Monday, June 28, 2010

Monday, 28th, June, 2010.....

Morning, a couple hours until dawn...

thinking about the BP disaster, heard some rumors last night on short wave...

I suspect the problems are just beginning.....

here's why; they've cracked a hole in the egg.. when it quits
spurting oil, which could be awhile, and the pressure drops on the
natural gas and oil coming out, to the same pressure at the well head
nearly a mile deep below the sea surface, what they will have is a
rather large steam bomb...

old faithful gieser, created by BP, with a chamber equal to the
volume of the oil and gas removed by the current blowing...

when those pressures equalize and sea water begins down into the
holes, we'll see repeating steam explosions.. and likely even more
cracking.. much much more... leading to bigger explosions and
more cracking... and add a bit of spark at the ocean's surface,
and alot of natural gas explodes and burns and sets off the oil...
and when the steam explosions start, they will pump even more oil
up.... and there is potentials for a fuel air bomb explosion on the
ocean's surface, perhaps aided by the concussion wave of the steam
explosion... what we are talking about is the physics of an
explosion perhaps exceeding a hydrogen bomb if certain conditions are

my only questions, are how hot is the chamber theyre into? and how
big? another question might be how much oxygen is in the water at the
well head depths? excess oxygen, like fish breathe, because its
going down the hole with the sea water, and when the steam explosions
happen, could add to the effect by being an oxydizer for a diesel
effect with the hydrocarbons...

which makes me ask one more question....

at what temperatures and pressures would water diesel? I dont think
we'd see that, but I could be wrong, and it would be a good thing for
the physicists to ponder...

as I doubt such a direct hole to such a hot and deep chamber has ever
occured naturally....

and the rumors keep repeating that its some kind of volcanic or magma
chamber with oil and gas on top...

I think we'll be very lucky if we dont get a catastrophe far beyond
what we're looking at now... and I'm really glad I'm as far away as
I am.... steam explosions are no joke, and if the first ones blow
a big enough hole, the follow ups could get even bigger... kind of
an increasing chain reaction, like a piston engine being given more
combustion mix... acceleration and into a power band...

perhaps much more impressive than a volcano like Saint Helens or
Krakatoa.... its a direct shot for sea water at high pressures to be
injected into a deep hot hole... which will grow the size of the

another thought to ponder, is how did we get here to this problem?
well two factors; greedy leadership, and gullible sheep.....

the reason BP was drilling and pumping, was because you were buying
what they tanked...

is a little thing like an un natural disaster going to stop the
mentally ill in the elite from being greedy?


they are terminally greedy... and will gladly kill billions to make

I suggest you quit buying into the system, and I suggest people with
brains start leaving the area now, and taking their guns with them,
before martial law and checkpoints, to remove them from their means of
real defense before installing them in FEMA camps instead of having
them stay at their cousin's house...

my point is dont trust the same system that caused the problem, to
save you from it's effects...

also realize that the chances of nothing happening when the sea water
goes down the holes, are zero... they have drilled several miles down
into the crust, which is thinner under the sea, and whatever the
temperatures are in that hole, if theyre hotter than a hundred
degrees centigrade, there will be an effect.... also realize there
is vocanic activity around the Caribbean area... meaning its not a
cold area..

I think the problem could get very ugly as its very focused on one
spot, and there will be alot of energy at work..

makes me happy for the distance, and the mountain ranges... and
being on a non connected sea...

because they've started a toxic explosive pus sore with their greed &
arrogance, and the number of deaths will begin to rise exponentially,
and you can expect the government to do the exact wrong thing at any
given moment... theyre a bunch of stupid drones who are habitual
liars... their only clear thought is to stuff their own pockets
anyway possible... no matter the costs to others... Its absolutes...

so trust in the Scarecrow in the white house on Pennsylvamia avenue
all you want.... I personally would be stashing guns, ammo, and food
in plastic pipe tubes burried somewhere north of the gulf by several
hundred miles... past where I thought checkpoints would be... I'd
also be looking for off road transportation options... ways to
scatter and live... because I'd know counting on the government for
anything except absolute extreme stupidity, would effectively be
suicide... theyre bleeping villiage idiots on steroids.... & they
only know one thing; "get the money"....

Sent from my mobile device

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