Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday, 21st, June, 2010..........

Midnight again...

fell asleep listening to short wave..
Now woke rested...

thinking about the BP spill in the gulf, the usual federal government
botch job, and the mainstream media's sensationalistic but missing
some important truths coverage.... its like keystone cops, or the
three stooges, no accident, entertainment instead... they do this
hilarious routine making money all three, while killing my friends the
dolphins and company....

God damn the asshole bastards...

what can I do? more of what I've been doing.. not supporting the
system in anyway I can figure out how not to support it...

Hey Johnny Sixpack, and Suzi Soccer mom, wake up! Its a nightmare, and
youre feeding into it...

Johnny Jockhead Couch Turd, best you turn off your boob tube, and
not pop another top until you've made a decision to personally change
your meaningless niggeroo life.....

and Suzi gotta do what all the other stupid bitches do, maybe its time
you found something better to do with the kids than dress them like
cutesy sports paper dolls and drive them all over hell between guzzels
at the BP pumps....

maybe its time to do more than carp, belch and fart....

maybe its time to change your actual lives, and give your kids an
example of real parents, real humans... not fake yeah, yeah, yeah go
along with the system dumb shits...

I suggest you find a place in the country, and arrange to trade one
reality for another... sell the TV, sell the house, move into a
tent or camper, or school bus, and get away from the comfy insanity
routine, and into the uncomfy exploratory and learning mode, and
challange yourselves to be better.... learn to grow food, learn to
build things, learn to aspire to something better than being
co-dependent planet trashers...

Hey! I've been there, done it, many times....

moved from a burbish reality as a kid, into the brush, bathed in cold
rivers, learned to use a chainsaw and an axe, lived in expedient
plywood shack built onto a relic trailer, had to be ashamed of how I
lived compared to other kids... had to teach myself to fight to
establish my space among redneck's kids... had to milk cows, weed
corn, dig basements by hand as slave labor to an asshole father....

it was survivable... it could have been done better, but it was
accomplished on a shoestring in comparison to what the current crop
of social vomit yuppies have to work with....

if you are lazy and gutless, stay in the system, get the dogshit
nuked out of yourself and your little clone prototype cookie cutter
kids, when the system decides to prime the war pump, and push the
button on the big industrial switch....

or find something better to do....

it aint no joke....

its time, its past time, and youre running out of time...

your decision, try or die....

because if the nukes dont get you, the aliens will..

I dont think they have nice things in mind for the footsoldiers of
normalcy... I think theyre pretty serious guys, and after things
get trashed enough, they show up to fix them, and genetically edit the
factors of causation....

from what I read in the book of Enoch, they have ritual mass
executions in mind.... "cutting of necks" is how its translated, so
I'm not sure if they bring a ship load of swords, or expect us to
provide dull kitchen knives, but they entend to kill enough people to
create rivers of blood up to a horse's bridle deep.... sounds fairly
sobering to me.... and to get that much blood, it aint just
Government officials and corporate CEO's providing the necks, their
"cut off line" seems to be much farther down the food chain.....

personally I want to be as far from the planet trashers as I can
get... I'm a planet fixer by trade these days, and looking in the
mirror and knowing I've got farther to go, than time to get there on
getting my own act cleaned up....

and I've become very unpopular at times pushing my group to change
mental paradigms.... I take alot of flack from people who think they
are better than me because their decisions have resulted in more money
than mine....

well, I'm trying to result in survival.... and I'd rather be
unpopular than dead.... and I'd rather my friends and family were
angry at me, than staring siteless at infinity....

wasnt 24 hours past I had people telling me how screwed up I am....
people I have tried to herd to safety for a generation.... people who
have been arrogant at times and good to me at others...

I do what I can... I dont do what I shouldnt....

I live by abnormal criteria.....

and sometimes it hurts alot what people I try to help do to me...
but I keep trying.... and failure has become the restart button....

will I suceed? I doubt it....

most likely I lose my kids, my entire family, and all of my friends,
in whats coming... but it wont be because I didnt try, and keep

I have been hurt so many times in my life, that I had the strange
experience the other day of physically sobbing, and being perfectly
calm in my mind.... catching abuse for trying to help others...

I have lived alone for about 16 years, no woman, because I stick to my
path and its not economically lush enough for a cow of civilisation..

and if necessary, I will keep on or die trying.....

because I do know the difference between right and wrong... and I do
know what getting over the finish line means, and I do care about
others more than they care about me... and thats all OK if I can herd
them over the line too, before the time runs out.... abuse I'm
used to... Its all I know...

its a hard path to humility... getting there, thats what counts...
Keep my eyes on the blue mountains, one foot in front other, turn
blue mountains into green foothills via relentless fortitude of
steps... tape the blisters, drip sweat in the noonday sun, walk by
moonlight, whatever it takes to move body from the desert of
civilization to the high medows of hope.... to lay my bones beside a
mountain spring if thats my last erg of energy...

so laugh at me... laughter that hurts... I dont care, its the
laughter of desert demons who dont yet know theyre dead...

I've been laughed at my whole life.... wouldnt know what happened
if the canned laughter stopped....

anyway, its my 54th birthday... just after midnight, alone on a
mountain, jungle noises, creeks running, dog sleeping on my floor...
Blanket over my head... Writing my insanity, trying to herd others to
safety too, with words most likely no one reads.....

Sent from my mobile device

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