playing subsistence, spent the morning getting cooking fuel &
breadnuts cleaned and going...
decided to keep it simple, will cook breadfruit & beans tomorrow...
its the week before payday syndrom, only this time worse, last week
the bank machine was INOP, so I had a wasted day, & had about 5 hours
on busses, wasted the transport fee etc, climbed the mountain, and
didnt get to buy any food.. but no big worry, just made food from
farm stuff, doing fine, and decided today just to cook & munch
breadnuts, which I got enough for the day, from the house tree, &
after cleaning and getting them cooking, another falls, with the usual
big plopping noise...
I put tea on at same time, have more limes than I need, and lined up
some cooking fuel for tomorrow...
I like to add citrus to tea, quit buying sugar, so just tea & lemon or lime...
I just drained the boiled breadnuts, scooped off a few to eat now,
rest into stainless wok, to dry and toast as day progresses..
anyway, so its like being a castaway, sitting here comfy in my
shorts, peeling small finger food with the point of my knife, happy as
a clam...
Amazing how much better life gets for a guy, with no "Sex Mommy"
manipulating the dogshit out of him...
got an email from a buddy, he spent his day off helping another friend
leave his wife in the rear view mirror permanently..
story I got, was it was nice guy fed up with constant shit.. He pulled
his tent stakes, left her beside the trail for the next fool who
happens along...
As the Tao points out; revolution happens when life isnt worth
living.. Meaning the average guy with a wife is hanging out on the
border line..
and as of yesterday, another Refrigerator queen on the market...
bad time to be a queen minus Entourage... could affect the
refrigerator futures...
their GOD! the system, seems to be having some digestive problems...
Its eating up everything, and only producing problems for those
feeding it...
Sad day for women ahead.. Their protected species classification becomes moot..
hope I'm far enough away from humanity to not have to hear it....
Likely would give me nightmares...
anyway, now stuffed on breadnuts, sipping tea with lime juice.. life
is OK, even without paying taxes, or trying to keep some vanity head
basically I've gotten my economic umbilical to the beast down to $100
a month, and two thirds goes into preparedness stuff.. meaning when
the system finally goes out, I'll have everything, and plenty of food
coming in from the stuff I've spent years getting planted..
Costa Rica has passed FEMA like nose in your farm's business, then
steal your food laws... I think theyre dreaming, not enough food
grown in the country, even if they confiscated it all, and not enough
mechanization in the whole country to do anything either, if imports
basically theyve been in the tourism for food business, and stealing
everything possible from the tourists...
going to be alot of hungry rats in San Jose, fighting over the last of
the rice & beans...
and its a long walk to anywhere with any food, when the Mall Dream stops..
funny aside; I'm on this date site, that wont function from here
with my fone... Its a rip off site, so I ignore it, but fun part is I
get hit on almost everyday by one or two new women.. its mostly in
country white women & Ticas.. so what you say?
well, same site might have produced one or two hits a year a couple
years back...
its really getting to be a buyer's market..
I dont care anymore.. used to living alone, and running my own
life... The work load has gone way down, seemed to be a direct link to
female expectations..
now days I just get to be a happy brush rat..
Sent from my mobile device
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