Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday 19th June, 2010......


overcast, trying to burn off....

did the town run yesterday, got the worker's pay..

also food for myself, spent $21 for food for the month, including a
loaf of whole wheat bread, for my little niece....
Had the clerk try to overcharge me near $10 at the register, which I
caught... was it an honest mistake, or the common screw the gringo
routine? you never know which here, but you do notice errors only
work one way.....

my niece asked me when I got to her house, if I got her peanut
butter.. I had to say; no, I couldnt afford it this month.. what I
didnt say, was the reason my budget is so tight this month, is I'm
trying to get a sewing machine for her and her mom, in time for her
birthday party... so her mom has a tool to work her way thru
school.. and to support her daughter's education at a better level as
well.. we shall see what she does with it....

She likes craftsy things, loves clothes, and is hard working, and
sells women's products from catalogs to other women...

including clothing.....

anyway, doing something similar to the micro loans in Nepal, and other

my niece's mom is doing a public raffle to finance a birthday party
for her little girl.. She's worried she will only make the prize

I bought a ticket, and told her if I won, to use the prize money on the party...

while I was there, got to watch a bit of TV news...

interview with a mother who's son had just been killed in prison...

they also did an interview with the head of what they called; "the
department of mental adjustments".... he was obviously a shrink, and
explained in such nice words, why the system couldnt possibly be held
responsible for the death of somebody they were guarding.... it was
very Orwellian, felt just like reading 1984.......

the other bit of news was an attempted rape of a young college girl...
At knife point... within earshot of a police guard station.... the
guard heard her yelling, but somehow she made it to the police
building, before the police made it to her.. She was running minus her

its always the same on San Jose news; dead bodies, rapes, often also
dead bodies, and officials who explain its not possibly the fault of
the government that public safty is disfunctional....

should sound familiar to anyone living on this planet.....

well, going to be interesting to hear what well dressed public
officials have to say at their trials when the alien arrival

funny thing about the bible, somehow the aliens knew what was going
on in Sodom and Gomora, seems they must have a pretty good monitoring
system, if they can keep track of remote human cities thousands of
years before electricity..... do you suppose they could be
monitoring internet, TV, radio etc.?

I suspect so....

anyway, I've been having some family problems.. The usual....
individual vanity versus group balance.... had an interesting
experience, I was physically crying, and realized the pain didnt
hurt... and I'm not doing psychotropic drugs.... strange experience
to feel pain in my body but not my mind, at the same time.... one
for the shrinks to ponder?

I think it was that I've just been trashed so often growing up &
living in modern culture, that I've gotten used to emotional pain on
such a regular basis that it's run out of effect.... its been a
lifetime of getting trashed by other people.... glad I've finally
realized the truth, and am speaking up, and speaking out.... and
trying to do good things, and trying to not do bad things.....
trying counts... repeated trying counts.. especially with the usual
in life repeated failures..... I dont mind the failures so much
anymore... to me they have become restart buttons to try again....

attitude is everything... and everyone seems to have an attitude
these days..... mine is working towards humble and honest, whats
yours getting to be?

anyway was good to see my little niece, played with her awhile, she
got out the little plastic alligators I gave her for christmas, and
we had fun giving each other alligator bites and giggling... its fun
being 3.... even at 54...... she also insisted on giving me a kiss
when I left... good hearted little girl... worth saving a world

read my BBC headlines this morning.. IMF saying Greece is doing the
right thing.. thats like having a Vampire Doctor convincing you, you
need a blood transfusion.... just let us get the big needle into your
neck, and you'll feel much better soon....

you notice they have you sign the bill first now... thats in case
they help you just a little too much....

I notice BBC has degenerated into a politically correct mouth piece
for feminists and vampires these days... I'd be ashamed to work
there with some of the headlines..... like the IMF helping anyone
but themselves? do I look that gullible?

or suspected terrorists being killed by death from the sky.... gee?
Then they find out later it was another wedding party.... funny how
they never start out; suspected wedding party killed.... slant only
goes one way, and repeating intel produced by governments, is less
reliable than cheating husbands giving excuses....

come on! nobody belives a bleeping word any of you say any more....

you've run your course... Politically correct flim flam yuppies! get
out of town while you still can...

anyway, pretty morning here... and just want to close, by saying I
forgive everyone.... and hope you try to do better... because
thats the only way to save the world for my little niece, so someday I
can play alligator bites with her kids.....

Sent from my mobile device

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