Morning, just after four AM, awaiting sunrise in an hour, have a
small toad wandering around in the house eating bugs... he seems to
be doing pretty good, the sticky toung at work...
Listened to a bit of short wave last night, Albert Addis, I like his
spiels, last night he was talking about the economy as usual, and
commenting on government lies, and how they've trapped themselves into
deeper & deeper lies with no way out.... Evidently there are ships
parked in Singapore, world's busiest port, all the way to the horizon,
idle.. More ships than the american & brittish navy combined, not
business as usual carrying toys for christmas etc..
Well, the Grinches have finally stolen Christmas, they did it last
year, by giving all the money to the big bankers and calling it an
economic bailout... Same bankers who caused the problems mind you,
who blew a trillion or so on big bonuses for themselves, pet whores,
and posh parties....
"why is there poverty? Because the rulers eat up all the money in taxes." (Tao)
last year, I realized at Christmas, that if things kept getting
worse, this Christmas could effectively trigger the collapse...
so we shall see...
I dont think the government has any credibility with anyone... the
only reason things havent crashed already is because people have to
eat, have to keep trying somehow, but its only a matter of time until
Rome begins to burn....
Same trips as Rome's demise, failed foriegn wars of conquest,
corruption and lunacy at home, and people oweing their children to
the creditors...
so, its time and past time, to load up your ox cart, and head to the
edge of the empire and join up with the barbarians, get on the
backside of the invasion and sacking... sacking, is now known as
And the Praetorian guard , i.e. Homland security, has big plans to
protect the wealthy, but I think when it all comes unglued, there
will be plenty of fat rich bitches being raped on bloody marble
floors...well, maybe on some Monsanto product floors, but you get the
I wonder if after it all comes apart, if there will still be a
squawking head smiling on the TV The next day, telling us how things
are getting steadily better, a friendly face, well chosen words, a
tone of voice that inspires confidence & belief....
like a tape left running on an endless loop...
Repeat, repeat, repeat.....
and if this Christmas aint poor enough, I'm sure they'll keep robbing
us and calling it a cure... like the church bleeding robin hood to
death with leaches......
well, there's only one way out.... And thats to begin telling the
truth..... but I dont think they know how its even done.... maybe
they should interview some elite university psychology professor on
mainstream TV, ask him what the truth is, and how do you get there?
what kind of phrases does it entail, what kind of spin doctors do
you need to script it up? etc.
And he, liking his job, can utter some double speak, drop some
names, quote some history, give some stern but meaningless advice,
while the presenters nod solemly.....
you know the presenters; "Barbie & Ken"......
No folks.... I think we're going to learn the truth the hard way....
and if you arent out growing spuds in some mountain valley where the
new better, improved, & government mandated Digital TV doesnt reach,
could be you on the marble floor with the line of Rats waiting for
their turn on you....
Things are going to get alot worse before they get any better.... and
as long as you see Corporate lap dummies on your TV, dont expect
them to say anything that isnt fluff.....
Best head down to the hardware store, and buy a hoe.... you can ask
the salesman about them, what they are, which end goes in the dirt
etc. get a file too, the salesman may or may not know how to use it
on the hoe.... I"ll give you a clue; you sharpen the straight edge on
the metal thingy..If the thingy has bend in it, curve, you sharpen
it on the outside, away from the handle, and if the blade thingy is
straight, you file it on the inside...
then start thinking about all the people you know, and know of.....
and try to remember if you've heard of any organic gardeners,
hopefully living out of town, and when the shit hits, you grab your
blankets and hoe, and head for that person.....
they'll know what to do, and how to do it, and you can live on body
fat & bugs, and practice your new hoeing skills until either there's
food, or you run out of bugs and die.......
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
9th, September, 2009................
Morning, awaiting dawn in a few minutes....
Thinking this morning about The Ranchers, i.e. Our human/alien
And I think I've stumbled onto the logic of what its all about....
You remember in the 8ible, the part in the garden of Eden, where they
eat the fruit from the tree of knowlege, and become capable of
discerning good and evil....
I think this represents the dividing line we crossed going from
animal to human.... That our aquiring creativity, i.e. Being like
God, allows us to do limitless things... unfortunately we live in a
universe with natural limits..... and if you can do unlimited things
in a limited reality, you soon run into problems....
I think what the bible is is an attempt to teach primitive humans in a
form they can relate with....
i.e. supersticion...
God represents in balance/honesty with natural law....
Satan represents out if balance/dishonesty/destruction.......
Good and evil represent balance/honesty versus dishonesty/imbalance......
We are capable of using our intelligence and imagination to build a
better world, or to destroy it......
What our progenitors have done is set us up with the good and evil
paradigm, honesty/dishonesty, as god & satan... god is about
natural law, satan is about free will.....
And we are like three year olds who want to do what ever we want, no
matter the consequences, and the Ranchers are acting like parents,
telling us no, you cant play in the street...
The path to life is narrow, the path to destruction is broad....
in other words, sorry Johnny, you have to accept disapline, because
its a dangerous world....
an economic system might be used as an example;
any system that is honest, will function fine, be it using intrinsic
value metallic currency, or a fiat paper currency, or a system of
digital credits.....
as long as its honest.....
if you begin mixing base alloys with your intrinsic value metals,
pretty soon you get a junk economy....
if you begin printing more and more paper money, pretty soon none
of it is wort any thing..
if you use a digital credit currency and a fractional reserve system
that pumps money like a breeder reactor....
well thats a quick trip to economic crash.....
if you have a system where all the wealth is sucked upwards to an
elite, pretty soon you have social unrest and eventually feeding
Guillotines as a national sport.....
the only economic system with a future is an honest one.....
if you have a system with imbalances, disaster follows.... for
example, if wages are high in one place, and low in another, and
workers are exploited accordingly, by capitalists moving out of higher
areas into lows, you get poverty on both ends...
an example of a workable system might be to establish a digital
credit system based solely on labor, where you have a uniform
minimum wage planet wide, of say ten credits for each hour worked....
the currency would expand and contract with the total amount of labor,
more laborers laboring, and the currency system etc. Adapts
accordingly... for the disparity of skills and experience, maybe you
could have a variable pay scale, where the highest wage was no more
than ten times the lowest... I.E. no multimillion dollar salaries
and bonuses for corporate executives, they can make all the money
they want, as long as they raise minimum wages accordingly...
another option might be to establish social importance or place, not
by how much a person can stuff into their own pockets, but by how much
they contribute to the social system... i.e. Anything after a wage
cap set at a comfortable life, goes into public coffers, and instead
of squawking greed heads on TV, you could have those people who had
actually done most for the society, and not those who just pretend to,
while becomming filthy rich......
my point is much of the bible may be figurative....
Certainly plenty is literal, but if you grasp that the skygods are
actually living beings that breathe etc.,
The constructs of the figurative side of the game begin to fall apart
literally... but that doesnt negate their importance as teachings,
it meerly transposes them from disapline from above for children, to
the self disapline of adults...
We have to clean up our act on the planet... if not, its
apocalypse... Coming soon to a theater near you..... we have little
time left to digest the paradigm, or soon we will choke on our own
What I see is everyone fighting over money, religion, politics etc.
And if we dont stop it, we certainly will meet prophecy personally
every one of us, in the form of wars, plagues, famines, mega quake,
and our galactic progenitors who arrive on scene, take over and have
their way with us like naughty children who have trashed the house
while mommy ran to the corner store, and dad was at work, and we
were supposed to be cleaning our room.....
more of the same is not a viable option, more taxes wont help, more
consumerism wont save us, and more injustice via more police states
will only hasten disaster...
Nor can we expect others to save us, not government, not our neighbors
etc. We have to change the paradigm from within....
this also has two sides, we can't fix ourselves and our systems if
we lack the courage to refuse their injustices... I personally dont
care what the law says anymore, its not my law, its their law, my law
is internal, I know right from wrong, their law is external, and from
the looks of things we have evolved a leadership that not only doesnt
know the difference between right and wrong, but feeds off things
that are in truth extreme evil, like excessive profit, control trips,
trashing the planet and calling it progress, dividing families thru
feminist propaganda and insane divorce laws, while the status quo
makes a profit at every step along the way...
If you continue being followers of instinctual liars, killers, and
theives, just what do you think will happen to you?
I think you'll get burried with the treasure, thankyou for digging the hole....
anyway, the bible begins to make more and more sense to me as I figure
out more and more of the puzzle...
so it will be interesting to see if we collectively "Repent" i.e.
Rethink, re as in repeat, pent as in pensive, or the latin "pensar"
to think....
I think the fanatics do more damage than good with Christianity....
their glassy eyed insistence on literalism, of a figurative work, and
figureatism of litteral ones isnt going to get us anywhere good... Nor
will fighting over who is most right among various groupings...
basicaly we humans are facing a quandary.....
everything is FUBAR.....
and I will stand by my advice in this blog, you'd best not count on
others to fix everything hunky dory while you fuck off, aint gonna
happen.... best you get your shit together, on all levels especially
survival & subsistence, and getting out of babylon, because it doesnt
look like we have enough time for everyone to wake up and grow up...
Thinking this morning about The Ranchers, i.e. Our human/alien
And I think I've stumbled onto the logic of what its all about....
You remember in the 8ible, the part in the garden of Eden, where they
eat the fruit from the tree of knowlege, and become capable of
discerning good and evil....
I think this represents the dividing line we crossed going from
animal to human.... That our aquiring creativity, i.e. Being like
God, allows us to do limitless things... unfortunately we live in a
universe with natural limits..... and if you can do unlimited things
in a limited reality, you soon run into problems....
I think what the bible is is an attempt to teach primitive humans in a
form they can relate with....
i.e. supersticion...
God represents in balance/honesty with natural law....
Satan represents out if balance/dishonesty/destruction.......
Good and evil represent balance/honesty versus dishonesty/imbalance......
We are capable of using our intelligence and imagination to build a
better world, or to destroy it......
What our progenitors have done is set us up with the good and evil
paradigm, honesty/dishonesty, as god & satan... god is about
natural law, satan is about free will.....
And we are like three year olds who want to do what ever we want, no
matter the consequences, and the Ranchers are acting like parents,
telling us no, you cant play in the street...
The path to life is narrow, the path to destruction is broad....
in other words, sorry Johnny, you have to accept disapline, because
its a dangerous world....
an economic system might be used as an example;
any system that is honest, will function fine, be it using intrinsic
value metallic currency, or a fiat paper currency, or a system of
digital credits.....
as long as its honest.....
if you begin mixing base alloys with your intrinsic value metals,
pretty soon you get a junk economy....
if you begin printing more and more paper money, pretty soon none
of it is wort any thing..
if you use a digital credit currency and a fractional reserve system
that pumps money like a breeder reactor....
well thats a quick trip to economic crash.....
if you have a system where all the wealth is sucked upwards to an
elite, pretty soon you have social unrest and eventually feeding
Guillotines as a national sport.....
the only economic system with a future is an honest one.....
if you have a system with imbalances, disaster follows.... for
example, if wages are high in one place, and low in another, and
workers are exploited accordingly, by capitalists moving out of higher
areas into lows, you get poverty on both ends...
an example of a workable system might be to establish a digital
credit system based solely on labor, where you have a uniform
minimum wage planet wide, of say ten credits for each hour worked....
the currency would expand and contract with the total amount of labor,
more laborers laboring, and the currency system etc. Adapts
accordingly... for the disparity of skills and experience, maybe you
could have a variable pay scale, where the highest wage was no more
than ten times the lowest... I.E. no multimillion dollar salaries
and bonuses for corporate executives, they can make all the money
they want, as long as they raise minimum wages accordingly...
another option might be to establish social importance or place, not
by how much a person can stuff into their own pockets, but by how much
they contribute to the social system... i.e. Anything after a wage
cap set at a comfortable life, goes into public coffers, and instead
of squawking greed heads on TV, you could have those people who had
actually done most for the society, and not those who just pretend to,
while becomming filthy rich......
my point is much of the bible may be figurative....
Certainly plenty is literal, but if you grasp that the skygods are
actually living beings that breathe etc.,
The constructs of the figurative side of the game begin to fall apart
literally... but that doesnt negate their importance as teachings,
it meerly transposes them from disapline from above for children, to
the self disapline of adults...
We have to clean up our act on the planet... if not, its
apocalypse... Coming soon to a theater near you..... we have little
time left to digest the paradigm, or soon we will choke on our own
What I see is everyone fighting over money, religion, politics etc.
And if we dont stop it, we certainly will meet prophecy personally
every one of us, in the form of wars, plagues, famines, mega quake,
and our galactic progenitors who arrive on scene, take over and have
their way with us like naughty children who have trashed the house
while mommy ran to the corner store, and dad was at work, and we
were supposed to be cleaning our room.....
more of the same is not a viable option, more taxes wont help, more
consumerism wont save us, and more injustice via more police states
will only hasten disaster...
Nor can we expect others to save us, not government, not our neighbors
etc. We have to change the paradigm from within....
this also has two sides, we can't fix ourselves and our systems if
we lack the courage to refuse their injustices... I personally dont
care what the law says anymore, its not my law, its their law, my law
is internal, I know right from wrong, their law is external, and from
the looks of things we have evolved a leadership that not only doesnt
know the difference between right and wrong, but feeds off things
that are in truth extreme evil, like excessive profit, control trips,
trashing the planet and calling it progress, dividing families thru
feminist propaganda and insane divorce laws, while the status quo
makes a profit at every step along the way...
If you continue being followers of instinctual liars, killers, and
theives, just what do you think will happen to you?
I think you'll get burried with the treasure, thankyou for digging the hole....
anyway, the bible begins to make more and more sense to me as I figure
out more and more of the puzzle...
so it will be interesting to see if we collectively "Repent" i.e.
Rethink, re as in repeat, pent as in pensive, or the latin "pensar"
to think....
I think the fanatics do more damage than good with Christianity....
their glassy eyed insistence on literalism, of a figurative work, and
figureatism of litteral ones isnt going to get us anywhere good... Nor
will fighting over who is most right among various groupings...
basicaly we humans are facing a quandary.....
everything is FUBAR.....
and I will stand by my advice in this blog, you'd best not count on
others to fix everything hunky dory while you fuck off, aint gonna
happen.... best you get your shit together, on all levels especially
survival & subsistence, and getting out of babylon, because it doesnt
look like we have enough time for everyone to wake up and grow up...
28th Sept. 2009.............
rain just started, but I'm in the dry, fed etc.....
Kept the worker company this morning, he's chopping, cleaning in the
oldest area of the farm....
I went down with my sack, gathered food, got all I wanted to lug,
sent him home with a lug of food for wife & kid....
so theres a little girl eating fruit about now as I write these words....
Got a couple of fun emails this morning, responses to my idea of using
the web to create a self government around, my buddy was thinking I
was talking about world govt. Or something, told him to reread the
piece, I had no such intention, the idea was to get rid of government,
big government especially... I have no desire that government be any
bigger than a town, or a small area, government thats centralized is
far away, and loses touch, and corrupts like high school girls going
to college....
my desire is self detirmination... and less shitheads who think they
have a mandate for abuse...... Was not thinking world government, was
thinking all politics is local, so why not emplace a system that
functions accordingly....
my son had several objections, including that most dont bother
voting... In Oregon only 50% bother even with a vote by mail
I think I know how to fix that; do as Solomon would have; on issues
that dont have a damage component, like say tax levees etc.
construct a system where all who vote for it are required to pay, all
who vote against it are not, but also have no rights to the benefits,
as in schools and libraries, and all who dont bother to vote are
subject to the laws, with full rights.....
in other words people with no children could vote their conscience,
and either help or not help financially, and those too lazy to be
involved in the process get to pay anyway, when they could have opted
I think it would quickly cure apathy.....
and prevent a majority from opressing a minority as is now the usual case...
I'd love a system where I could cherry pick services, and their costs.....
if the Sheriff's deputies were being shitheads and not getting
results, their funding would dry up and their jobs go away, and they'd
have to apply for jobs in doughnut shops.......
I'd get rid of school boards too, just have a forum of teachers and parents....
my idea is local and individual control ..... Not a beast government
like what passes for normalcy now.....
but I was happy to get the hot responses, got them thinking at any rate!
folks, we have brains, and we could even decide to use them if we wanted to.....
and if we dont, and trash the place, and the Galactics arrive to save
a few survivors, that rescue likely comes with a price tag... no free
And as Johnny Cash pointed out; its going by the book......
and either we begin to rethink how we do things, or you know where we
are headed.....
Personally I dont think we should have a standing army... I'd take
things back to independent states, and have a semi professional
(weekend warrior) state guard, with its back up being villiage
militias.... and training for everybody from kindergarten up in
arms, martial arts, field medicine, logistics etc.. i.e. its a home
guard aproach, not a long nose in Pakistan reality...
would be a tough army to beat... especially if there were tactical
nukes in town armorys.....
as Henry Kuttner pointed out in his book "Mutant",having small nukes
evenly distributed would prevent petty tyrants from getting too
You get too big for your britches, and the folks in the next town
might decide to blow you out of them......
the book Mutant also had another concept, Telepathy, i.e. That we
could solve most of our ills by having undeniably honest
which I think is how the Ranchers do it.... If one reads the new
testament, it becomes very obvious that Jesus was very much a
sensitive.... also able to do some interesting things....
in other words there is likely a biological out...
we have it to some extent... I've had women read my thoughts often
enough, and very fleeting or suppressed thoughts...
