we could use as an example to teach the concept?

hello! Sanity to planet earth! is anybody home?

all I can say, is it all looks FUBAR to me, going on 7 billion
assholes who all think they deserve an infinite amout of more than
whatever they have now....

shouldnt we be focusing on making sure everyone has the fundamentals?

shouldnt we be working from the bottom up?

I think we have the classic "too many chiefs, & not enough Indians"
situation in management....

anybody got a clue why we have military in hundreds of countrys, in
the streets of the US, and we're less safe than we were 20 years ago?
maybe less management, less military & police, and more personal
responsibility might be the answer?

less laws, and more appropriate to the situation action?

we have a congress rubber stamping laws, thousands of new laws,
thousands of pages each...

thats nothing but extreme insanity... when most all law is based on
doing damage, and keeping your word....

funny, enough laws to fill a train car every year, and all we do is
damage and not keep our word...

looks to me like if current trends continue, all we will have soon is
systemic anarchy, that we call law and order....

have a nice day....

Sent from my mobile device

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