just woke, built a fire, and put tea on...
fell asleep listening to short wave...
And woke having this bazaar dream,
only to realize it was the radio theater program just going off, as I woke...
Fell asleep listening to "Ben Laudin fever" over the ether... not too
much concerned, not stupid enough to believe a word the government
has said in years... Last time I was sucked in, was the presidential
election, when I thought there might be some hope if Obama got
elected, which I wrote about in this blog... it was a short
anyway, After the strange dream which turned out to be the strange
radio theater, it dawned on me, that their was a connection....
the nightmare the world is watching unfold is a strange radio & TV
drama program... The worst nightmare imaginable; how the world
the nightmare is real, but the program is fictional..
and I remembered a kid I knew in about fourth grade, son of one of my
father's co-workers..
Strange kid... He was a habitual liar... I mean this kid didnt do
anything but tell lies 24/7.. and I was having a hard time even
playing with him.. I usually tell it like I see it, flat out, and
most of my childhood's most imprinted memories were of getting
violently abused for telling the truth... By a father who would be in
prison, if he'd been doing what he did back then, in the modern era...
to 4 kids from two different wives, three of whom survived it... all
three survivors took heavy damage..
anyway, back to the habitual liar... never saw anyone else in my life
like him... and after a couple days of putting up with constant
obvious lies, I tried something...
I just invented a big bullshit story as big as one of his... Just one
big lie... And the kid listened, and quit lying to me.. It was
instant.. And he never lied to me again...
and tonight waking up, after the bazaar induced nightmare, I
remembered that kid, and realized how he was, was just like the
government & mainstream media..
all I've ever heard was lies...
now I do some amateur psychology work.. With people... and I have a
young woman friend now a licensed psychologist, who got interested in
the field as a kid, when I taught her things about human psychology...
and tonight I thought about the habitual liar kid years ago, and
imagined a psychologist interviewing the kid, trying to figure out his
obvious problem..
and realized thats what listening to the status quo is like... Like
trying to figure out what their mental problem is...
mass psychology is just like individual psychology,
same neurosis etc.. the collective is an individual, and has a
personality disorder... in our case, he's a habitual liar..
none of us with our headlights turned on believes a word Mr. status
Quo says... its gotten obvious what his problem is..
but in this case, I dont think telling him a big lie back is going to
get him to stop...
but I do think we can cure him... just by mentioning none of us
believes a bleeping word he says....
only thing I havent figured out, is how we do that collectively? I
suspect by turning off the program, and when anybody mentions any of
the shit passed off as news, just say; I dont pay any attention to the
news, its just a habitual liar's forum...
state your disbelief publically.. It may help others caught up in the
big lie... do it at every opportunity.. The more you do it, the more
others will have to start thinking.. The way to stop the bazaar
program is click it off, and anytime anything on TV is mentioned,
just say you dont pay attention to it, the habitual liar's forum, or
youre own analogy for it.. The more analogies the better...
the normacy paradigm is based on what is unsaid & what is said..
"Say what is unsaid.. Dont just repeat what is said...."
its garbage.. dog puke is more real & smells better..
at last count Ben Laudin has been dead 9 times if you gather up all
the stories off mainstream over the years...
I'm just waiting to hear story ten, eleven, twelve etc.
Ben Laudin is dead? I feel sorry for his family...
but he's being immortalized... a new form of creative literature..
mainstream doing Ben Laudin is dead stories... maybe we should start
telling big lies back? Just everybody invent up their own Ben Laudin
is dead story? maybe Obunghole, & the Wicked Witch of the East would
get the idea, that we dont believe their shit, if we replaced lawyer
jokes with how theyre going to kill Ben Laudin next time they need a
ratings boot for political purposes...
let me be first;
I think next time, theyll kill Ben Laudin, by nuking the entire
bleeping planet..
there, thats a big enough lie..
these people are obviously terminally insane...
be not one of them...
Sent from my mobile device
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