And I read others also... If it was augmented say 10X, I'd be a hard
guy to lie to..
My son is an ace professional poker player... he knows the game, got
into it very seriously starting at age 14, read all the books, keeps
track of cards etc. But tells me the biggie is being able to just read
people and know if they are lying..... works in poker, but I notice
he still ocasionaly tries to bullshit me.....
my point is, there is a cure to every one of our ills.....
my guess is the Ranchers went thru something like what we are heading
into... Do you suppose a culture thats gone thru nuclear war has much
use for politicians or other professional liars?
I suspect they'd consider them nasty parasites, like ticks, leaches,
or cattle maggots, and eliminate them like we smack mosquitoes, or
splatter flies....
also there is this, those who are gullible zombies and believe the
lies have a reduced chance of survival... those who are sensitive are
more likely to get out in time.... trim off the most stupid 80% of
the sheep, begin breeding from there with those sensitive enough to
have survived, and you might end up pushing the genetics, more towards
a working form of anti-liar telephathy, which would explain how our
skygods could seperate humans easily.....
they could perhaps pick out the liars as easily as the wife picks up
on lipstick on the collar....
we shall see.... As always, my blog is mostly supposition.....
but then I do have an uncanny ability to be ocaisionally right about
crazy sounding stuff... my best friend says he's got a list of things
that sounded totally crazy that I turned out being right on..... my
kid gets that perceptive poker gift from somewhere, I suppose.... and
the Ex wife is Polish.... So it wasnt likely from there....
anyway, all interesting thoughts.... and I do have alot of time to
think... Which wasn't an accident....
some people keep themselves so busy they never have time to figure out
why they do it.....
I find thinking long thoughts to be a pleasureable hobby, rewarding
too, seldom have to wonder what to do with my life....
rain just started, but I'm in the dry, fed etc.....
Kept the worker company this morning, he's chopping, cleaning in the
oldest area of the farm....
I went down with my sack, gathered food, got all I wanted to lug,
sent him home with a lug of food for wife & kid....
so theres a little girl eating fruit about now as I write these words....
Got a couple of fun emails this morning, responses to my idea of using
the web to create a self government around, my buddy was thinking I
was talking about world govt. Or something, told him to reread the
piece, I had no such intention, the idea was to get rid of government,
big government especially... I have no desire that government be any
bigger than a town, or a small area, government thats centralized is
far away, and loses touch, and corrupts like high school girls going
to college....
my desire is self detirmination... and less shitheads who think they
have a mandate for abuse...... Was not thinking world government, was
thinking all politics is local, so why not emplace a system that
functions accordingly....
my son had several objections, including that most dont bother
voting... In Oregon only 50% bother even with a vote by mail
I think I know how to fix that; do as Solomon would have; on issues
that dont have a damage component, like say tax levees etc.
construct a system where all who vote for it are required to pay, all
who vote against it are not, but also have no rights to the benefits,
as in schools and libraries, and all who dont bother to vote are
subject to the laws, with full rights.....
in other words people with no children could vote their conscience,
and either help or not help financially, and those too lazy to be
involved in the process get to pay anyway, when they could have opted
I think it would quickly cure apathy.....
and prevent a majority from opressing a minority as is now the usual case...
I'd love a system where I could cherry pick services, and their costs.....
if the Sheriff's deputies were being shitheads and not getting
results, their funding would dry up and their jobs go away, and they'd
have to apply for jobs in doughnut shops.......
I'd get rid of school boards too, just have a forum of teachers and parents....
my idea is local and individual control ..... Not a beast government
like what passes for normalcy now.....
but I was happy to get the hot responses, got them thinking at any rate!
folks, we have brains, and we could even decide to use them if we wanted to.....
and if we dont, and trash the place, and the Galactics arrive to save
a few survivors, that rescue likely comes with a price tag... no free
And as Johnny Cash pointed out; its going by the book......
and either we begin to rethink how we do things, or you know where we
are headed.....
Personally I dont think we should have a standing army... I'd take
things back to independent states, and have a semi professional
(weekend warrior) state guard, with its back up being villiage
militias.... and training for everybody from kindergarten up in
arms, martial arts, field medicine, logistics etc.. i.e. its a home
guard aproach, not a long nose in Pakistan reality...
would be a tough army to beat... especially if there were tactical
nukes in town armorys.....
as Henry Kuttner pointed out in his book "Mutant",having small nukes
evenly distributed would prevent petty tyrants from getting too
You get too big for your britches, and the folks in the next town
might decide to blow you out of them......
the book Mutant also had another concept, Telepathy, i.e. That we
could solve most of our ills by having undeniably honest
which I think is how the Ranchers do it.... If one reads the new
testament, it becomes very obvious that Jesus was very much a
sensitive.... also able to do some interesting things....
in other words there is likely a biological out...
we have it to some extent... I've had women read my thoughts often
enough, and very fleeting or suppressed thoughts...
And I read others also... If it was augmented say 10X, I'd be a hard
guy to lie to..
My son is an ace professional poker player... he knows the game, got
into it very seriously starting at age 14, read all the books, keeps
track of cards etc. But tells me the biggie is being able to just read
people and know if they are lying..... works in poker, but I notice
he still ocasionaly tries to bullshit me.....
my point is, there is a cure to every one of our ills.....
my guess is the Ranchers went thru something like what we are heading
into... Do you suppose a culture thats gone thru nuclear war has much
use for politicians or other professional liars?
I suspect they'd consider them nasty parasites, like ticks, leaches,
or cattle maggots, and eliminate them like we smack mosquitoes, or
splatter flies....
also there is this, those who are gullible zombies and believe the
lies have a reduced chance of survival... those who are sensitive are
more likely to get out in time.... trim off the most stupid 80% of
the sheep, begin breeding from there with those sensitive enough to
have survived, and you might end up pushing the genetics, more towards
a working form of anti-liar telephathy, which would explain how our
skygods could seperate humans easily.....
they could perhaps pick out the liars as easily as the wife picks up
on lipstick on the collar....
we shall see.... As always, my blog is mostly supposition.....
but then I do have an uncanny ability to be ocaisionally right about
crazy sounding stuff... my best friend says he's got a list of things
that sounded totally crazy that I turned out being right on..... my
kid gets that perceptive poker gift from somewhere, I suppose.... and
the Ex wife is Polish.... So it wasnt likely from there....
anyway, all interesting thoughts.... and I do have alot of time to
think... Which wasn't an accident....
some people keep themselves so busy they never have time to figure out
why they do it.....
I find thinking long thoughts to be a pleasureable hobby, rewarding
too, seldom have to wonder what to do with my life....
28 Sept. 2009...............
morning, another pretty one....
thinking about politics this morning, and how it pretends to work.....
the Bible says place your faith in no man.... Very astute advice....
especially concerning politics, the deadliest of all games....
the founding forefathers of american government were wise in the
system of checks and balances, it was the best system possible for the
times have changed.... But humans have not.....
Unfortunately the checks and balances system has been perverted... we
now have an elite class of drones occupying all the branches of
government, who are whores to monied interests for the large part...
And we have a body politic that has been manipulated thru divide &
conquer tactics, and has been effectively conquered thru propaganda
by same monied interests...
whats the cure? self sufficiency first, if you supply your own
needs, including defense, what need have you of an invariably
corrupted government?
true freedom is when an individual is free to make their own choices
about everything that effects their lives...
the smaller the government, the more likely it is to be responsive to
but even then, anyone who observes human nature even at the highschool
level will realize humans even in small groups, are generally jerks,
and play all kinds of social games for reasons of vanity......
there is only one cure....
and thats getting population densities down to the point politics is
meaningless.... and then attempting to get people to work on
themselves enough to evolve a culture thats less egocentric.....
individual family colonies in space would work more or less, or
seperated small farms....
but I grew up in a family with serious problems, so I well know its a
limited success solution at best....
freedom is a result of mobility... plain truth...
no doubt many a tribe has split up and formed two tribes in human
history.... just as families break up...
The real answer is to cure the human.....
so far hasnt happened here...
I suspect the Ranchers have figured it out thru genetic
enhancements... created a race of human ants somehow...
But it evidently has its problems, or they wouldnt be doing wolfling
colonies for new blood.....
I doubt they come interstellar distances for purely altruistic reasons........
if they are human they are self interested, perhaps collectively in
this case......
The founding fathers also tried to put the most power into the hands
of the most people possible...
good idea... another form of broad scale checks and balances.....
The patriot movement wants to go back in time, the status quo wants to
stop in time or even worse consolidate their control, and the
intelligent individual just wants out entirely.... and to not to have
to die in the process....
its why some of us are incurable romantics, we long for something better....
personally I dont see that happening on this side of the
apocalypse..... and on the other side? Who knows, all I know is to
continue trying beats collective suicide by vanity....
I suspect the Ranchers are going to let us trash ourselves as a
lesson, come in pick up the pieces, sift for human decency and
rudimentary primitive intelligence, disease resistance etc. and we
end up with some kind of dictatorship... hopefully benign, and
just..... If it is just, its better than what we have now.... and
maybe their intentions are to use the best of us to seed other
colonies, and go from there, who knows....
any culture with star travel likely has to come up w/some sort of a
working sollution to egocentric self interest.....
it could be a simple genetic enhancement....
such as creating humans who dislike dishonesty...
And who are socially responsible....
the Bible points this direction over and over....
I try to help people, often to my own detriment....
but I'd rather suffer failure than not try at all.....
I think over time one learns to fine tune their giving... i.e. Filter
for worthiness......
I also try to live on very little... this helps keep the vanity at
bay... and wanting to see other stars and planets has me keeping my
baggage much lighter than it would have been.... also knowing the
predictions in the bible are very likely to happen, I know better
than to get too caught up in the current reality.....
its been a long process....and alot of it is in this blog..... I
blog to share my learnings.....
besides, its a fun hobby, expressive......
and people like me give the status quo something to worry about....
i.e. People that ocasionally make sense, and who are public with
their ideas.....
the pen is mightier than the sword... so modern communications tech
is more powerful than nukes if used correctly.....
I listened to Harry Shearer's Le Show last night, dirty laundry on
government, from a liberal perspective... tonight, batteries
permitting, I will hear some right wing perspective dirty laundry on
the status quo/government......
but what do I do personally with the stuff?
I use it to help motivate me towards personal freedom... any emotion
properly channeled can be used to help remove yourself from the
problem zone....
government is like a nuclear reactor, the farther away the better....
yes, its very powerful, but I dont need it... i have a solar panel....
I have also learned that allowing one's self to fall into
dispair(spelling?), is allowing one's self to fall into
disrepair..... if you dispair, it means you need to get back on
target, quit relying on others, begin taking actions however small,
towards freeing yourself from dispair, by becomming more self
sufficient... No doubt dispair is the bread and butter of
psychologists, who will gladly follow you the long way around the
barn, at a modestly insane fee, until you figure out you dont really
need them....
I have a young lady friend who recently became a licensed
Psychologist, and they told her in school dont expect to really be
able to help anyone....
I suggested she try telling her clients the truth....
i.e. You have to fix yourself, I'm here to help.....
I find a good way to fix myself is using things like the Tao, Buddha's
stuff, the Bible etc. Or even the Scout's Ideals to focus on...
there is much good in studying the simple philosophies from other's
realizations in the past.... nowdays if I get trashed, I just tell
myself a good scout isnt downed by defeat, and bootstrap myself up
for the next attempt.... its something to do, overcoming failure is a
great hobby with no shortage of opportunities to enjoy it..... I also
have learned to worry less by just waiting to see what really
one thing I have been thinking about these last couple days, is
drinking water containers... I would like to get ahold of some of
the new stainless one liter water bottles, like the plastic yuppie
bottles.... I think stainless would be just the thing for the bug out
pack.... a dozen wouldnt be too many, they'd be good for all kinds of
things, but I havent seen any show up here yet, will have to wait
until the yuppies go onto something else and there are factory over
runs from china that show up in stores here...
if they do show up, the locals wont know what they are, so I'll get
them for a couple dollars each....
likely less than the yuppies are paying?
I think the bugout kit needs to be one's top priority in many ways....
and I will keep upgrading mine as is possible....
thing to remember, is you can only carry so much.... and up until
the mega quake etc. happens you can likely count on fossil fuel
based transport... after that you go down to Darfurs level
instantly... best have a cart or wheelbarrow if you cant keep a
horse... also better to keep your butt to the edge of the empire if
I suspect like many that the way out of current economic mess will be
the usual cure, steady hard inflation.... what that means is we have
to get more efficient, and focus on our priorities better....
for common folks I advise you quit believing in the system, and start
believing in the apocalypse....
any fool can see where we are going.
My own trip is a good example, average income maybe $100-$150 for the
last year, managed to spend half on preparedness...
and while doing that, wrote this blog to try to help others behind me
on the economics to poverty curve, and I've come up with ideas like
the recent concept of using online forum type systems to replace
government with......
If I had to start from zero, I'd go a good stout sea kayak, and plan
my kit to all fit in it.... IE start with my mobility, and use it's
small size to limit materialism....
I'd do fine.... work the ocasional odd job for money to buy cornmeal
and salt etc. or grow my own on abandoned land somewhere, and live
cheap by camping and fishing etc. eating alot of clams, barnacles,
and maybe do a hidden spud patch so I could do chowder....
key to success is minimalism... key to failure is relying on others
or the system... We know where its going folks... mega quake, fire,
smoke plumes.....
it all makes sense once you grok where angels really come from.....
funny we havent seen any lately eh? you'd think they'd be stopping by
for tea with the pope, if the popular interpretations were correct....
I think anyone who has read this blog any amount of time knows the
truth.... Elijah's fire came from the heavens, where is up? the
fire didnt just burst into flames, it was hit with a beam coming from
up... up is a direction... what could possibly be above that could
send down a beam of fire and ignite soaking wet wood.... Reading the
passages its obvious Elijah knew what was going to happen... how
could he know? I suspect Angel means; agent......
and Prophet could be someone recieving messages... ESP? we are
borderline now on technologies soon to allow beaming visual images and
sound into the brain, and by passing the ears and eyes.....
and advanced form of this would explain Jacob's dream, Ezekiel's
aircraft vision, etc....
somebody was using high tech toys to play god....
Do they have tech to connect to great spirit? I dont know, hope to
find out by asking them or observing them after arrival....
I'm sure they were pretty toung in cheek about alot of it, like saying
a child of god would get a strong desire to follow the word of god
etc. When they became a true believer.... i.e. when they figured it
out, or heard rumor of what it all was....
yeah..when you figure it out and realize what it all means, and that
your personal survival is at stake,,
one would tend to want to follow any good advice.....
many will laugh at what I say... let them....
last laugh should be a doosey this time.......
laugh all you want... Just get the kids to safety please.......
and once you realize the truth of what I am saying, what motive could
you have to continue collecting excessive materialism, feeding your
vanity, owning things... Etc.?
If this planet is habitable after the apocalypse, I dont think
there will be any shortage of land, gold, etc..... If human population
gets cut back 80% by it all, there is going to be plenty of room.....
materialism? Plenty of stuff for anyone willing to dig around in the
rubble and bones....
after disasters, fires, etc., things do start to grow again.... I
dont grok the whole story, have more reading to do, but I do
understand some will go to other solar systems.... thats something
I'd enjoy doing... being a colonist on a new planet could be alot
better, if there were none who were greedy, none who would trash the
ecosystem and arrogantly call it progress... thats the equivilent
of calling whats left after carpet bombing an improvement....
well, from the sounds of things those who like such progress should
be well pleased by the mega quake and fires etc., 'be no shortage of
their favorite progress for them to appreciate...
morning, another pretty one....
thinking about politics this morning, and how it pretends to work.....
the Bible says place your faith in no man.... Very astute advice....
especially concerning politics, the deadliest of all games....
the founding forefathers of american government were wise in the
system of checks and balances, it was the best system possible for the
times have changed.... But humans have not.....
Unfortunately the checks and balances system has been perverted... we
now have an elite class of drones occupying all the branches of
government, who are whores to monied interests for the large part...
And we have a body politic that has been manipulated thru divide &
conquer tactics, and has been effectively conquered thru propaganda
by same monied interests...
whats the cure? self sufficiency first, if you supply your own
needs, including defense, what need have you of an invariably
corrupted government?
true freedom is when an individual is free to make their own choices
about everything that effects their lives...
the smaller the government, the more likely it is to be responsive to
but even then, anyone who observes human nature even at the highschool
level will realize humans even in small groups, are generally jerks,
and play all kinds of social games for reasons of vanity......
there is only one cure....
and thats getting population densities down to the point politics is
meaningless.... and then attempting to get people to work on
themselves enough to evolve a culture thats less egocentric.....
individual family colonies in space would work more or less, or
seperated small farms....
but I grew up in a family with serious problems, so I well know its a
limited success solution at best....
freedom is a result of mobility... plain truth...
no doubt many a tribe has split up and formed two tribes in human
history.... just as families break up...
