waiting for tea over the sacred flames...
Thinking this morning about medical kits, & Doggy Travois concepts...
realized how I can use the bolts welded head to head for wheel axles &
use to hold frame together at cross pieces; will use longer bolts on
inside, drill into ends of cross pieces and then a larger hole thru
crosspiece at 90 degrees for the nuts... its a system I've used
before, but hadnt thought of for travois concepts... it solves a
problem I've been gnawing on for horse travois also, but would have to
have crosspiece set high and maybe a cut out under side, to not impeed
dragging minus wheels in the event of a tire or bearing problem..
on horse travois thinking to use a piece of steel strap on each skid,
at wear point dragging, on doggy travois might go cutting board type
plastic at same location..
What I'm after is fail safe redundancy..
the Doggy travois is starting to make more sense to me than I thought
it would.. Any survivalist wannabee worth his salt has a big dog..
Even people in cities have big dogs, when they cant own a horse
etc... and I see the unit being able to double as a human powered
hand cart... also dog harnesses are commonly available now that could
be adapted by sewing on padding...
my padding of choice would be the closed cell blue foam like used on
ground pads & under carpets... Covered with nylon pack cloth, like a
padded backpack strap...
the biggest problems in my experience living subsistence with dogs,
is adequate supplies of high protien foods.. dogs dont like beans...
during the Klondike gold rush, sled dogs were often fed fish &
cornmeal mush... but thanks to the Army Corps of Humdingers, and the
commercial fishing industry, and now the Japanese nuclear power
industry, the Salmon by the millions are no more... my sollution long
term will likely be raising Talapia, and pressure cooking for a couple
minutes to soften bones... then vacuum drying.. This all requires a
stationary reality.. For mobility in refugee situation, I'd likely
make a butterfly net, and use for grasshoppers etc. & assist the dog
that way... my now missing dog partner was constantly hunting
grasshoppers with relish, she also was fond of hunting rats & mice as
are all German shepherds..
another issue with dogs is minerals & vitamins.. I strongly suggest if
you have a survival dog, that you stock up on those & anti-parasite
ditto for horse minerals & drugs..
Also vitamin C for hip displasia in larger dog breeds...
Dog carts are also a viable option.. the Saint Bernard wasnt likely
invented to take Rum to bums in snow drifts.... and one concept I've
thought about long term, is the wheeled dog sled.... my son & I are
discussing getting into somewhat of a dog breeding & training
business/hobby as a sideline.. we'd use german shepherds, thinking
to have the hobby pay for upkeep on the pack, & at same time provide
some serious security for us... latins only respect two things;
weapons, and people ready to use them, and German shepherds etc. With
teeth bared coming at them.. I'm sure other types of people lacking
correct levels of respect would have the same reactions...
one problem here in CR, is people are fond of poisoning dogs they dont
like... happens very regularly... the bleeping assholes will poison
a neighbor's dog for no other reason than it keeps them from stealing
his Platinos... even the Police are rumored to poison dogs in the
past... No humane society w/doggy auchwitz here, more direct
so I suggest that one train their dog to not take food from anyone but
trusted friends & family members or with permission thereof...
we're going to look for a registered female here, and also a male &
female in the states from different lines...
so we start with dogs from a wide genetic pool...
Also will be looking at larger end, conformation type show dogs tend
to be on the smaller end of the breed size wise, due to a status quo
rule of thumb with humans, is if they can get an entrenched status quo
going, potential goes out the window... Turd Midas effect...
Also have been thinking about rumor that FEMA camps are for people the
status quo thinks are "worth saving" ie their slave class in brave
new world scenario... if youre inside a fence, your a prisoner... No
matter what they come up with for fancy job titles.. I also wonder
what they plan to do with people not good enough for them? a catch &
release program, with a vaccination? so they wander off to die
someplace the Elite dont have to smell their handywork?
there may be cowardly brainless types who think being on the inside is
a good idea, but I think anyone who is street or brush wise wouldnt be
caught dead in their dragnet... consider what will happen as food
stocks get low, and the slave farm agriculture projects fail due to
climatic problems & chemical caused sensitivity to adaptive microbes
etc... one's evaluation as a good rainbow nigger might be potentially
fatal... And any of you who have worked for public agencies or
corporations know what a farce evaluations can be.. Mostly a
buttlicking quotient..
also I suspect females will be vetted according to sexual
desireability by the elite... camp girls have been a common reality
in every similar situation in human history... so if you women dont
want being appreciated by people you might not like, I'd be wary as a
There will be those who think thats just fine... I suggest they read
about what happened to similarly minded females in Soviet Gulags...
yes they ate better, got easier work, but they also died like flys
from sexually transmitted diseases...
And what happens babe, when you start looking over the hill? do you
suppose theyll shuffle you into a cush office job? Or just gas you
like a Jewish dog? according to the Bible, these "people" lack
"mercy".. As one of their job description criteria...
so I suggest you women & girls do some running in your exercise
program, have camouflage in your designer wardrobes, and practice
playing hide & seek during paintball games... otherwise you could
find yourself being issued some KY-jelly inside the wire, and facing a
long line of suitors, some of whom will think being not nice is
and the females who think that sounds good, might want to practice
some of the finer arts on the porno training films, so you are adept
at surviving
the daily episodes with people on sexually laced power trips...
they arent going to care... Theyll see you as an expendible commodity...
The two places not to be when they come looking, is in your home, or
at your job... and I suggest you research what happened in sports
stadiums during the Spanish civil war.. theres a reason they ran
people into the stadium during Katrina... Its so you'd think that was
standard proceedure in the future.. in whats coming, the stadiums
will likely be asseted with a backhoe.
that way, the jock heads can rest in peace where their favorite
gladiators can walk on their faces.
also, think about this; that alien arrival is promised in the bible &
book of Enoch. we are dealing with some kind of Galactic warrior
society.. Jehova of Armies ring any bells? so should one be
cowardly, a colaborator, or be living inside elite wire for the laser
& stone softening up phase, or the ground assault happens? also
there is a ressurection promised for Martyrs & heros. and if they
could do it with JC, & Moses, they can do it with others... So better
you die protecting your family & kids, than go docile into the night
on your way to the city midden...
the patterns are always the same.. We've just been fooled into
thinking genocides are local issues.... well, eyes wide folks, all
those national governments & multinational corporations, are where the
serpents migrate to when left to their own devices.
Is killing Kadafi's grandkids any different than Paul Pott? its all
about lying, stealing & killing folks.. Thats what these types do
best... greed and ego.. No mercy. And you & family in their sights...
for what little you own, or just for them to add to their body count
to gain respect,
Sent from my mobile device
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