Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday 24th June 2010.......


almost dawn, slept well, feeling OK....

got fire going, thinking about the system, and how badly its screwed up...

and how badly its getting beat up....
they did it to themselves....
Because they arent intelligent enough to realize their own shit stinks...

Alex Jones? A rabble rouser, his model for success based on the fact
the rabble is fed up with being twiddled with...

he gets infinite help from the system..

its very easy for him to sensationalize on how screwed up everything is..

and the status quo has made every mistake possible, so it creates a
fertile seedbed for anger & discontent...

I listen via short wave, because there isnt much else there... BBC
discontinued coverage in my area, VOA has been castrated, so a
billion and growing short wave listeners have a clear channel to
dirty laundry....

I think Alex means well and is right on alot of things, but I also
know he's missing the boat on some important issues... not important,
as short wave listeners have been filtering information and coming to
their own conclusions, and acting on them since day one....

nobody likes the government, not even people who work for it... the
top down approach is disfunctional by its very nature in a world of

most people want left alone..

most people arent gay, or feminists, and anybody with any experience
knows they are sick and tired of being twiddled with by management
freaks with arrogant attitudes, and having their lives trashed by
legalists and money gougers...

rotten fruit falls early....

people dont like boring jobs, people dont like stress, people dont
like being milked, and people dont like being told how to manage their

and they dont like the rat race...

people like free time, people like doing fun things with their kids,
people like being wholesome....

the system in its current incarnation is doomed...

more & more people are realizing the same things I have; that freedom
from the crap is more important than money.....

people want space and freedom, and social activities, and good food
and drink... people are sick of living meaningless live packed into
cities & subdivisions..

I would never live like that.. i'd live out of a kayak or a backpack

it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out life sucks in the system...

and as they get more fed up, they look for other options... as they
get trashed economically they realize a house and garage full of shit
they dont have time to use is meaningless...

and that there are other options...

there is a revolution happening... its not inheriently violent....
But is being pushed that direction by the absolute stupidity of the
status quo...

I've won my own revolution... got out, doing fine.. Hardest part was
figuring out what all I didnt need, and that the neoindigenous path is
always functional...

love cheese burgers, havent had one in years.. so what, I eat every
day, dont kill any cows, and am healthier... there is more to life
than stuffing my face with dead animal parts, or swilling beer....

freedom is more fun...

no woman, no problem, at 54 they tend to be mentally classed in the
option department, not the hormonal necessity thought space...

and theyre a bit slower on the uptake about getting out of the system
due to being the better vanity heads, but theyll figure it out in due
time as things inevitibly worsen due to constant skewed

all the real men are getting out... All the real women will tire of
their meaningless lives with pet twits....

the rest will go down with the Titanic, and worry about the poochy
fat sticking out of their bikinies and worrying about the correct
mascara for swimming as their husbands wait on them and miss a place
in the life boats doing so...

it will all be a fun social game to them until their nipples hit the water.....

heard a woman on a call-in
yesterday, out of work, running out of unemployment, and they want to
drug test her before "allowing" an extension...

I dont think failing was an issue, but she was figuring out it was degrading..

so much for being a protected species in the system...

no doubt on social sites looking for a knight...
Good luck lady, all the yuppie schumcks are in the same boat...
would you be interested in a nutcase living in the tropics on a farm
he planted a thousand food trees on? I never was handsome, or rich,
or all that pliant.... But I might be willing to make a deal if it was
sweet enough, and stayed that way....

heres the deal; you learn to live outside, cook over a real fire, you
scrub my shorts with a brush, and when I get silly ideas, you giggle &

for that, you get a place at a plate, plenty of spring water to keep
clean, share a blanket, and get to help peel breadnuts, yucca, and
cut up the breadfruit, and pack in bananas...

plenty of time to plant flowers, plenty of nice romance, plenty of
laid back conversation, and you'll only need enough clothing to cover
the more interesting parts if visitors show up, which they seldom

you can brush the dog, swim in tropical rivers or sea, learn how to
fish, and keep the shelter swept and better organized than I do...

theres no shortage of food, I give the stuff away regularly, and if
you want to do alittle work, we can make exelent wine by the barrels

anyway, the curve is catching up with me...

welcome to reality...

or stay in the system until it flops..

Sent from my mobile device

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