The real answer is to cure the human.....
so far hasnt happened here...
I suspect the Ranchers have figured it out thru genetic
enhancements... created a race of human ants somehow...
But it evidently has its problems, or they wouldnt be doing wolfling
colonies for new blood.....
I doubt they come interstellar distances for purely altruistic reasons........
if they are human they are self interested, perhaps collectively in
this case......
The founding fathers also tried to put the most power into the hands
of the most people possible...
good idea... another form of broad scale checks and balances.....
The patriot movement wants to go back in time, the status quo wants to
stop in time or even worse consolidate their control, and the
intelligent individual just wants out entirely.... and to not to have
to die in the process....
its why some of us are incurable romantics, we long for something better....
personally I dont see that happening on this side of the
apocalypse..... and on the other side? Who knows, all I know is to
continue trying beats collective suicide by vanity....
I suspect the Ranchers are going to let us trash ourselves as a
lesson, come in pick up the pieces, sift for human decency and
rudimentary primitive intelligence, disease resistance etc. and we
end up with some kind of dictatorship... hopefully benign, and
just..... If it is just, its better than what we have now.... and
maybe their intentions are to use the best of us to seed other
colonies, and go from there, who knows....
any culture with star travel likely has to come up w/some sort of a
working sollution to egocentric self interest.....
it could be a simple genetic enhancement....
such as creating humans who dislike dishonesty...
And who are socially responsible....
the Bible points this direction over and over....
I try to help people, often to my own detriment....
but I'd rather suffer failure than not try at all.....
I think over time one learns to fine tune their giving... i.e. Filter
for worthiness......
I also try to live on very little... this helps keep the vanity at
bay... and wanting to see other stars and planets has me keeping my
baggage much lighter than it would have been.... also knowing the
predictions in the bible are very likely to happen, I know better
than to get too caught up in the current reality.....
its been a long process....and alot of it is in this blog..... I
blog to share my learnings.....
besides, its a fun hobby, expressive......
and people like me give the status quo something to worry about....
i.e. People that ocasionally make sense, and who are public with
their ideas.....
the pen is mightier than the sword... so modern communications tech
is more powerful than nukes if used correctly.....
I listened to Harry Shearer's Le Show last night, dirty laundry on
government, from a liberal perspective... tonight, batteries
permitting, I will hear some right wing perspective dirty laundry on
the status quo/government......
but what do I do personally with the stuff?
I use it to help motivate me towards personal freedom... any emotion
properly channeled can be used to help remove yourself from the
problem zone....
government is like a nuclear reactor, the farther away the better....
yes, its very powerful, but I dont need it... i have a solar panel....
I have also learned that allowing one's self to fall into
dispair(spelling?), is allowing one's self to fall into
disrepair..... if you dispair, it means you need to get back on
target, quit relying on others, begin taking actions however small,
towards freeing yourself from dispair, by becomming more self
sufficient... No doubt dispair is the bread and butter of
psychologists, who will gladly follow you the long way around the
barn, at a modestly insane fee, until you figure out you dont really
need them....
I have a young lady friend who recently became a licensed
Psychologist, and they told her in school dont expect to really be
able to help anyone....
I suggested she try telling her clients the truth....
i.e. You have to fix yourself, I'm here to help.....
I find a good way to fix myself is using things like the Tao, Buddha's
stuff, the Bible etc. Or even the Scout's Ideals to focus on...
there is much good in studying the simple philosophies from other's
realizations in the past.... nowdays if I get trashed, I just tell
myself a good scout isnt downed by defeat, and bootstrap myself up
for the next attempt.... its something to do, overcoming failure is a
great hobby with no shortage of opportunities to enjoy it..... I also
have learned to worry less by just waiting to see what really
one thing I have been thinking about these last couple days, is
drinking water containers... I would like to get ahold of some of
the new stainless one liter water bottles, like the plastic yuppie
bottles.... I think stainless would be just the thing for the bug out
pack.... a dozen wouldnt be too many, they'd be good for all kinds of
things, but I havent seen any show up here yet, will have to wait
until the yuppies go onto something else and there are factory over
runs from china that show up in stores here...
if they do show up, the locals wont know what they are, so I'll get
them for a couple dollars each....
likely less than the yuppies are paying?
I think the bugout kit needs to be one's top priority in many ways....
and I will keep upgrading mine as is possible....
thing to remember, is you can only carry so much.... and up until
the mega quake etc. happens you can likely count on fossil fuel
based transport... after that you go down to Darfurs level
instantly... best have a cart or wheelbarrow if you cant keep a
horse... also better to keep your butt to the edge of the empire if
I suspect like many that the way out of current economic mess will be
the usual cure, steady hard inflation.... what that means is we have
to get more efficient, and focus on our priorities better....
for common folks I advise you quit believing in the system, and start
believing in the apocalypse....
any fool can see where we are going.
My own trip is a good example, average income maybe $100-$150 for the
last year, managed to spend half on preparedness...
and while doing that, wrote this blog to try to help others behind me
on the economics to poverty curve, and I've come up with ideas like
the recent concept of using online forum type systems to replace
government with......
If I had to start from zero, I'd go a good stout sea kayak, and plan
my kit to all fit in it.... IE start with my mobility, and use it's
small size to limit materialism....
I'd do fine.... work the ocasional odd job for money to buy cornmeal
and salt etc. or grow my own on abandoned land somewhere, and live
cheap by camping and fishing etc. eating alot of clams, barnacles,
and maybe do a hidden spud patch so I could do chowder....
key to success is minimalism... key to failure is relying on others
or the system... We know where its going folks... mega quake, fire,
smoke plumes.....
it all makes sense once you grok where angels really come from.....
funny we havent seen any lately eh? you'd think they'd be stopping by
for tea with the pope, if the popular interpretations were correct....
I think anyone who has read this blog any amount of time knows the
truth.... Elijah's fire came from the heavens, where is up? the
fire didnt just burst into flames, it was hit with a beam coming from
up... up is a direction... what could possibly be above that could
send down a beam of fire and ignite soaking wet wood.... Reading the
passages its obvious Elijah knew what was going to happen... how
could he know? I suspect Angel means; agent......
and Prophet could be someone recieving messages... ESP? we are
borderline now on technologies soon to allow beaming visual images and
sound into the brain, and by passing the ears and eyes.....
and advanced form of this would explain Jacob's dream, Ezekiel's
aircraft vision, etc....
somebody was using high tech toys to play god....
Do they have tech to connect to great spirit? I dont know, hope to
find out by asking them or observing them after arrival....
I'm sure they were pretty toung in cheek about alot of it, like saying
a child of god would get a strong desire to follow the word of god
etc. When they became a true believer.... i.e. when they figured it
out, or heard rumor of what it all was....
yeah..when you figure it out and realize what it all means, and that
your personal survival is at stake,,
one would tend to want to follow any good advice.....
many will laugh at what I say... let them....
last laugh should be a doosey this time.......
laugh all you want... Just get the kids to safety please.......
and once you realize the truth of what I am saying, what motive could
you have to continue collecting excessive materialism, feeding your
vanity, owning things... Etc.?
If this planet is habitable after the apocalypse, I dont think
there will be any shortage of land, gold, etc..... If human population
gets cut back 80% by it all, there is going to be plenty of room.....
materialism? Plenty of stuff for anyone willing to dig around in the
rubble and bones....
after disasters, fires, etc., things do start to grow again.... I
dont grok the whole story, have more reading to do, but I do
understand some will go to other solar systems.... thats something
I'd enjoy doing... being a colonist on a new planet could be alot
better, if there were none who were greedy, none who would trash the
ecosystem and arrogantly call it progress... thats the equivilent
of calling whats left after carpet bombing an improvement....
well, from the sounds of things those who like such progress should
be well pleased by the mega quake and fires etc., 'be no shortage of
their favorite progress for them to appreciate...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday 27th, Sept. 2009................
Morning, just got fire built and food on,
home alone today, and happy dog for it, no problems, no people, and
everything I do or dont do comes back on just me.... so instead of
doing unto others as I would have them do unto me, I just do unto me
as I would have others do if they werent such jerks....
Ran into another passage in the bible last night that supports my
thesis, Amos 9:6, "He who is building in the heavens his stairs, and
his structures over the earth that he founded."
sounds like jacob's ladders to me, and structures in the heavens
reminds me of New Jerusalem coming down.... and in Joel 2 there is a
description of an invading army of Star troopers, who start off
shouting a war cry "In my holy mountain".......
not on, in...... Which supports another thesis I have, that New
Jerusalem is a pyramid, and not a cube....
If our progenitors built pyramids in space and had anti gravity enough
to lower to the planet structures over a thousand miles on a side, and
tall, it would be by far the highest mountain on the planet, and
sighting of them in the past could explain why primative peoples all
over the planet built pyramidal structures to the gods, and did
sacrifices on them....
I realized years ago that pyramids are potentially the perfect shape
for a fortress.... why? well because if you fight a battle on the
outside of them the defensive forces have the high ground, and if
they are forced backwards it also up, and the area they have to defend
diminishes as they are forced upwards, effectively making up for
attrition in the troops... Also the shape prevents access by
mechanized tracked or wheeled vehicles due to the inclined sides, and
as in New Jerusalem it has a foundation wall at its base... also
there could be fire base type inplacements covering the outside
surfaces, I.E. like gun emplacements in fortifications of the last
century, which could all be connected to the inside via passageways
with several right angle corners in them to stop blasts, lasers, etc.
Without having to resort to blast doors, leaving communication open to
the inside... the shape also provides for a lookout at the peak..
this all sounds incredible, but I suspect we are talking about a
culture perhaps a million years or more advanced beyond our own...
basically it would be a fortification so large, and bristling with
energy beam weapons etc., that nuclear missiles would have no chance
of even getting close....
And if one reads in Revelations about New Jerusalem, the construction
materials are gemstone quality, which due to massive thicknesses
would effectively create armor far beyond hardened steel... we are
talking about a structure that would be the absolute in
fortifications... and it would also be a space port at the same
time.... at the top it would be far outside the atmosphere, and
beyond gravity... ships could come and go at will....
It would also be large enough to hold an invading army beyond our
ability to imagine... perhaps more than a billion.... Like some
flying ant hill...
The troops are described as being like horses, running, I suspect we
are talking about humans very much genetically enhanced.... also in
Joel 2:7 it states they do not shove each other in assalts...
which I suspect means some kind of telepathy is possible, if not,
incredible training....
Now let me remind you that throughout the old Testament the phrase
"Jehova of Armies" is used...
Exactly what Jehova is I am not sure, clues are sparse, Jesus said
God is a spirit, other passages say he can not be seen by mortal man
and live, which leads me to speculate on something not human,
perhaps a "lifeform" like something out of the wildest science
fiction. perhaps a being of pure energy etc. or some form of
artificial intelligence created so long ago no one could possibly know
when or where or why..... perhaps from another galaxy, or even from
another cycle era of the big bang rithyms... who knows, all
speculation, but what is known by us points at something immortal,
incredibly old, powerful beyond our ability to imagine, and that
likes to play army with live humans that are genetically enhanced....
it all makes some sense, that the universe is effectively infinite,
meaning any culture with beans for brains would realize focus on
martial culture would be wise and a survival security plan in a
universe where at any time you could run into anything imagineable in
the way of an enemy..... planets like our own might be used as
genetic incubators to produce wolfling humans to keep the overall
genetic quality up... start a colony on a wild planet, release
plenty of microbes that evolve rapidly, have colonies of various
races, let it all ferment, and skim off the suvivor types after the
bad ones trash the planet with nuclear wars, corrupt governments,
industrial pollution, over population, mass starvation, unjust
justice systems, etc. and use the best to add into your military
forces.... They would be the ones intelligent enough to not believe
the shit, and stay out of the traps... and resistant to disease,
hard conditions, and collective human stupidity...
If Correct, Jehova would be a defacto God...
the day of Jehova is written about all over the bible, always the
same, with skys darkened by a nuclear winter effect, a mega quake,
and fire....
exactly who does what I'm not sure, whether the mega quake and fire
are results of global warming, or produced by the invading force...
There are also passages that explain how to survive the assault,
basically zero resistance is tolerated, and when the troops get to
you, you had best be on your face in the dirt.... also surviving the
fire etc. is explained, best done via the common foxhole... I'd
guess due to radioactivity from power plants or nuclear war that it
best have an earthen covering........
What do I personally intend to do?
Obey orders.... I'm not stupid! and I will also have my gear in
order, and my pack packed, and my other baggage prioritized just in
case I'm allowed any of it....
Jesus said he would send his forces out to gather up the chosen
humans, and they would be marked on their foreheads with symbols
basically claiming them, and identifying them as to being on the
attacking side.... I think anyone with the mark of the beast, i.e.
Who accepts an ID chip from the new world order types, read Satan's
answer to Jahova/Yaweh has extreme bad luck that day...
my advice? same as always, prepare; lighten baggage, scatter, dig
in, etc......
and I wouldnt be taking vaccinations or ID bracelets etc. much better
you get into the brush, because those are either the mark of the
beast, or lead into it.....
Remember, I didnt come at all this via religious programming, I come
at it from a skeptic's logic... and I have little use for mainstream
as the Tao points out, submission to superior force is strength....
It also points out that a good soldier is not violent...
what this means, is the biblical advice is correct... and personally
if I was an invading force, I would have alot more respect for people
who had their trip in order on hell day, their packs ready, arms in
good condition, etc. and ready to join up, than the bleating sheep
types running in panic in all directions.....
It isnt going to be sitting in a house on a pile of gold coins, etc.
That will save your butt, it will be mobility and survival skills, and
not having gone along with the instinctual liars, killers, and
figuring out the true messages like the bible, the Tao, etc. And
acting upon the information is critical... basically the headspace
needs to be that you understand the reality, and are ready to join
the unbeatable side when it arrives.... it has nothing to do with
your soul flying off like a butterfly, like the bliss ninnies are led
to believe....
I am just figuring this all out a bit at a time... And the reason I
write about it is so others will also start following leads and figure
it out too....
Good luck! scouts, have good luck, by being prepared....
am I crazy? You bet..
Am I crazy? You bet... your life....
In Joel 2:30 it talks about portents of the end, that there will be
blood and fire, and columns of smoke before the arrival...
To me this could be the results of nuclear war, or the results of the
mega quake...
and in Joel 2:32 it states everyone who calls on the name of
Jehova/yaweh must get away safe...
I see that as most likely being people who have it figured out, and
who are ready when it comes, and out of babylon etc.
I doubt it applies to those who do not heed warnings...
another thought I've had is about the feasibility of a pyramid shape
as a space craft... it would make sense with anti gravity, as the
base would have a large area for repelling purposes.... this would
produce acceleration resulting in a pseudo gravity inside... and
even one G of acceleration continued, would have you aproaching light
speeds in fairly short order... It would also allow the piloting
bridge to be at the peak of the pyramid, and be the foreward most
point during travel, with all the floors being "down" during
accelerational gravity could be used to keep the occupants in good
physical shape, especially if they used steps to change levels in
their daily activities... it could be taken up to a couple gravities
of acceleration, kept there, and the people inside would become
muscled like horses for sure, and able to function on this planet
almost effortlessly...
and when coming insystem, the last part of the trip would need the
structure to be rotated, and to de-accelerate... so what we would
see from our perspective is the square base shapes coming at us...
and most likely we could pick them up by their gravity repulsion
wave effect, and perhaps see them visually, if they reflected light,
or produced light... the lights stay on 24/7 if I read the
description correctly, but with the bases coming at us feet first, who
knows? if their color were to be flat black we would more likely
pick them up if we saw them occulting stars etc. and we could
identify them by unnatural shape, and also that they were
deaccelerating very rapidly.....
So, I advise working on your bug out kit some...
Getting good packs, clothing, arms & tools etc.
And I strongly reccomend you have an E-tool of some sort for digging
your expedient fox hole where ever you happen to end up being when the
shit hits....
I'm quite sure the "Angels" will have better gear and weapons than we
do, but we are familiar with our own weapons, know how to use them
etc., and likely be allowed to keep them for cerimonial purposes if
nothing else... Much like the Gurka regiments and their Kukui
I personally think clothing of choice should be camouflage, & I have
worked up some home grown ideas over the years on clothing...
I used to wear military camo BDU style stuff, but in the tropics they
were too heavy, didnt need the pockets etc., as you tend to learn
rather quickly that excess shit adds up quick in the steamy jungle,
and that you dont need it..... here bottom line survival items are
good footwear, a machete, a flashlight, and a blanket.... and
something to start fire with... I've seen expedient camps done by
local hunters etc. where they erect a quick structure of wooden
sticks, cover it with platinillo leaves, build a fire in front, and
get by for the night no problem, rain or stars... anyway, back
towards point, on clothing I went to experimenting with making pants
based on a Karate Gi pattern with a diamond patch in the crotch...
I reduced the amount of cloth to a minimum that still allowed free
movement, i.e. Not tight fitting, not big & baggy... kept pockets to
the usual four, with the front pockets being deep patch pockets that
gore up to the belt line, and have sides added to the patch to make
them roomy.... being deep they dont lose things when sitting... I
use drawstring rather than belt and zipper, much simpler, lighter,
more comfortable, especially if you add a web belt for your junk
collection... I also have the pants "high water" with blousing
strings, for use with boots, especially rubber boots, got tired of
owning excess cloth around my legs bunched up in my boots cutting of
air circulation, or if wearing sandals getting wet from the weeds.....
