Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday, 22nd June, 2010..........

an hour or so before sun rise...

thinking about the ranchers this morning, looking forward to exploring
more of the dead sea scrolls, which are thousands of pages of

heard the doctor from kingidentity.com piecing together things from
Enoch with other things from the scrolls I havent read yet... it was
obvious he understood the alien connection... talked about the cloud
moses and elijah stepped out of to talk to jesus on the mount, as
having something in it....

the cloud trip is common in the bible, and interestingly enough my
sampling of images in the online UFO community had me run into a
series of fotos of a ring shaped UFO, that in the sequence begins
emmiting vapor, and turns into a cloud....

ring shape makes sense for stealth purposes... if we see light tru
the center of a cloud, we assume its not got anything unusual in it...
also would be good to prevent a solid image on RADAR, even from
directly below....

I saw alot of things in my searches that could have been hoaxes...
much that could of been real....

I find withholding belief or disbelief is a good mental technique in
my quests for truth.... put the info on hold until you've made
enough connections.... I was onto the cloud trips in the bible before
I saw the ring UFO images... Jesus taken up into a cloud, coming in
cloud etc.... very theatrical... its quite obvious to me that
I'm onto truth.... and the government denial and mis information, and
the use of alien stuff as laughing stock in popular culture, are
symptoms of cultural camouflage...

the laughter will stop when the arrival happens, and those guilty of
crimes against the planet get lined up for ritual execution..
"cutting of necks"

personally I take it very seriously, in spite of catching alot of
flack for it in my personal life, I've put together too much, and
know what the overview is, and know the times fit the descriptions...
it all fits...

we have a ways to go yet... but not long enough to do much laughing...

I think its funny too.... like some movie where one guy is onto a
coming alien invasion, and gets disbelieved by everyone...

well, it aint just one guy.. millions are making the same
connections... and being laughed at is being shoved to the social
bottom... and those on the bottom end up on the top... world turned
upside down.... and those on the top will get to stand in death row..
glad as hell I'm not the CEO of BP..... he's in for a little bit
of a sore throat fairly soon I think...

folks, it all makes sense... its all connected, and we've been played
the fools... thousands of years of manipulations, and proxy wars,
and human suffering..... personally I find it all disgusting, and
dont think more killing is the correct answer... if people can be
fixed mentally, why the ritual executions? why not just fix the
defects and go on? there is much talk of forgiveness, and yes the
elite and their machinations have been far beyond evil, but if I
could fix them instead of running rivers of blood, I surely would...
and it makes me question the supposed perfection of our overlords...
to me the truth is an absolute.... the truth against the gods if
thats the way it is..... I've been screwed over by people my whole
life, but if it was me that chose between fixing them all or killing
them, there would NOT be ANY corpses...

I've not been perfect either.....

do unto others as you'd have them do unto you...

imagine the shame of the BP exec, if he was fixed mentally, and could
realize what his arrogance and greed has done... he has
responsibility for the deaths of fellow humans, and countless dolphin
people.... yes, he could deserve death in his current

but if we could fix him with a greed, honesty, & arrogance lobotomy
pill, which would be the right thing for us to do? more killing, or
more fixing of problems....

look in the mirror, think about your own imprefections... What if the
line of judgement fell just beyond you... that you were the least bad
person in the line to the chopping blocks...

which would you choose if you had the power? To fix everyone? Or to
just fudge the line up one person.....

Sent from my mobile device

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