home alone, seem to be in recovery mode from too much being awake last
night at various times..
listened to short wave, a few different topics, most memorable
was, that MS is caused by vitamin D deficiency...
seems they never get the overview; that to be healthy you have to have
a natural life, with plenty of sunshine & fresh food...
amazing how they always have pills to sell instead, and a job to pay for them...
and never ever never connect the dots, that they are the problem,
pushing the artificial life....
also heard some commentary about the unfolding Ben Laudin fiasco...
Obama & crooks down to whining we dont believe them... well, he used
to be believed, and then did a "hero to zero" manouver in record time,
thru a combination of lies, reversals, graft, and starting new wars &
continuing old ones etc...
his term has been a littany of Turd Midas effects, and we're supposed
to still believe in their little dog & pony show, run by Goblins,
Gremlins, Trolls, Ogres, & worse... All in three piece suits, the
talking heads....
I think theyre beneath national contempt..
I also think they fit the "Liars, Thieves, & Killers" decsription in
the Bible, come to "Kill, Steal, & Destroy"....
What are the effects of their games? how many dead? How much
destruction? how many lies?
how much money stolen? How many resources taken over? and who pays
for it all? Who financed it? Mr. & Mrs. Normal do....
theyre the Serpents JC talked about...
and I dont vote for them, I dont pay taxes to them, and I dont buy
into their system or the crap that comes out of their mouths...
and I work constantly to free others from their slavery... Thats what
this blog is about, putting out concepts & thoughts around the focal
point of getting out of the system, & surviving its aftermath..
anyway, what a bunch of disgusting human types... best you quit
gathering around a TV, and start gathering around a cooking fire...
otherwise the bastards are going to get you nuked...
and your job title, perks, & vanities, will get you & your kids,
this aint no joke folks, these assholes are steering the ship towards
Armageddon, and you sit on your wide asses watching TV, and motor
along the freeways comparing vanity mobiles...
And when you aint doing that, you work for them and pay taxes to them...
theres only going to be a few survivors...
those with enough brains & guts to get out of Babylon, and quit
kissing the whore....
anyway, its a fairy tale on your TV, welcome to Goblin Channel
whatever.. With the disinfo babes, the Barbie & Ken doll routines, and
the worst propaganda in human history...
at least the eastern Europeans were smart enough to know it was lies
direct from the KGB....
most of the US & Western Europe wouldnt know the truth if it was a
Dinosaur shitting on them...
all I can say, is repeat what JC said in Mathew 24; when you see the
abomination that causes desolation, best you run for the hills...
I'm already there.. He who gets there fisrtest, does bestus...
the last arrivals wont have their jacket according to JC....
let alone any survival gear, tools etc... will be known as "Bug Eaters"....
me? I work at it constantly.... doing my shopping list for the
month.. After minimal amounts of boughten food, the rest is some kind
of preparedness stuff..
and I have little economics to work with, most of the time do it all
on $100 a month.. you try that... Eat and prepare for WW3 on that
and I've managed to get much more than I need for myself.. which will
help others..
and I'm not done yet... I'll be struggling until I see the flash in the sky...
folks, I'm listening to the demise from a distance.. I'm not sitting
watching the TV on Ground Zeroville USA....
and I've been learning real time for 15 years in a benign climate...
Like Florida when I was a kid... I wouldnt want to have to try
this someplace cold, only one harvest season per year, and dependent
on fossil fuels... I'm thankful for the distance between me & the
nearest nuke plant...
I've done alot of things in my life.. Have scars to prove it.. things
most people would never think to try, & never get to do... but if I
had to start over from scratch, it would be so much easier for the
things I've learned... most of which I've blogged about here, so you
get them for free... no scars...
it isnt how much you have, its how together your trip is.. the
overall harmony & practicality...
true affluence, is having your life in order to where you dont need
anything, or want it for that matter..
and you can do that at various levels, from humility to vanity..
preparedness is reality related...
Sent from my mobile device
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