I went to a sleeveless shirt, but with "wings" at the shoulders, for
shade/rain, and didnt bother with buttons, just hold shirt closed
with the belt as in martial arts uniforms....
I like velcro on pocket flaps instead of buttons, which get hooked
on things by accident.... so its a simple outfit, minimalistic amd
lightweight, but also designed for free movement.... I have friends
who are local park rangers, and they have the same problems with issue
BDU style clothing, its just too much cloth for the tropics....
my personal weapons at this point are rather quaint and primitive,
knives, spear, crossbow, and longbow.. but I'm sure Ja's troops might
raise their eyebrows, but as there were archers used in world war
two, and also Viet Nam, I think I'm not too out there
comparatively... nothing like the silent shaft to take unawares....
I use non-compound bows, because I have ethics, and dont mind
holding the pull... compounds are heavy & complicated, and finiky to
tune etc... pretty toys, spendy enough, but not necessary, not
reliable in harsh conditions, and have alot of extra shit to catch on
brush etc....
anyway, Joel 2 has a beautiful description of the assault troops in
action... they sound damn good...
like an all special forces army......
so, anyway, I constantly work on my gear, ugrades as I can, its a
great hobby, and I have hopes to live to & thru hell day and
So how about you? are you ready or getting that way? are you a good
scout? could you gain the respect of troops who travel between stars?
And what do you plan to do in your off time? watch stupid sitcoms on
mainstream TV? I dont think so, that world will be gone, and all the
puffy couch potato Rambos with it..... I'm learning guitar etc.
always well liked in any troopship or barraks...
me, I'm no big guy, kinda smaller and thin, but less of a target,
less body to feed, and more likely to use my brain before my body.....
I stay in shape by living on a mountain.... I keep current my immune
system by drinking natural spring water etc.... not a doubt in my
mind my immune system would gobble up bugs like E Coli etc. That
would kill no few of my readership, drinking chlorinated and filtered
water has a down side, as does living apart from nature, as was proven
in the Lane County fair grounds a few years back, when dozens of
people became very sick from just petting animals who had a common in
nature bacteria on them.....
Get one with nature folks, get out in it and get some on you.....thats
what we are here for, to live on the planet, not in ivory towers
chasing credits for masters who wouldnt know justice from
personally if I had a following, I'd encourage them to study martial
arts, camping, swimming, crafts, marksmanship, fishing, other
survival skills,
and homegrown music..... I'd encourage them to have collections of
downloaded music, video, and books from earth, I'd encourage them to
work on their own honesty and integrity, and to try to be thankful
there is somebody coming to help after the greedheads get done
trashing us in their vain stupidity....
leave a grain and drink offering on the stone alter near your campsite
for Ja/great spirit, show some humility.... it wasnt humility that
got us into the mess we are in......
Honesty, Courage, Compassion, Humility....
the words written on the wall of my house when I had one... I'd
rather have the qualities than the house.......
home alone today, and happy dog for it, no problems, no people, and
everything I do or dont do comes back on just me.... so instead of
doing unto others as I would have them do unto me, I just do unto me
as I would have others do if they werent such jerks....
Ran into another passage in the bible last night that supports my
thesis, Amos 9:6, "He who is building in the heavens his stairs, and
his structures over the earth that he founded."
sounds like jacob's ladders to me, and structures in the heavens
reminds me of New Jerusalem coming down.... and in Joel 2 there is a
description of an invading army of Star troopers, who start off
shouting a war cry "In my holy mountain".......
not on, in...... Which supports another thesis I have, that New
Jerusalem is a pyramid, and not a cube....
If our progenitors built pyramids in space and had anti gravity enough
to lower to the planet structures over a thousand miles on a side, and
tall, it would be by far the highest mountain on the planet, and
sighting of them in the past could explain why primative peoples all
over the planet built pyramidal structures to the gods, and did
sacrifices on them....
I realized years ago that pyramids are potentially the perfect shape
for a fortress.... why? well because if you fight a battle on the
outside of them the defensive forces have the high ground, and if
they are forced backwards it also up, and the area they have to defend
diminishes as they are forced upwards, effectively making up for
attrition in the troops... Also the shape prevents access by
mechanized tracked or wheeled vehicles due to the inclined sides, and
as in New Jerusalem it has a foundation wall at its base... also
there could be fire base type inplacements covering the outside
surfaces, I.E. like gun emplacements in fortifications of the last
century, which could all be connected to the inside via passageways
with several right angle corners in them to stop blasts, lasers, etc.
Without having to resort to blast doors, leaving communication open to
the inside... the shape also provides for a lookout at the peak..
this all sounds incredible, but I suspect we are talking about a
culture perhaps a million years or more advanced beyond our own...
basically it would be a fortification so large, and bristling with
energy beam weapons etc., that nuclear missiles would have no chance
of even getting close....
And if one reads in Revelations about New Jerusalem, the construction
materials are gemstone quality, which due to massive thicknesses
would effectively create armor far beyond hardened steel... we are
talking about a structure that would be the absolute in
fortifications... and it would also be a space port at the same
time.... at the top it would be far outside the atmosphere, and
beyond gravity... ships could come and go at will....
It would also be large enough to hold an invading army beyond our
ability to imagine... perhaps more than a billion.... Like some
flying ant hill...
The troops are described as being like horses, running, I suspect we
are talking about humans very much genetically enhanced.... also in
Joel 2:7 it states they do not shove each other in assalts...
which I suspect means some kind of telepathy is possible, if not,
incredible training....
Now let me remind you that throughout the old Testament the phrase
"Jehova of Armies" is used...
Exactly what Jehova is I am not sure, clues are sparse, Jesus said
God is a spirit, other passages say he can not be seen by mortal man
and live, which leads me to speculate on something not human,
perhaps a "lifeform" like something out of the wildest science
fiction. perhaps a being of pure energy etc. or some form of
artificial intelligence created so long ago no one could possibly know
when or where or why..... perhaps from another galaxy, or even from
another cycle era of the big bang rithyms... who knows, all
speculation, but what is known by us points at something immortal,
incredibly old, powerful beyond our ability to imagine, and that
likes to play army with live humans that are genetically enhanced....
it all makes some sense, that the universe is effectively infinite,
meaning any culture with beans for brains would realize focus on
martial culture would be wise and a survival security plan in a
universe where at any time you could run into anything imagineable in
the way of an enemy..... planets like our own might be used as
genetic incubators to produce wolfling humans to keep the overall
genetic quality up... start a colony on a wild planet, release
plenty of microbes that evolve rapidly, have colonies of various
races, let it all ferment, and skim off the suvivor types after the
bad ones trash the planet with nuclear wars, corrupt governments,
industrial pollution, over population, mass starvation, unjust
justice systems, etc. and use the best to add into your military
forces.... They would be the ones intelligent enough to not believe
the shit, and stay out of the traps... and resistant to disease,
hard conditions, and collective human stupidity...
If Correct, Jehova would be a defacto God...
the day of Jehova is written about all over the bible, always the
same, with skys darkened by a nuclear winter effect, a mega quake,
and fire....
exactly who does what I'm not sure, whether the mega quake and fire
are results of global warming, or produced by the invading force...
There are also passages that explain how to survive the assault,
basically zero resistance is tolerated, and when the troops get to
you, you had best be on your face in the dirt.... also surviving the
fire etc. is explained, best done via the common foxhole... I'd
guess due to radioactivity from power plants or nuclear war that it
best have an earthen covering........
What do I personally intend to do?
Obey orders.... I'm not stupid! and I will also have my gear in
order, and my pack packed, and my other baggage prioritized just in
case I'm allowed any of it....
Jesus said he would send his forces out to gather up the chosen
humans, and they would be marked on their foreheads with symbols
basically claiming them, and identifying them as to being on the
attacking side.... I think anyone with the mark of the beast, i.e.
Who accepts an ID chip from the new world order types, read Satan's
answer to Jahova/Yaweh has extreme bad luck that day...
my advice? same as always, prepare; lighten baggage, scatter, dig
in, etc......
and I wouldnt be taking vaccinations or ID bracelets etc. much better
you get into the brush, because those are either the mark of the
beast, or lead into it.....
Remember, I didnt come at all this via religious programming, I come
at it from a skeptic's logic... and I have little use for mainstream
as the Tao points out, submission to superior force is strength....
It also points out that a good soldier is not violent...
what this means, is the biblical advice is correct... and personally
if I was an invading force, I would have alot more respect for people
who had their trip in order on hell day, their packs ready, arms in
good condition, etc. and ready to join up, than the bleating sheep
types running in panic in all directions.....
It isnt going to be sitting in a house on a pile of gold coins, etc.
That will save your butt, it will be mobility and survival skills, and
not having gone along with the instinctual liars, killers, and
figuring out the true messages like the bible, the Tao, etc. And
acting upon the information is critical... basically the headspace
needs to be that you understand the reality, and are ready to join
the unbeatable side when it arrives.... it has nothing to do with
your soul flying off like a butterfly, like the bliss ninnies are led
to believe....
I am just figuring this all out a bit at a time... And the reason I
write about it is so others will also start following leads and figure
it out too....
Good luck! scouts, have good luck, by being prepared....
am I crazy? You bet..
Am I crazy? You bet... your life....
In Joel 2:30 it talks about portents of the end, that there will be
blood and fire, and columns of smoke before the arrival...
To me this could be the results of nuclear war, or the results of the
mega quake...
and in Joel 2:32 it states everyone who calls on the name of
Jehova/yaweh must get away safe...
I see that as most likely being people who have it figured out, and
who are ready when it comes, and out of babylon etc.
I doubt it applies to those who do not heed warnings...
another thought I've had is about the feasibility of a pyramid shape
as a space craft... it would make sense with anti gravity, as the
base would have a large area for repelling purposes.... this would
produce acceleration resulting in a pseudo gravity inside... and
even one G of acceleration continued, would have you aproaching light
speeds in fairly short order... It would also allow the piloting
bridge to be at the peak of the pyramid, and be the foreward most
point during travel, with all the floors being "down" during
accelerational gravity could be used to keep the occupants in good
physical shape, especially if they used steps to change levels in
their daily activities... it could be taken up to a couple gravities
of acceleration, kept there, and the people inside would become
muscled like horses for sure, and able to function on this planet
almost effortlessly...
and when coming insystem, the last part of the trip would need the
structure to be rotated, and to de-accelerate... so what we would
see from our perspective is the square base shapes coming at us...
and most likely we could pick them up by their gravity repulsion
wave effect, and perhaps see them visually, if they reflected light,
or produced light... the lights stay on 24/7 if I read the
description correctly, but with the bases coming at us feet first, who
knows? if their color were to be flat black we would more likely
pick them up if we saw them occulting stars etc. and we could
identify them by unnatural shape, and also that they were
deaccelerating very rapidly.....
So, I advise working on your bug out kit some...
Getting good packs, clothing, arms & tools etc.
And I strongly reccomend you have an E-tool of some sort for digging
your expedient fox hole where ever you happen to end up being when the
shit hits....
I'm quite sure the "Angels" will have better gear and weapons than we
do, but we are familiar with our own weapons, know how to use them
etc., and likely be allowed to keep them for cerimonial purposes if
nothing else... Much like the Gurka regiments and their Kukui
I personally think clothing of choice should be camouflage, & I have
worked up some home grown ideas over the years on clothing...
I used to wear military camo BDU style stuff, but in the tropics they
were too heavy, didnt need the pockets etc., as you tend to learn
rather quickly that excess shit adds up quick in the steamy jungle,
and that you dont need it..... here bottom line survival items are
good footwear, a machete, a flashlight, and a blanket.... and
something to start fire with... I've seen expedient camps done by
local hunters etc. where they erect a quick structure of wooden
sticks, cover it with platinillo leaves, build a fire in front, and
get by for the night no problem, rain or stars... anyway, back
towards point, on clothing I went to experimenting with making pants
based on a Karate Gi pattern with a diamond patch in the crotch...
I reduced the amount of cloth to a minimum that still allowed free
movement, i.e. Not tight fitting, not big & baggy... kept pockets to
the usual four, with the front pockets being deep patch pockets that
gore up to the belt line, and have sides added to the patch to make
them roomy.... being deep they dont lose things when sitting... I
use drawstring rather than belt and zipper, much simpler, lighter,
more comfortable, especially if you add a web belt for your junk
collection... I also have the pants "high water" with blousing
strings, for use with boots, especially rubber boots, got tired of
owning excess cloth around my legs bunched up in my boots cutting of
air circulation, or if wearing sandals getting wet from the weeds.....
I went to a sleeveless shirt, but with "wings" at the shoulders, for
shade/rain, and didnt bother with buttons, just hold shirt closed
with the belt as in martial arts uniforms....
I like velcro on pocket flaps instead of buttons, which get hooked
on things by accident.... so its a simple outfit, minimalistic amd
lightweight, but also designed for free movement.... I have friends
who are local park rangers, and they have the same problems with issue
BDU style clothing, its just too much cloth for the tropics....
my personal weapons at this point are rather quaint and primitive,
knives, spear, crossbow, and longbow.. but I'm sure Ja's troops might
raise their eyebrows, but as there were archers used in world war
two, and also Viet Nam, I think I'm not too out there
comparatively... nothing like the silent shaft to take unawares....
I use non-compound bows, because I have ethics, and dont mind
holding the pull... compounds are heavy & complicated, and finiky to
tune etc... pretty toys, spendy enough, but not necessary, not
reliable in harsh conditions, and have alot of extra shit to catch on
brush etc....
anyway, Joel 2 has a beautiful description of the assault troops in
action... they sound damn good...
like an all special forces army......
so, anyway, I constantly work on my gear, ugrades as I can, its a
great hobby, and I have hopes to live to & thru hell day and
So how about you? are you ready or getting that way? are you a good
scout? could you gain the respect of troops who travel between stars?
And what do you plan to do in your off time? watch stupid sitcoms on
mainstream TV? I dont think so, that world will be gone, and all the
puffy couch potato Rambos with it..... I'm learning guitar etc.
always well liked in any troopship or barraks...
me, I'm no big guy, kinda smaller and thin, but less of a target,
less body to feed, and more likely to use my brain before my body.....
I stay in shape by living on a mountain.... I keep current my immune
system by drinking natural spring water etc.... not a doubt in my
mind my immune system would gobble up bugs like E Coli etc. That
would kill no few of my readership, drinking chlorinated and filtered
water has a down side, as does living apart from nature, as was proven
in the Lane County fair grounds a few years back, when dozens of
people became very sick from just petting animals who had a common in
nature bacteria on them.....
Get one with nature folks, get out in it and get some on you.....thats
what we are here for, to live on the planet, not in ivory towers
chasing credits for masters who wouldnt know justice from
personally if I had a following, I'd encourage them to study martial
arts, camping, swimming, crafts, marksmanship, fishing, other
survival skills,
and homegrown music..... I'd encourage them to have collections of
downloaded music, video, and books from earth, I'd encourage them to
work on their own honesty and integrity, and to try to be thankful
there is somebody coming to help after the greedheads get done
trashing us in their vain stupidity....
leave a grain and drink offering on the stone alter near your campsite
for Ja/great spirit, show some humility.... it wasnt humility that
got us into the mess we are in......
Honesty, Courage, Compassion, Humility....
the words written on the wall of my house when I had one... I'd
rather have the qualities than the house.......
Saturday 26th September, 2009...........
morning, have been keeping busy since dawn, dishes, cooking, etc.
Working on my shopping list for this month...
getting down there on my stuff missing for my preparedness trip...
Not much will I get this month, maybe more dental work, which is
priority one,
would like to get some rechargable batteries for my radio, but not
likely to happen...
not that important really, listening to the world insist on going
downhill gets old, especially when you'd like to help make it better
and people insist on the downhill trip...
so, I'll work on my refugee kit a bit if possible, maybe get some
grinding wheels for the steel bow project..
thinking about the right wingers on short wave, if they are correct
about half of what they say about the government in the US, things
are about to get much worse fast in the name of improvements.....
Last time I was up there I didnt like it, TV was mostly cancer drug
commercials, gave me the feeling getting out of there was my high
anyplace people are dying like flys of cancer and it's business as
usual, is a good place not to stay....
I see signs on the horizon that the day is coming, that a homeless
person living in the brush will have the best life in the country....
It reminds me of the Soviet union, when the government used to round
up people and send them off to the gulags to use as slave labor...
any excuse seemed good enough to snag somebody, and they got a five
minute trial to make sure they didnt know anybody important, and ship
them out....
The KGB was also generally on the lookout for anybody who was trying
to live free of government control, and I remember stories of them
finding families in remote areas, living for years with no outside
contact, due to fear of the government agents.... in fact National
Geographic did a bit on it after the fall...
well, what goes around comes around, vagrancy laws used to regularly
fill chain gangs in the US, same thing, and these days we have
prisons for corporate profit etc., so I see no real difference...
so the day is coming the KGB, now known as homeland security, will be
checking your papers on trains like old Nazi movies.....
so much for land of the free, did they take that out of the national
anthem yet? it and home of the brave seem dated and out of place
these days...
The flag still flies, but freedom is an archaic concept...
something future generations will study in Abberant Psychology
Maybe there will be a course on Bravery also? discussing the causes
of such anti social behavior, and how it was eliminated thru mass
chemical lobotomies....
So my redneck friend at work who made the prediction 25 years ago
that the status quo wouldnt be happy until they could march us at
gunpoint between barbwire fences to work and back, seems to have been
spot on...
spose they'll use the best suck ups for slave breeding purposes?
create a race of humans that make the most gutless employees possible?
plenty of those to choose from.... welcome to the cowardly new world....
Welp! I can see the writing on the wall; "Eni Meni miny mo, off to
the Gulag for re-education you go.."
somebody has to compete with the Chinese in the used body parts market....
me?, I think waltzing matilda sounds nicer...
go in search of a Billabong or two....
only question is the departure date, anytime is fine, as long as it's
well before the buses start leaving for Gulag 13, or Re-education camp
666........ Or Haliburton/Aushwitz industrial & chemical park...
Aint nobody good...its relative...
one man's profit is another man's loss...
One man's justice is another man's atrosity...
there is no such thing as freedom inside a culture...
Culture these days is which perticular pattern you were brainwashed
into thinking was normal....
The box you grew up in, while being told how free you were...
I suppose its my point of view, but the US seems to be a nation of
Subburban Lemings these days... we have the denial lemmings, and the
survival lemmings, big difference seems to be the brand of water
filters, whether they're allowed to have a gun or not, and if they
have a coin collection & a credit card, or just a credit card... one
group eats GMO food, the other stocks freeze dried....
I guess Harry Shearer's song about urban survivalists on Le Show
pretty much tells the story, seeds and pullets hot items this year in
town... do you suppose the chickens set on the fence and cluck about
the corporate farmland in the distance, and speculate about its actual
existance, or if its a hormonally induced mirage?
well, maybe its time to get off the Monopoly board?
I'm gettin' burnt out on the game... seems awful late... and the
worst players morally, won, as is the usual case...
What do subburban people know? Anything?
maybe its time we augment the discovery channel with the survival
channel? how to butcher a chicken? urban worm farming? For food &
Could have programs on home defense combat shooting skills? where
team B does drive by shootings using paintball, and home owners return
fire? maybe courses in long range sniping at humanoid robot
dummies dressed as FEMA and Homeland Security agents....
perhaps interviews with Mercenaries about raider Psychology?
Courses in how to survive Police brutality episodes?
Have a few Doctors giving reports on the litany of government mandated
vaccines, and whats really in them according to independent lab
reports, and the surmised actual desired effect of perticular
or maybe a course on body language and behavior of people while
lying, so common folk could understand politicians better? could use
a few now retired experts from the field.... no shortage to choose
from, but unfortunately some of the best that are legendary have
passed on, to the crappy fishing ground....
Maybe on Sundays the Survival vehicle car show? with Hummers,
SUV's, Campers, and Yahoo 4wd Trucks? special report on rattle can
camo paint jobs..... and a program on flag eticate, both stars &
stripes and Confederate?
Interviews speculating what really happened to the MIA'S from Korea,
Viet Nam etc.
Dying Gulf war veterans giving para-legal advice from their hospital beds.....
How to Operate and maintain the home Geiger counter, and test for
Depleted Uranium Residue on military surplus items.... And on
returning family members....
and shows on love and feeding of retarded or deformed children of
parents who fought in the more modern wars...
Interviews with Veteran's Administration Lawyers explaining the 4%
success ratio of those filing for disability....
Could have comercials for charitable organizations trying to help
countries this or that administration has bombed into the radioactive
stone age....
or special reports on government statistics of how many inmates in
internment camps that seem to have been "misplaced" this month...
Maybe an urban survivalist sitcom? so everyone will know how they are
supposed to think?
some, such as myself are at a loss as to what to think and not think about....
Working on my shopping list for this month...
getting down there on my stuff missing for my preparedness trip...
Not much will I get this month, maybe more dental work, which is
priority one,
would like to get some rechargable batteries for my radio, but not
likely to happen...
not that important really, listening to the world insist on going
downhill gets old, especially when you'd like to help make it better
and people insist on the downhill trip...
so, I'll work on my refugee kit a bit if possible, maybe get some
grinding wheels for the steel bow project..
thinking about the right wingers on short wave, if they are correct
about half of what they say about the government in the US, things
are about to get much worse fast in the name of improvements.....
Last time I was up there I didnt like it, TV was mostly cancer drug
commercials, gave me the feeling getting out of there was my high
anyplace people are dying like flys of cancer and it's business as
usual, is a good place not to stay....
I see signs on the horizon that the day is coming, that a homeless
person living in the brush will have the best life in the country....
It reminds me of the Soviet union, when the government used to round
up people and send them off to the gulags to use as slave labor...
any excuse seemed good enough to snag somebody, and they got a five
minute trial to make sure they didnt know anybody important, and ship
them out....
The KGB was also generally on the lookout for anybody who was trying
to live free of government control, and I remember stories of them
finding families in remote areas, living for years with no outside
contact, due to fear of the government agents.... in fact National
Geographic did a bit on it after the fall...
well, what goes around comes around, vagrancy laws used to regularly
fill chain gangs in the US, same thing, and these days we have
prisons for corporate profit etc., so I see no real difference...
so the day is coming the KGB, now known as homeland security, will be
checking your papers on trains like old Nazi movies.....
so much for land of the free, did they take that out of the national
anthem yet? it and home of the brave seem dated and out of place
these days...
The flag still flies, but freedom is an archaic concept...
something future generations will study in Abberant Psychology
Maybe there will be a course on Bravery also? discussing the causes
of such anti social behavior, and how it was eliminated thru mass
chemical lobotomies....
So my redneck friend at work who made the prediction 25 years ago
that the status quo wouldnt be happy until they could march us at
gunpoint between barbwire fences to work and back, seems to have been
spot on...
spose they'll use the best suck ups for slave breeding purposes?
create a race of humans that make the most gutless employees possible?
plenty of those to choose from.... welcome to the cowardly new world....
Welp! I can see the writing on the wall; "Eni Meni miny mo, off to
the Gulag for re-education you go.."
somebody has to compete with the Chinese in the used body parts market....
me?, I think waltzing matilda sounds nicer...
go in search of a Billabong or two....
only question is the departure date, anytime is fine, as long as it's
well before the buses start leaving for Gulag 13, or Re-education camp
666........ Or Haliburton/Aushwitz industrial & chemical park...
Aint nobody good...its relative...
one man's profit is another man's loss...
One man's justice is another man's atrosity...
there is no such thing as freedom inside a culture...
Culture these days is which perticular pattern you were brainwashed
into thinking was normal....
The box you grew up in, while being told how free you were...
I suppose its my point of view, but the US seems to be a nation of
Subburban Lemings these days... we have the denial lemmings, and the
survival lemmings, big difference seems to be the brand of water
filters, whether they're allowed to have a gun or not, and if they
have a coin collection & a credit card, or just a credit card... one
group eats GMO food, the other stocks freeze dried....
I guess Harry Shearer's song about urban survivalists on Le Show
pretty much tells the story, seeds and pullets hot items this year in
town... do you suppose the chickens set on the fence and cluck about
the corporate farmland in the distance, and speculate about its actual
existance, or if its a hormonally induced mirage?
well, maybe its time to get off the Monopoly board?
I'm gettin' burnt out on the game... seems awful late... and the
worst players morally, won, as is the usual case...
What do subburban people know? Anything?
maybe its time we augment the discovery channel with the survival
channel? how to butcher a chicken? urban worm farming? For food &
Could have programs on home defense combat shooting skills? where
team B does drive by shootings using paintball, and home owners return
fire? maybe courses in long range sniping at humanoid robot
dummies dressed as FEMA and Homeland Security agents....
perhaps interviews with Mercenaries about raider Psychology?
Courses in how to survive Police brutality episodes?
Have a few Doctors giving reports on the litany of government mandated
vaccines, and whats really in them according to independent lab
reports, and the surmised actual desired effect of perticular
or maybe a course on body language and behavior of people while
lying, so common folk could understand politicians better? could use
a few now retired experts from the field.... no shortage to choose
from, but unfortunately some of the best that are legendary have
passed on, to the crappy fishing ground....
Maybe on Sundays the Survival vehicle car show? with Hummers,
SUV's, Campers, and Yahoo 4wd Trucks? special report on rattle can
camo paint jobs..... and a program on flag eticate, both stars &
stripes and Confederate?
Interviews speculating what really happened to the MIA'S from Korea,
Viet Nam etc.
Dying Gulf war veterans giving para-legal advice from their hospital beds.....
How to Operate and maintain the home Geiger counter, and test for
Depleted Uranium Residue on military surplus items.... And on
returning family members....
and shows on love and feeding of retarded or deformed children of
parents who fought in the more modern wars...
Interviews with Veteran's Administration Lawyers explaining the 4%
success ratio of those filing for disability....
Could have comercials for charitable organizations trying to help
countries this or that administration has bombed into the radioactive
stone age....
or special reports on government statistics of how many inmates in
internment camps that seem to have been "misplaced" this month...
Maybe an urban survivalist sitcom? so everyone will know how they are
supposed to think?
some, such as myself are at a loss as to what to think and not think about....
Saturday 26th, September 2009........
Morning early, dawn in a couple hours..
Woke thinking about world situation and human nature.. its looking
fairly ugly of course... both, because they are interrelated to the
Its taken me a long time to figure out, generally because its so well
hidden by friendly glad handing and warm social trips, but humans
are mostly two faced....
I've seen it again and again, even in myself, and still not gotten
it.... too naieve certainly......
basically how we are, is like sharks, with hungry egos, and we
have invented a mental construct we call money, and to us its like
blood in the water... Reality is a feeding frenzy... and we are so
busy biting hunks out of each other and creating more blood in the
water, that few will escape intact before its all over... a limit to
the top of the food chain perhaps? That when you are too successful
in nature, and make it to the top of the pyramid, limits on your
population are few, either you can eat yourself out of resources,
and over populate, and then start fighting over your resource base
and kill each other off, or you can start running out of resourses and
food stress allows a foothold for microbes to limit your
population.... in our case it looks to be both coming over the
money is nothing and everything...
in real terms, money is nothing, paper currency, credit, even gold &
silver etc. all pretty much imaginary..... they work only because we
believe in them, not because they have any actual value...
gold and silver etc. Are better in most ways than fiat currencys...
at least their use prevents some well known problems like inflation,
which is debauching or siphoning off wealth by some behind the back
watering down of the currency, while pretending up front that its
still the same value...... This technique had its origin in metallic
currencies, kings etc. Were quite fond of watering down the gold and
silver with cheaper read; more common/available metals, and thus
creating the perception of more wealth than there actually was...
this is nothing more than thievery... and the technique was easily
transferred into paper & now digital currencies... gold and silver
in pure state are theoreticaly imune to this, if you insist upon
maintaining there purity... but it was found in the case of gold
that it could be alloyed with other metals, and still not corrode when
in contact with body acids or salt water etc. And also it hardened up
the very soft gold and made it more durable and less prone to bending
and deformation.. this is where we get the karat system, 24 karat
being pure soft gold, 18 karate being a quarter base metal, 12 karat
being half base, which is likely where we get the word debased....
there are many who believe in gold and silver... And insist they are
much better as currencies than paper money or digital credit etc.
they are correct. but their paradigm is inside their own mental box,
along with the wolf that bites..
and thats the other side of the dichotomy pair, that money is
everything.... if you can trade it for anything, it is limitless,
and so reflects human insanity; sex, drugs, materialism, power over
others, all can be had with money...
gold is no different than fiat currencies in this area...
People killed for gold for thousands of years, people kill for paper
money, and now people kill for digital credit.... no matter what you
use for currency, the insanity works with it.... the insanity of
runaway vanity.....
Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil...
in other words its not the money's fault it creates problems, its the
human mind's fault....
well, I would rather be poor and sane, than rich & insane....
so I live a humble observer, and not a wealthy partaker in the
feeding frenzy...
I like materialism, or did, until I moved enough times to realize
materialism in excess was also insanity...
Which is why I eventually stumbled onto the concept of using an
indigenous or nomadic mindset to limit my materialism somewhat.....
I'm still suseptable to materialistic excess, but less so... The
mindset along with my disinterest in money keep me poor, and fairly
sane for being a nutcase... disinterest in money has gone a long way
toward keeping me single also... women being very attracted to wealth
thru their vanity & insecurity....
so once again I am the outsider... observing the paradigm from
outside the box...
and being good hearted, I try to point out ways to fix problems...
but nobody listens....
They are too involved in the feeding frenzy to connect where its going
with their own actions...
And too busy biting hunks off each other to wonder where it all leads.....
And some see where its leading, but still keep biting hunks...
I guess the insanity is incremental....
Nothing I can do or say will change the outcome...
No one really cares about anything except what they can get for
themselves the easiest way possible....
unfortunately we aproach the end game....
the end of insanity road now in the foreground...
and we have many now seeing it, but very few changing how they
themselves think or do things..
more of the same, instead of changing course or back tracking in
search of sanity, safety, or stability...
Well, I try.... I try to point out truths, I try to solve problems
and come up with solutions, and I try to get people to realize the
collective insanity, but so far my only reward is in knowing I at
least have tried... its like being sane in a mental hospital...
I keep seeing a pattern; the others in the hospital call me crazy,
and go on about their business....
beating their heads on the wall, grabbing things they dont really
need and sitting on piles of such that they have taken from others,
who do need the items, lying and believing their own lies.... welcome
to Bedlam hospital..... life in the modern era is exactly that, very
like the 8edlam mental hospital in England during the 1800's.....
listening to short wave radio and trying to figure out what it all
means, is like listening to the inmates of Bedlam and get meaning from
the collective roar...
Internet is similar.... Any sanity is lost in the insanity,
and anyone who points out the insanity is told they are crazy and to shut up....
but I dont think this is going anywhere sane any time soon....
and in fact, I suggest if you are even in part sane that you begin to
prepare to escape from the hospital, as I think I smell smoke..... I
think we have a short circuit somewhere, and that if you cant figure
out a way to get past the guards, when it all goes up in flames you
will be one of the screaming fools tormented in your dying....
I have found a way out, a hole in the bars....
All you have to do is become sane in the insanity, and you can leave it....
But it looks like everyone is too insane to believe when I point out
this or that hole in the security enclosure... I get told I'm crazy,
there is no way out..... Or I get ignored by the head beaters and
blanket and food thieves... They are too busy doing their thing to
care about the smoke smell, or wonder or even hear the wires sizzling
in the wall....
its a wooden building.... imaginary security...
what do you suppose it will be like when the fire happens?
the guards are locked in too you know...
The bars of 8edlam are made of gold....
I'm crazy, I know... But thank you for pointing it out to me, I'd
almost forgotten...
Woke thinking about world situation and human nature.. its looking
fairly ugly of course... both, because they are interrelated to the
Its taken me a long time to figure out, generally because its so well
hidden by friendly glad handing and warm social trips, but humans
are mostly two faced....
I've seen it again and again, even in myself, and still not gotten
it.... too naieve certainly......
basically how we are, is like sharks, with hungry egos, and we
have invented a mental construct we call money, and to us its like
blood in the water... Reality is a feeding frenzy... and we are so
busy biting hunks out of each other and creating more blood in the
water, that few will escape intact before its all over... a limit to
the top of the food chain perhaps? That when you are too successful
in nature, and make it to the top of the pyramid, limits on your
population are few, either you can eat yourself out of resources,
and over populate, and then start fighting over your resource base
and kill each other off, or you can start running out of resourses and
food stress allows a foothold for microbes to limit your
population.... in our case it looks to be both coming over the
money is nothing and everything...
in real terms, money is nothing, paper currency, credit, even gold &
silver etc. all pretty much imaginary..... they work only because we
believe in them, not because they have any actual value...
gold and silver etc. Are better in most ways than fiat currencys...
at least their use prevents some well known problems like inflation,
which is debauching or siphoning off wealth by some behind the back
watering down of the currency, while pretending up front that its
still the same value...... This technique had its origin in metallic
currencies, kings etc. Were quite fond of watering down the gold and
silver with cheaper read; more common/available metals, and thus
creating the perception of more wealth than there actually was...
this is nothing more than thievery... and the technique was easily
transferred into paper & now digital currencies... gold and silver
in pure state are theoreticaly imune to this, if you insist upon
maintaining there purity... but it was found in the case of gold
that it could be alloyed with other metals, and still not corrode when
in contact with body acids or salt water etc. And also it hardened up
the very soft gold and made it more durable and less prone to bending
and deformation.. this is where we get the karat system, 24 karat
being pure soft gold, 18 karate being a quarter base metal, 12 karat
being half base, which is likely where we get the word debased....
there are many who believe in gold and silver... And insist they are
much better as currencies than paper money or digital credit etc.
they are correct. but their paradigm is inside their own mental box,
along with the wolf that bites..
and thats the other side of the dichotomy pair, that money is
everything.... if you can trade it for anything, it is limitless,
and so reflects human insanity; sex, drugs, materialism, power over
others, all can be had with money...
gold is no different than fiat currencies in this area...
People killed for gold for thousands of years, people kill for paper
money, and now people kill for digital credit.... no matter what you
use for currency, the insanity works with it.... the insanity of
runaway vanity.....
Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil...
in other words its not the money's fault it creates problems, its the
human mind's fault....
well, I would rather be poor and sane, than rich & insane....
so I live a humble observer, and not a wealthy partaker in the
feeding frenzy...
I like materialism, or did, until I moved enough times to realize
materialism in excess was also insanity...
Which is why I eventually stumbled onto the concept of using an
indigenous or nomadic mindset to limit my materialism somewhat.....
I'm still suseptable to materialistic excess, but less so... The
mindset along with my disinterest in money keep me poor, and fairly
sane for being a nutcase... disinterest in money has gone a long way
toward keeping me single also... women being very attracted to wealth
thru their vanity & insecurity....
so once again I am the outsider... observing the paradigm from
outside the box...
and being good hearted, I try to point out ways to fix problems...
but nobody listens....
They are too involved in the feeding frenzy to connect where its going
with their own actions...
And too busy biting hunks off each other to wonder where it all leads.....
And some see where its leading, but still keep biting hunks...
I guess the insanity is incremental....
Nothing I can do or say will change the outcome...
No one really cares about anything except what they can get for
themselves the easiest way possible....
unfortunately we aproach the end game....
the end of insanity road now in the foreground...
and we have many now seeing it, but very few changing how they
themselves think or do things..
more of the same, instead of changing course or back tracking in
search of sanity, safety, or stability...
Well, I try.... I try to point out truths, I try to solve problems
and come up with solutions, and I try to get people to realize the
collective insanity, but so far my only reward is in knowing I at
least have tried... its like being sane in a mental hospital...
I keep seeing a pattern; the others in the hospital call me crazy,
and go on about their business....
beating their heads on the wall, grabbing things they dont really
need and sitting on piles of such that they have taken from others,
who do need the items, lying and believing their own lies.... welcome
to Bedlam hospital..... life in the modern era is exactly that, very
like the 8edlam mental hospital in England during the 1800's.....
listening to short wave radio and trying to figure out what it all
means, is like listening to the inmates of Bedlam and get meaning from
the collective roar...
Internet is similar.... Any sanity is lost in the insanity,
and anyone who points out the insanity is told they are crazy and to shut up....
but I dont think this is going anywhere sane any time soon....
and in fact, I suggest if you are even in part sane that you begin to
prepare to escape from the hospital, as I think I smell smoke..... I
think we have a short circuit somewhere, and that if you cant figure
out a way to get past the guards, when it all goes up in flames you
will be one of the screaming fools tormented in your dying....
I have found a way out, a hole in the bars....
All you have to do is become sane in the insanity, and you can leave it....
But it looks like everyone is too insane to believe when I point out
this or that hole in the security enclosure... I get told I'm crazy,
there is no way out..... Or I get ignored by the head beaters and
blanket and food thieves... They are too busy doing their thing to
care about the smoke smell, or wonder or even hear the wires sizzling
in the wall....
its a wooden building.... imaginary security...
what do you suppose it will be like when the fire happens?
the guards are locked in too you know...
The bars of 8edlam are made of gold....
I'm crazy, I know... But thank you for pointing it out to me, I'd
almost forgotten...
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday, 25th, September 2009..........
Morning, well, almost, awaiting dawn in a few minutes... slept OK,
bug count seems low this morning, a day home alone, so I'm happy
listened to a bit of short wave last night, a health program, a couple
interesting tidbits, one that
UN/WHO has admitted releasing current swine flu microbes as part of
a fake vaccination trial to manipulate the public into taking
If true, means they effectively decided to mass murder a few people
to get the rest of us to do what they tell us to... fairly arrogant
if you ask me...
I dont think I trust any of them, and have decided my immune system is
fine without letting such jerks twiddle with it...
Also heard more on rumored Navy ship used as test for vaccine, that
its in port now, several dead officers & crew, quarentined, crawling
with doctors, and declared a national security secret...
If true, more jerks at work, more mass murder, and more reason to
have my camping gear up to snuff...
Where does it stop? control trippers, greed heads, instinctual liars
killers and thieves........
Also heard last night a ground wave of anti federal government
sentiment is sweeping the US....
I guess I'm not the only one to realize Obama blew his chance to fix
things by being a lackey for the same group as Bush was....
and as I pointed out to the world in my questions Bob fielded the
other night, can you think of any reason at all we actually need a
federal government?
Its like Spud farmers in Russia figuring out that the communist
government always showing up with a truck to haul off his crop &
leaving some currency not worth corn cobs in the outhouse, wasnt a
good deal...
Give it up, let it go, better go find someplace you can plant some
spuds for yourself, that the government doesnt know about, and enjoy
the peace dividend of not paying into the system...
All boils down to food, shelter, clothing, tools & weapons... and the
human labor & resources to produce all of the above...
And I know what I'm talking about, have been living outside the box
for years....
the house, car, fatty food, job, and the Rat-grind are all held to
you by the glue of vanity....
much better to be seldom seen, because you are living in a wall tent
in the brush, stirring the potato soup on the wood stove....
The key to success in the future isnt keeping up with the Joneses,
its in getting as far away from them as you can, and living as
minimalistically as possible....
later, day came, went down to the spring, washed dishes, cleaned out
the spring pipe, it always plugs with leaves and soil that wash down
in the rains, should get a spring box built to keep the leaves out,
w/a top, but I havent done it yet due to being used to just cleaning
the spring out every few days.. I got corn and peas & lentils rinsed
of ants & weevils, this is the tropics, if it doesnt get bugs in it
its because its something toxic..
then I got a fire going, using dried coconut husk for tinder, then
coconut shell broken up on top of that to make it get serious,
followed by fair sized sticks to hold fire for cooking....
Decided today is a party day, home alone, maybe celebrate Bob reading
my questions on air or something, so I decided to use 2 pounds of
legumes in w/my skinned corn, just to see what it was like.... I
usually do maybe 3:1, starch to legume, 2:1 is correct, but the peas
cost almost twice the corn, and I'm done growing up, so usually
fudge the numbers a bit... but today about one to one on the ratio
just for something different... did yellow peas and green lentils
have bananas going ripe, no shortage of citrus,
and peeled a coconut, currently munching, will hack up the rest for
accenting the chews in my main fare later....
I dont worry about the 4 food groups etc... thats for fat people, I
just get the starches, do my protiens w/legumes, and do fruit,
coconuts, breadnuts etc. In place of salads & veggies, citrus daily,
and feel fine... also chunked up some hot peppers into the pot, I
eat them daily, have for years....
Thinking about the fact that most people now are city people, and
dont know dog dudu about living out of town or growing food etc.
well over these years doing this bloggeroo I've written thousands of
words on the subjects and in the case of growing food pointed your
browsers at Rodale press etc.
so if you kept buying freeze dried food instead of getting knowlege,
when the food runs out, I suggest bugs as a staple diet.... because
growing food takes time and experience... theres more failure to it
than success generally until you figure out what actually works for
your situation etc. and then the bugs, rats, etc. are like little
FEMA drones with shovels and dumptrucks after your stored food....
I was mentally far enough ahead of the curve to get food trees
planted, literally have food falling on the ground, and regularly
planting more food trees.... its a bad habit I know, but considering
whats coming, who knows, might come in handy when the super market is
gutted and burned by rioters who got angry because the big teat in the
sky quit running milk & honey on them in trade for pretending to do
something important in the city full of office buildings....
Who knows? after the cities collapse in the mega-quake the Ranchers
warned us about with the bible, repeatedly, including one passage
that says in plain words ALL the cities on the planet will go down at
the same time, maybe some woman will survive by being on coffee
break, and walking on the street when it happens, and afterwards
climb over the stinking smoking rubble, wade thru the gutters running
blood & guts, and wander around lost until she smells pea soup...
By then she'll be thinner, alot more real, and maybe open to a working
relationship? I suspect feminist mouthings will stop with a narrow
glance... might work out, you never know, but if not, a boot in
the ass generally solves the problems....
I suspect women evolved from Canada Jays, a kinda pretty bird in the
mountains, called camp robbers where I come from, they show up
anywhere there is food and gobble down all they can, unless you run
them off or put them to work...
Lucky I was lazy, and so had time to wait for my trees to grow,
while all the local women called me crazy... I could literally go
wander around for an hour and come back with all the food I could
carry, tree food, better than garden food in that you only have to
harvest it... low work to sack ratio once you get it going.... my
guess is half my diet now is tree food... and if you people
weren't so busy chasing bogus bucks, and vanity, you could have
planted your trees long ago.....
Just remember when your reality sandwich shows up, and after that as
you munch grasshoppers etc., always remember to plant every fruit
seed you can like a fanatic religion, clean around or transplant to
better spots wild shoots from around existing trees, fertilize trees
with mulch or your own manure if thats what you have, and maybe in a
generation or two your tree food to crawly food ratio can get better
and stay that way...
bug count seems low this morning, a day home alone, so I'm happy
listened to a bit of short wave last night, a health program, a couple
interesting tidbits, one that
UN/WHO has admitted releasing current swine flu microbes as part of
a fake vaccination trial to manipulate the public into taking
If true, means they effectively decided to mass murder a few people
to get the rest of us to do what they tell us to... fairly arrogant
if you ask me...
I dont think I trust any of them, and have decided my immune system is
fine without letting such jerks twiddle with it...
Also heard more on rumored Navy ship used as test for vaccine, that
its in port now, several dead officers & crew, quarentined, crawling
with doctors, and declared a national security secret...
If true, more jerks at work, more mass murder, and more reason to
have my camping gear up to snuff...
Where does it stop? control trippers, greed heads, instinctual liars
killers and thieves........
Also heard last night a ground wave of anti federal government
sentiment is sweeping the US....
I guess I'm not the only one to realize Obama blew his chance to fix
things by being a lackey for the same group as Bush was....
and as I pointed out to the world in my questions Bob fielded the
other night, can you think of any reason at all we actually need a
federal government?
Its like Spud farmers in Russia figuring out that the communist
government always showing up with a truck to haul off his crop &
leaving some currency not worth corn cobs in the outhouse, wasnt a
good deal...
Give it up, let it go, better go find someplace you can plant some
spuds for yourself, that the government doesnt know about, and enjoy
the peace dividend of not paying into the system...
All boils down to food, shelter, clothing, tools & weapons... and the
human labor & resources to produce all of the above...
And I know what I'm talking about, have been living outside the box
for years....
the house, car, fatty food, job, and the Rat-grind are all held to
you by the glue of vanity....
much better to be seldom seen, because you are living in a wall tent
in the brush, stirring the potato soup on the wood stove....
The key to success in the future isnt keeping up with the Joneses,
its in getting as far away from them as you can, and living as
minimalistically as possible....
later, day came, went down to the spring, washed dishes, cleaned out
the spring pipe, it always plugs with leaves and soil that wash down
in the rains, should get a spring box built to keep the leaves out,
w/a top, but I havent done it yet due to being used to just cleaning
the spring out every few days.. I got corn and peas & lentils rinsed
of ants & weevils, this is the tropics, if it doesnt get bugs in it
its because its something toxic..
then I got a fire going, using dried coconut husk for tinder, then
coconut shell broken up on top of that to make it get serious,
followed by fair sized sticks to hold fire for cooking....
Decided today is a party day, home alone, maybe celebrate Bob reading
my questions on air or something, so I decided to use 2 pounds of
legumes in w/my skinned corn, just to see what it was like.... I
usually do maybe 3:1, starch to legume, 2:1 is correct, but the peas
cost almost twice the corn, and I'm done growing up, so usually
fudge the numbers a bit... but today about one to one on the ratio
just for something different... did yellow peas and green lentils
have bananas going ripe, no shortage of citrus,
and peeled a coconut, currently munching, will hack up the rest for
accenting the chews in my main fare later....
I dont worry about the 4 food groups etc... thats for fat people, I
just get the starches, do my protiens w/legumes, and do fruit,
coconuts, breadnuts etc. In place of salads & veggies, citrus daily,
and feel fine... also chunked up some hot peppers into the pot, I
eat them daily, have for years....
Thinking about the fact that most people now are city people, and
dont know dog dudu about living out of town or growing food etc.
well over these years doing this bloggeroo I've written thousands of
words on the subjects and in the case of growing food pointed your
browsers at Rodale press etc.
so if you kept buying freeze dried food instead of getting knowlege,
when the food runs out, I suggest bugs as a staple diet.... because
growing food takes time and experience... theres more failure to it
than success generally until you figure out what actually works for
your situation etc. and then the bugs, rats, etc. are like little
FEMA drones with shovels and dumptrucks after your stored food....
I was mentally far enough ahead of the curve to get food trees
planted, literally have food falling on the ground, and regularly
planting more food trees.... its a bad habit I know, but considering
whats coming, who knows, might come in handy when the super market is
gutted and burned by rioters who got angry because the big teat in the
sky quit running milk & honey on them in trade for pretending to do
something important in the city full of office buildings....
Who knows? after the cities collapse in the mega-quake the Ranchers
warned us about with the bible, repeatedly, including one passage
that says in plain words ALL the cities on the planet will go down at
the same time, maybe some woman will survive by being on coffee
break, and walking on the street when it happens, and afterwards
climb over the stinking smoking rubble, wade thru the gutters running
blood & guts, and wander around lost until she smells pea soup...
By then she'll be thinner, alot more real, and maybe open to a working
relationship? I suspect feminist mouthings will stop with a narrow
glance... might work out, you never know, but if not, a boot in
the ass generally solves the problems....
I suspect women evolved from Canada Jays, a kinda pretty bird in the
mountains, called camp robbers where I come from, they show up
anywhere there is food and gobble down all they can, unless you run
them off or put them to work...
Lucky I was lazy, and so had time to wait for my trees to grow,
while all the local women called me crazy... I could literally go
wander around for an hour and come back with all the food I could
carry, tree food, better than garden food in that you only have to
harvest it... low work to sack ratio once you get it going.... my
guess is half my diet now is tree food... and if you people
weren't so busy chasing bogus bucks, and vanity, you could have
planted your trees long ago.....
Just remember when your reality sandwich shows up, and after that as
you munch grasshoppers etc., always remember to plant every fruit
seed you can like a fanatic religion, clean around or transplant to
better spots wild shoots from around existing trees, fertilize trees
with mulch or your own manure if thats what you have, and maybe in a
generation or two your tree food to crawly food ratio can get better
and stay that way...
Blog entry, Thursday 24th of September, 2009........
good morning people....
Well, I had what I consider to be a fairly major success last night....
I sent the above email to Bob Chapman for the Short Wave/Internet
Radio program "Financial Survival" of which I am a regular
its a program mostly for people who own gold and numismatic coins,
about 1% of the US population. and is on Christian Radio, basically
Survivalists.... people from all walks of life who believe we are
headed for serious problems, and who believe in preparedness etc.
I have alot of respect for Bob... I dont always agree with his
opinions, but I listen very carefully to what he says, because he
trys to tell the truth as he sees it. He also trys to help others,
and he is also very good at predicting economics related issues, & I
heard him personally predict correctly several years in advance, the
collapse of the US realestate market, and the Dirivatives scam, with
my very own oversized ears....
I sent in the questions, to get people to think....
Everyone is so focused on fighting against the status quo, no one
seems to have realized the reasons for the present form of
government's existence are no longer even valid....
In Taoism, one of the principles, is what you dont have, cant cause
you the problems one gets from having it....
"Not aquiring desireable things prevents thievery."
or in my case, not having a woman prevents domestic disputes, and
myriad other problems...
and in our collective, the reasons we have problems with the federal
government, like legislative misrepresentation, corruption, lies on
mainstream media, taxes up the "culo" (a spanish four letter word),
also the current military industrial complex/corporate fascism etc.
Are because we have a federal government....
Pretty much all the reasons for its existence are no longer valid...
it was formed as a mutual defense pact for the original 13
and it, & the British Parlament, have been copied or imposed all over
the planet in various forms...
We've been busy lately trying to impose such in Iraq, Afghanistan,
etc. the hard way, and we have imposed or manipulated endlessly
similar political structures all over the planet thru various
why? well because if you have central control, control of it can be
gotten by special interest groups, like greedheads, power trippers,
individual puppets, Financeers especially.... surely the list is a
long one.... But also its generally a very small minority, with the
vast majority suffering oppression, misrepresentation, manipulation,
the taxes etc. Not to mention blood sacrifices to Baalal in the form
of young people sent off to expeditionary wars that have nothing to do
with defending the nation or its borders, and everything to do with
expansion of economic empires of people who have so much, and who are
so wealthy they could shop & buy for lightyears, and never spend it
we have the means to undeniably defend much smaller states....
Why is Iran after nukes? same reason frontiersmen bought Mr.Colt's
revolvers, to keep bigger stronger, or more numerous adversaries at
bay... Why did North Korea develope nukes? same reason, they've had
a big bully theatening them for 50 years....
If we hadnt been threatening North Korea they would have focused on
their Potatoe crop instead...
The reason millions starved to death in north Korea is because they
feared the United States enough that their military was more
important than their individual survival....
If we quit threatening them, gave south korea a few tactical nukes,
and said: there, now if north korea bothers you nuke the dogshit out
of them, and we pulled out out troops, the Koreans would eventually
have realized getting along with themselves was better than posturing
and threatening themselves over an imaginary line now heavily
fortified and mined, with troops on both sides pointing guns at each
other at public expense..
The US and China have played the Lawyers in a divorce they caused, and
escalated the fight to extract what they wanted from it, generally
control of territory, people, and resources, and to proove who is the
better lawyer....
It's more than a bit of a mess... and threatens to start a world war
which you are most likely not to survive.....
we really dont need a federal government.... its a vanity... And a
means to leverage 300 million people into slavery at home, and many
times more across the planet...
Who gains? follow the money trail....
And as I pointed out in my questions, we have the technologies to
govern and protect ourselves, which Bob generally agreed with, and
was very thoughtful about....
Why did I pose these questions? Because I take the longer view and
know if we try to reboot the same form of government after a civil war
or military coup, we will end up right back in the same place,
regularly and really well screwed by it...
so there, I used my email capabilities to give thousands of people
something to think about last night and from now on... why do we
have an archaic and invalid Dinosaur of a government? because we have
been so busy either feeding it or fighting it that we didnt have time
to realize keeping a pet dinosaur was costly or dangerous....
its been eating our kids, and we still keep the family pet dinosaur...
Doesnt make any sense to me....
Maybe if we got rid of ours, focused on defense rather than expansion
of the empire of our masters, perhaps others would get the idea and
do likewise? its worth a try, better than fighting world war three
over control and greed trips, and would put the instinctual liars,
killers, and thieves out of their really plush jobs, so they'd have to
go back to being small time con artists, which any constable or
sheriff could easily deal with...
quit feeding the beast, and it quits pushing your door in....
the reason representative government was originally invented, was
because at the time the fastest means of communication was a man on a
horse... It was an expedient, and people voted for and sent their
representatives who supposedly would reflect their opinions and vote
as they would...
I think considering the advances in technology, its time for an upgrade....
dont you?
Well, I had what I consider to be a fairly major success last night....
I sent the above email to Bob Chapman for the Short Wave/Internet
Radio program "Financial Survival" of which I am a regular
its a program mostly for people who own gold and numismatic coins,
about 1% of the US population. and is on Christian Radio, basically
Survivalists.... people from all walks of life who believe we are
headed for serious problems, and who believe in preparedness etc.
I have alot of respect for Bob... I dont always agree with his
opinions, but I listen very carefully to what he says, because he
trys to tell the truth as he sees it. He also trys to help others,
and he is also very good at predicting economics related issues, & I
heard him personally predict correctly several years in advance, the
collapse of the US realestate market, and the Dirivatives scam, with
my very own oversized ears....
I sent in the questions, to get people to think....
Everyone is so focused on fighting against the status quo, no one
seems to have realized the reasons for the present form of
government's existence are no longer even valid....
In Taoism, one of the principles, is what you dont have, cant cause
you the problems one gets from having it....
"Not aquiring desireable things prevents thievery."
or in my case, not having a woman prevents domestic disputes, and
myriad other problems...
and in our collective, the reasons we have problems with the federal
government, like legislative misrepresentation, corruption, lies on
mainstream media, taxes up the "culo" (a spanish four letter word),
also the current military industrial complex/corporate fascism etc.
Are because we have a federal government....
Pretty much all the reasons for its existence are no longer valid...
it was formed as a mutual defense pact for the original 13
and it, & the British Parlament, have been copied or imposed all over
the planet in various forms...
We've been busy lately trying to impose such in Iraq, Afghanistan,
etc. the hard way, and we have imposed or manipulated endlessly
similar political structures all over the planet thru various
why? well because if you have central control, control of it can be
gotten by special interest groups, like greedheads, power trippers,
individual puppets, Financeers especially.... surely the list is a
long one.... But also its generally a very small minority, with the
vast majority suffering oppression, misrepresentation, manipulation,
the taxes etc. Not to mention blood sacrifices to Baalal in the form
of young people sent off to expeditionary wars that have nothing to do
with defending the nation or its borders, and everything to do with
expansion of economic empires of people who have so much, and who are
so wealthy they could shop & buy for lightyears, and never spend it
we have the means to undeniably defend much smaller states....
Why is Iran after nukes? same reason frontiersmen bought Mr.Colt's
revolvers, to keep bigger stronger, or more numerous adversaries at
bay... Why did North Korea develope nukes? same reason, they've had
a big bully theatening them for 50 years....
If we hadnt been threatening North Korea they would have focused on
their Potatoe crop instead...
The reason millions starved to death in north Korea is because they
feared the United States enough that their military was more
important than their individual survival....
If we quit threatening them, gave south korea a few tactical nukes,
and said: there, now if north korea bothers you nuke the dogshit out
of them, and we pulled out out troops, the Koreans would eventually
have realized getting along with themselves was better than posturing
and threatening themselves over an imaginary line now heavily
fortified and mined, with troops on both sides pointing guns at each
other at public expense..
The US and China have played the Lawyers in a divorce they caused, and
escalated the fight to extract what they wanted from it, generally
control of territory, people, and resources, and to proove who is the
better lawyer....
It's more than a bit of a mess... and threatens to start a world war
which you are most likely not to survive.....
we really dont need a federal government.... its a vanity... And a
means to leverage 300 million people into slavery at home, and many
times more across the planet...
Who gains? follow the money trail....
And as I pointed out in my questions, we have the technologies to
govern and protect ourselves, which Bob generally agreed with, and
was very thoughtful about....
Why did I pose these questions? Because I take the longer view and
know if we try to reboot the same form of government after a civil war
or military coup, we will end up right back in the same place,
regularly and really well screwed by it...
so there, I used my email capabilities to give thousands of people
something to think about last night and from now on... why do we
have an archaic and invalid Dinosaur of a government? because we have
been so busy either feeding it or fighting it that we didnt have time
to realize keeping a pet dinosaur was costly or dangerous....
its been eating our kids, and we still keep the family pet dinosaur...
Doesnt make any sense to me....
Maybe if we got rid of ours, focused on defense rather than expansion
of the empire of our masters, perhaps others would get the idea and
do likewise? its worth a try, better than fighting world war three
over control and greed trips, and would put the instinctual liars,
killers, and thieves out of their really plush jobs, so they'd have to
go back to being small time con artists, which any constable or
sheriff could easily deal with...
quit feeding the beast, and it quits pushing your door in....
the reason representative government was originally invented, was
because at the time the fastest means of communication was a man on a
horse... It was an expedient, and people voted for and sent their
representatives who supposedly would reflect their opinions and vote
as they would...
I think considering the advances in technology, its time for an upgrade....
dont you?
uestions for program w/melody...........
Hi bob and melody,
listening from Costa Rica, patriot expatriot....
Three questions ;
1. Since the advent of electronic communications devices in the hands
of almost everybody, can you think of any reason other than not really
thinking about it, that we continue to use a form of
misrepresentitive government designed for the era of
travel/communication by horseback? wouldnt it be much cheaper &
better if politics was handled as a forum and every person voted on
all issues they cared to, and all decisions/laws etc. were the
result of online cooperation by common folk? i.e. Eliminate Government
over the people entirely, and replace it with one by, for, & of the
people, in real terms.
2. Can you think of any reason why we would actually need a Federal
government, if we were to go back to intrinsic value metallic
currency, now that we have assault weapons to defend our homes and
communities, and could divide up the nukes and military hardware
equally among the disunited 50 states?
3. what do you think Jefferson, Monroe, Washington etc. Would have
designed the American government like if they had today's
technologies at their disposal?
I'll be listening for your responses, I always listen to you guys...
You might consider posing these questions on a program with Alfred
Addis also, I would enjoy hearing his opinion too!
listening from Costa Rica, patriot expatriot....
Three questions ;
1. Since the advent of electronic communications devices in the hands
of almost everybody, can you think of any reason other than not really
thinking about it, that we continue to use a form of
misrepresentitive government designed for the era of
travel/communication by horseback? wouldnt it be much cheaper &
better if politics was handled as a forum and every person voted on
all issues they cared to, and all decisions/laws etc. were the
result of online cooperation by common folk? i.e. Eliminate Government
over the people entirely, and replace it with one by, for, & of the
people, in real terms.
2. Can you think of any reason why we would actually need a Federal
government, if we were to go back to intrinsic value metallic
currency, now that we have assault weapons to defend our homes and
communities, and could divide up the nukes and military hardware
equally among the disunited 50 states?
3. what do you think Jefferson, Monroe, Washington etc. Would have
designed the American government like if they had today's
technologies at their disposal?
I'll be listening for your responses, I always listen to you guys...
You might consider posing these questions on a program with Alfred
Addis also, I would enjoy hearing his opinion too!
Blog entry, Wednesday 23rd Sept. 2009.........
morning, waiting for dawn, disturbed night, woken several times by a
rat, its a small local type; "Rata de Techo" or roof rat, type likes
to run around and build nests up in the roof area of your dwelling,
making them hard to deal with... The are very quick & agile, I've
seen them jump thru traps, literally faster than the trap.... Probably
where the Speedy Gonzales concept came from.....
so dog & I trying to catch it.... so far no luck....
And plenty of lost sleep...
Learned yesterday something very interesting;
Was listening to Arni Coro the electronics buff on radio Havana Cuba,
And he was doing a report on using digital on HF Radio, i.e. hooking
a computer to his HF and sending and recieving text... the
interesting part was that it would work at extreme low wattages 5
Watts, down to a Half Watt..... and he was doing it on single
sideband, using a free download program, and a simple interface...
and it worked so well, he could remove the interface, and just use
the radio and computer's speakers and microphones set near each other
and get it to work fine just using audio to key things... Arnie &
friends, (which in his case is every Radio operator on the planet),
have also come up with simple HF Radio gear based around parts
scrounged from the e-waste out of flourescent light bulbs, and for
the RF power amplification side are using electron filiment tubes or
valves out of junk TV's.......
What I see in all this for the Survivalist and/or others, is the
ability to build a back-up system to go around the internet in case
of blockage or failure for what ever reason.
This basically combines HAM radio tech with internet tech. and
potentially very cheaply...
I think personally that it would be better if the radio used a power
transistor out of some common e-waste rather than the electron tubes
to reduce energy consumption, and make a better system for those
running their realities off solar panels etc.
I also suspect gear could be designed to use very narrow band widths,
thus further dividing up the frequency spectrum, and creating alot
more "room" for people using it... narrow band width would also
create a more focused signal, reducing farther the energy
HF is unique in the frequency range in that its not necessarily line
of sight, it tends to reflect well off of the upper atmosphere and
other things... It also travels well as a ground wave...
what this all means to me, is that its also potentially possible to
build a completely wireless web or internet.... the technologies are
all known and in existence, just not linked yet... there is HF
internet, but linked thru shore stations as a service for Mariners
etc. but what I am suggesting, is the possibility of a free
internet thats totally wireless, and not dependent on scads of
complicated infrasructure that can be shut down or fail.
if true it would also create an acccess or portal into a web for
people with Opressive Governments, like China which censors it's
people's web access, or the US where the web is used by the police
state to spy on the people and gather data about their private lives
in an attempt to classify them for unconstituional forms of
harrassment etc. for not being good enough slaves, or for having
free minds even after a dozen or more years of programming in state
schools, or a lifetime of brainwashing via mainstream "Image of the
Beast" TV.......
its terror tactics, showing who the real terrorists are......
I also wonder about the potentials of using Earth's moon as a
sattelite to bounce signals off of, I remember reading as a kid about
an early US government experiment in the late 40's or early 50's, to
bounce radio signals off the moon.. if all of this could be combined,
it would create the ability to use cheaply built, low power gear, and
perhaps in the moon bounce case a very small tracking dish antenna,
and create a planet wide internet that didnt require anything but the
net of operators at any given time.... i.e. a more bullet proof form
of web for common man's usage....
And if the gear could all be built out of common
E-wastes it would be unstoppable by Beast Governments.....
Arni's address is;
his "inglis" is incredibly good, and I presume his Spanish is better
than mine too!
rat, its a small local type; "Rata de Techo" or roof rat, type likes
to run around and build nests up in the roof area of your dwelling,
making them hard to deal with... The are very quick & agile, I've
seen them jump thru traps, literally faster than the trap.... Probably
where the Speedy Gonzales concept came from.....
so dog & I trying to catch it.... so far no luck....
And plenty of lost sleep...
Learned yesterday something very interesting;
Was listening to Arni Coro the electronics buff on radio Havana Cuba,
And he was doing a report on using digital on HF Radio, i.e. hooking
a computer to his HF and sending and recieving text... the
interesting part was that it would work at extreme low wattages 5
Watts, down to a Half Watt..... and he was doing it on single
sideband, using a free download program, and a simple interface...
and it worked so well, he could remove the interface, and just use
the radio and computer's speakers and microphones set near each other
and get it to work fine just using audio to key things... Arnie &
friends, (which in his case is every Radio operator on the planet),
have also come up with simple HF Radio gear based around parts
scrounged from the e-waste out of flourescent light bulbs, and for
the RF power amplification side are using electron filiment tubes or
valves out of junk TV's.......
What I see in all this for the Survivalist and/or others, is the
ability to build a back-up system to go around the internet in case
of blockage or failure for what ever reason.
This basically combines HAM radio tech with internet tech. and
potentially very cheaply...
I think personally that it would be better if the radio used a power
transistor out of some common e-waste rather than the electron tubes
to reduce energy consumption, and make a better system for those
running their realities off solar panels etc.
I also suspect gear could be designed to use very narrow band widths,
thus further dividing up the frequency spectrum, and creating alot
more "room" for people using it... narrow band width would also
create a more focused signal, reducing farther the energy
HF is unique in the frequency range in that its not necessarily line
of sight, it tends to reflect well off of the upper atmosphere and
other things... It also travels well as a ground wave...
what this all means to me, is that its also potentially possible to
build a completely wireless web or internet.... the technologies are
all known and in existence, just not linked yet... there is HF
internet, but linked thru shore stations as a service for Mariners
etc. but what I am suggesting, is the possibility of a free
internet thats totally wireless, and not dependent on scads of
complicated infrasructure that can be shut down or fail.
if true it would also create an acccess or portal into a web for
people with Opressive Governments, like China which censors it's
people's web access, or the US where the web is used by the police
state to spy on the people and gather data about their private lives
in an attempt to classify them for unconstituional forms of
harrassment etc. for not being good enough slaves, or for having
free minds even after a dozen or more years of programming in state
schools, or a lifetime of brainwashing via mainstream "Image of the
Beast" TV.......
its terror tactics, showing who the real terrorists are......
I also wonder about the potentials of using Earth's moon as a
sattelite to bounce signals off of, I remember reading as a kid about
an early US government experiment in the late 40's or early 50's, to
bounce radio signals off the moon.. if all of this could be combined,
it would create the ability to use cheaply built, low power gear, and
perhaps in the moon bounce case a very small tracking dish antenna,
and create a planet wide internet that didnt require anything but the
net of operators at any given time.... i.e. a more bullet proof form
of web for common man's usage....
And if the gear could all be built out of common
E-wastes it would be unstoppable by Beast Governments.....
Arni's address is;
his "inglis" is incredibly good, and I presume his Spanish is better
than mine too!
On the subject of knives;
I've never tried to really explain all this before, but I'd like to
discuss knives a bit and see where it goes...
the knife is mans most important single tool....
We all use knives.... in modern times mostly in the kitchen...
knives come in all sizes and shapes... The smaller blades are
generally used for fine work, or getting into places... the
practical difference between a paring knife and a whittling knife is
slight... the same tool will do both jobs, be one a boyscout pocket
knife and the other a decent quality paring knife....
The biggest difference in knives isnt in style or size, its in the
material the blade is made from...
experts tend to like harder steels, and people not in the know buy
what ever looks nice.... Harder steels are harder to sharpen, but not
enough to justify buying softer steels for any reason I know of...
the softer steels are mostly a modern invention due to early
stainless not being of good enough quality for a decent knife....
later stainless now rivals good carbon steel in hardness... but what
happened, is there was a lot of salesmanship selling the soft low
quality stainless for many years, and instead of people knowing
better they were programmed over time to accept the inferior knives,
and to this day more inferior quality metal is used in knives than
good quality... I grew up in an era and a culture where my family
members used blue steel long after most had gone to soft stainless...
why? Country people, they had all grown up on farms and spent time in
the woods...
It was the city people who didnt know better and sucked up the softer
bladed cheap knives...
country people disdained them... Wouldnt hold an edge.... i.e they
dont stay sharp, sooner rather than later their owner is using a dull
In current times we are very lucky, we now have very high quality
stainless knives commonly available, and often sold as cheaply as the
soft junk.. most people dont know the difference... Most people in
modern times dont know how to sharpen a knife... they use them dull,
or think some patented widget will sharpen it for them.. Hardly......
the way to test for hardness in blade steel is with a file or a
stone... the soft stainless files easily, the harder stainless will
not, and in fact will trash a file in short order if you insist...
the harder steels require a stone.... and the hardest steels will
even zing on a stone, i.e. slide over it rather than being abraded by
it, you can test hard stainless on a stone and know its relative
hardness just by feel and the sound it makes... I like good hard
You can tell the difference between a woodsman and a professional
cook or butcher by the hardness of his knife steel.... a cook uses
softer medium hard steels, as does a butcher and sharpens often,
they like softer medium steels because its easy to get a quick edge
and they go thru so much production that they have to constantly
sharpen anyway...
the home type cook is more likely to have even softer steels, mostly
out of ignorance.... and in cooks, their expertise can be judged by
the hardness of their knives, a higher grade "Chef" is likely to
have a quality/harder steel knife than a common professional cook.
the good news these days is the very best steels are starting to show
up in common knives in about any kitchen shop.. mostly due to the
Chinese, they are making knives cheaply enough that the class of
metal is able to go up and still not affect the price... I spend
alot of time cruising kitchen items areas shopping for such knives..
And am regularly finding 440C type stainless in
$2-$5 knives... the only soft knives I own are for cutting bait,
they are made from the cheap 300 series stainless, basically are the
same steel as the early stainless knives... the reason I have them is
for rust resistance, the 300 series stuff is more rust resistant..
and on deck of a blue water boat, I dont want to use my better
knives and have them damaged by corrosion...
there are several classes of knives by design/intended use, from work
knives for myriad purposes, from box cutters, to knives especially
designed for carving.. in work knives blade length is generally as
short as possible, with overall length kept to the minimum required
to do the job for practical reasons, generaly leverage, and getting
into places.. an example might be in leatherwork, I have a knife I
designed especially for cutting leather.. the blade is less than an
inch long, and all curve...
kitchen knives come in varying lengths, from a 3 inch paring knife
used for peeling potatoes, to a longer fine blade used for slicing
onions or tomatoes, generaly 5 or 6 inches.. then there are knives in
the 6 to 8 inch range for general use, cutting cabbage, veggies, or
meat... the professional cook tends to use a longer blade than in the
home kitchen, the reason is quantity, he has to cut up big piles of
food, and uses a bigger blade, often 10 to 12 inches or more..
Meat knives come in two basic styles... first is a blade with curve
near the tip, this knife style is used for skinning and slicing up
meat that is raw...
the second style has a straighter edge and a narrower blade... it
tends to be more pointy. this knife is used for boning or slicing
cooked meat..
in field butchering these two shapes are used but generally in shorter
blades... The curved edge for skinning, and the narrow more pointy
blade used for gutting.. blade length is dependent on the size of
the animal being butchered, a deer hunter will have a 4 to 6 inch
blade, while an Elk or Buffalo hunter would have a longer blade.
then there are fighting knives.... they vary in design from thinner
daggers, to heavier hacking style fighters.... experts tend to the
thinner precise blades, while the Rambo heads like the the heavy
hackers.. the hackers tend to come into their own as the numbers of
adversaries increase... less time to be precise.....
Then there is the survival knife.... which tends to have to be all of
the above... most survival knives tend to be the Rambo knives, big
heavy bladed, with clipped points.... These knives are not survival
knives in real terms due to impractical shape and excessive guards...
they are not worth shit for anything but hacking up natives, or
chopping small brush or large hunks of meat.. in effect they are
pointed cleavers.. if you look at my fotos section, you will see my
design for a large survival knife, if you study the shape you will
realize the size and shape are general purpose, and its basically
capable of cutting meat, veggies, cutting tent stakes, or
fighting.....its a little on the large side, because I assumed in its
design criteria that if I could only have one blade I could adapt to
using a larger blade than I normally would use, to increase the
general utility and fighting potential.. the blade is twelve inches
long and 3/16ths thick. which is also thicker than I would normally
use for a working blade, but I chose that thickness for the reasons
of durability and weight for chopping jobs and hacking style
fighting... its my answer to the Rambo knife.. and is many times
more practical than anything you have seen on TV... it also has an
extremely good feel, and the copper wire wrap on the handle is placed
at a point to provide extra grip at the knife's point of balance for
control purposes in fighting much like used on swords where
fingering the guard style technique was used as in Rapiers and small
swords during the Rennaisance. Another point I would like to make,
is hunting, survival, and fighting knives tend to be of thicker
stock, while kitchen or cooks/chef's knives are thinner, This is for
durability factor more than other reasons, with some weight for
fighting purposes... I like to build hunting and survival knives out
of available kitchen knives, so I constanly shop for the thicker
blades in the harder stainless types...
I am currenty working on a smaller hunting/survival knife.. With a
7&1/2 inch blade.. It's design is for less weight.....
I.E. the 7&1/2 inch blade of the latest project is to come up with
a carrying belt knife thats more minimalistic than the clunker 12
inch Tarzan knife discussed above... seven or eight inches is the
average knife length, and there is a reason for that, simple
ergonomics and practical utility.....
All this being said, one thing I know for certain, is the rope
wrapped handle celt blade I made this last year is capable of 95% of
my actual knife needs... and it weighs ounces.....
Another point I would like to make is that a smaller blade combined
with a hachet is better than something like my tarzan knife... and if
given the opportunity, I will have a full sized axe in any survival
situation/baggage array possible... in fact, my guess is my stargate
baggage includes more knives than any other item, why? because they
are so useful, and there are different knives that are best for
different purposes...
am I a knife nut? certainly... But its for more reasons than just
liking knives... I understand their intrinsic value....... they are
in fact worth more than equal weight in gold... I'd rather have an
ounce of knife than a pound of gold in a survival situation....
another point I would like to make, is the hunting knife and the
kitchen knife were one and the same earlier in their evolution... in
fact a good hunting knife still carrys the atributes of early food
preparation knives... we now make cooking knives with much thinner
blades that slice much more efficiently, but the good hunting knife is
a hold-over from the common utility knife of a hundred years ago or
so.... the reason hunting knives retain thicker blades into the
modern era is durability factor, they dont break.... and the reason
they retain food preparation attributes is because thats our primary
need in life... you can run away from a fight, but you cant outrun
and hunting is a food harvesting endevour.... The hunting knife and
kitchen knife are kissing cousins..... and there are some kitchen
knives on the market that are better hunting knives out of the box
than many styles sold as hunting knives.....
it all boils down to utility.... What works the best for the purpose....
And my first real thoughts on this began as a teenager when I saw a
garden variety Hippy in the Eugene area in the late 60's or early 70's
who had made a custom sheath for one of the early Gerber all metal
Chef's knives, to use as a long belt knife for general use.... I
puzzled over the sighting and realized the guy was on to something...
It was a better knife for real life uses than 90% of the hunting
knives on the market at the time..... better steel, better shape,
much more useable than any heavy Bowie with a crossguard...
Gerber later got the same idea and began marketing their chef's
blades with the addition of a grit filled epoxy handle coating as
hunting knives, and they were very very successful commercially and in
the field....
the bottom line on knives is any knife is better than no knife, but
the better the quality the better off you are in real terms... Cheap
quality knives are popular with low quality humans... and a real
woodsman invariably has good knives... The best he can buy or
Another example of the crossover between kitchen and hunting knives
was the Green River brand knives popular with mountain men and
settlers, also the indians, in early american history.. They were
nothing but high carbon steel kitchen knives with slab sides rivited
on of various sizes and styles. and made a rennaisance with the black
powder fad of the 70's.... no different than other brands that were
in production into the 70' and 80's... basicaly to our ansestors
kitchen & hunting knives were a seamless concept.... I think the
artificial divison was caused by the popularization of the Bowie
knife, which started life as a fighting and survival knife, and
ended up being percieved as the ultimate hunting knife shape, which it
In fact its a poor style for a hunter, and the blades were too thick
for ease of use, and with excessive crossguards they became very
impractical as usable chore knives... and in the modern era continue
in myriad forms as fighting and survival knives in spite of being very
crude, heavy, and impractical for actual use in any situation but a
back alley... Sadly the military copied the style for combat/survival
knives, and servicemen got very impractical knives thru several
This trend continues even today, and in most knife shops that cater to
hunters and survivalist wannabees there are more bowie style blades
than anything else in the showcases... and are usually purchassed by
males with more hormones than knowlege about knives... its another
example of salesmanship steering a trend away from anything
practical.... luckily custom knives also became popular in the 70's,
and custom makers were creative enough to not stay locked in to the
bowie style, and since then, custom knives in more practical styles
have led to production styles of hunting and survival knives
vectoring off from the bowie, and into some really nice stuff...
Basically the bottom line in survival & subsistence knives is you need
a decent knife of good hardness, in a useable size and shape... 99%
of knife use even in survival situations is day to day chores, and
isnt fighting bears, or taking on armies of enemies... I'm afraid
modern humans have watched too much TV, and its affected their
perceptions about knives... this bowie versus more practical shapes
delima was a discussed problem even in literature of the turn of the
century a hundred years ago... and people with bowie styles werent
considered practical and knowlegeable woodsmen or hunters... The trend
continues to this day...
if I were designing a knife for use by people as a practical user in
survival situations where they also had axes and other tools, it would
be about an eight inch drop point with little guard, and good steel.
And I would and have recommended that a person also have a much
smaller knife in the 3 to 4 inch sizes for general uses... basically
you can get by with just one knife, but better versatility comes with
having two sizes... And my logic on my 12 inch Tarzan knife was for a
single item survival tool... which it turned out to be very good
as... much better than the same materials designed into a bowie...
and my current knife project is for a smaller easier to use for chores
design. knives have been a life long personal hobby... and I am less
attracted to killer knives than practical users... And I suspect many
males of being overly focused on violence and combat.. Its borderline
mental illness in my opinion... being ready, able and knowlegeable
about fighting knives, and fighting, isnt a bad thing, but extreme
focus there, isnt a sign of a well balanced and practical human.....
So I hope this disertation helps some grow up a bit concerning
knives... Concerning Women and knives, they tend to be more
practical about sizes and shapes, but unfortunately usually lack
knowlege in the area of quality in design and materials, and also most
often have no concept of the limits of knives to stand abuse.. my
advice to any woman wishing to upgrade her knife area knowlege, is to
get better harder steel, learn to sharpen with a stone, and then use
your knives gently and carefully, and get a hatchet or cleaver for
heavy more brutal jobs.... women tend to break fine knives, and use
dull ones, and buy soft ones, all are signs of ignorance. most
modern men arent much better... do I expect this advice to change the
world? No, mass ignorance has way too much inertia... It was written
for the individual who wishes to be on the right path into the future.
And there are very few humans aware enough to know they should learn
more about knives....
I hope I have helped those people.
discuss knives a bit and see where it goes...
the knife is mans most important single tool....
We all use knives.... in modern times mostly in the kitchen...
knives come in all sizes and shapes... The smaller blades are
generally used for fine work, or getting into places... the
practical difference between a paring knife and a whittling knife is
slight... the same tool will do both jobs, be one a boyscout pocket
knife and the other a decent quality paring knife....
The biggest difference in knives isnt in style or size, its in the
material the blade is made from...
experts tend to like harder steels, and people not in the know buy
what ever looks nice.... Harder steels are harder to sharpen, but not
enough to justify buying softer steels for any reason I know of...
the softer steels are mostly a modern invention due to early
stainless not being of good enough quality for a decent knife....
later stainless now rivals good carbon steel in hardness... but what
happened, is there was a lot of salesmanship selling the soft low
quality stainless for many years, and instead of people knowing
better they were programmed over time to accept the inferior knives,
and to this day more inferior quality metal is used in knives than
good quality... I grew up in an era and a culture where my family
members used blue steel long after most had gone to soft stainless...
why? Country people, they had all grown up on farms and spent time in
the woods...
It was the city people who didnt know better and sucked up the softer
bladed cheap knives...
country people disdained them... Wouldnt hold an edge.... i.e they
dont stay sharp, sooner rather than later their owner is using a dull
In current times we are very lucky, we now have very high quality
stainless knives commonly available, and often sold as cheaply as the
soft junk.. most people dont know the difference... Most people in
modern times dont know how to sharpen a knife... they use them dull,
or think some patented widget will sharpen it for them.. Hardly......
the way to test for hardness in blade steel is with a file or a
stone... the soft stainless files easily, the harder stainless will
not, and in fact will trash a file in short order if you insist...
the harder steels require a stone.... and the hardest steels will
even zing on a stone, i.e. slide over it rather than being abraded by
it, you can test hard stainless on a stone and know its relative
hardness just by feel and the sound it makes... I like good hard
You can tell the difference between a woodsman and a professional
cook or butcher by the hardness of his knife steel.... a cook uses
softer medium hard steels, as does a butcher and sharpens often,
they like softer medium steels because its easy to get a quick edge
and they go thru so much production that they have to constantly
sharpen anyway...
the home type cook is more likely to have even softer steels, mostly
out of ignorance.... and in cooks, their expertise can be judged by
the hardness of their knives, a higher grade "Chef" is likely to
have a quality/harder steel knife than a common professional cook.
the good news these days is the very best steels are starting to show
up in common knives in about any kitchen shop.. mostly due to the
Chinese, they are making knives cheaply enough that the class of
metal is able to go up and still not affect the price... I spend
alot of time cruising kitchen items areas shopping for such knives..
And am regularly finding 440C type stainless in
$2-$5 knives... the only soft knives I own are for cutting bait,
they are made from the cheap 300 series stainless, basically are the
same steel as the early stainless knives... the reason I have them is
for rust resistance, the 300 series stuff is more rust resistant..
and on deck of a blue water boat, I dont want to use my better
knives and have them damaged by corrosion...
there are several classes of knives by design/intended use, from work
knives for myriad purposes, from box cutters, to knives especially
designed for carving.. in work knives blade length is generally as
short as possible, with overall length kept to the minimum required
to do the job for practical reasons, generaly leverage, and getting
into places.. an example might be in leatherwork, I have a knife I
designed especially for cutting leather.. the blade is less than an
inch long, and all curve...
kitchen knives come in varying lengths, from a 3 inch paring knife
used for peeling potatoes, to a longer fine blade used for slicing
onions or tomatoes, generaly 5 or 6 inches.. then there are knives in
the 6 to 8 inch range for general use, cutting cabbage, veggies, or
meat... the professional cook tends to use a longer blade than in the
home kitchen, the reason is quantity, he has to cut up big piles of
food, and uses a bigger blade, often 10 to 12 inches or more..
Meat knives come in two basic styles... first is a blade with curve
near the tip, this knife style is used for skinning and slicing up
meat that is raw...
the second style has a straighter edge and a narrower blade... it
tends to be more pointy. this knife is used for boning or slicing
cooked meat..
in field butchering these two shapes are used but generally in shorter
blades... The curved edge for skinning, and the narrow more pointy
blade used for gutting.. blade length is dependent on the size of
the animal being butchered, a deer hunter will have a 4 to 6 inch
blade, while an Elk or Buffalo hunter would have a longer blade.
then there are fighting knives.... they vary in design from thinner
daggers, to heavier hacking style fighters.... experts tend to the
thinner precise blades, while the Rambo heads like the the heavy
hackers.. the hackers tend to come into their own as the numbers of
adversaries increase... less time to be precise.....
Then there is the survival knife.... which tends to have to be all of
the above... most survival knives tend to be the Rambo knives, big
heavy bladed, with clipped points.... These knives are not survival
knives in real terms due to impractical shape and excessive guards...
they are not worth shit for anything but hacking up natives, or
chopping small brush or large hunks of meat.. in effect they are
pointed cleavers.. if you look at my fotos section, you will see my
design for a large survival knife, if you study the shape you will
realize the size and shape are general purpose, and its basically
capable of cutting meat, veggies, cutting tent stakes, or
fighting.....its a little on the large side, because I assumed in its
design criteria that if I could only have one blade I could adapt to
using a larger blade than I normally would use, to increase the
general utility and fighting potential.. the blade is twelve inches
long and 3/16ths thick. which is also thicker than I would normally
use for a working blade, but I chose that thickness for the reasons
of durability and weight for chopping jobs and hacking style
fighting... its my answer to the Rambo knife.. and is many times
more practical than anything you have seen on TV... it also has an
extremely good feel, and the copper wire wrap on the handle is placed
at a point to provide extra grip at the knife's point of balance for
control purposes in fighting much like used on swords where
fingering the guard style technique was used as in Rapiers and small
swords during the Rennaisance. Another point I would like to make,
is hunting, survival, and fighting knives tend to be of thicker
stock, while kitchen or cooks/chef's knives are thinner, This is for
durability factor more than other reasons, with some weight for
fighting purposes... I like to build hunting and survival knives out
of available kitchen knives, so I constanly shop for the thicker
blades in the harder stainless types...
I am currenty working on a smaller hunting/survival knife.. With a
7&1/2 inch blade.. It's design is for less weight.....
I.E. the 7&1/2 inch blade of the latest project is to come up with
a carrying belt knife thats more minimalistic than the clunker 12
inch Tarzan knife discussed above... seven or eight inches is the
average knife length, and there is a reason for that, simple
ergonomics and practical utility.....
All this being said, one thing I know for certain, is the rope
wrapped handle celt blade I made this last year is capable of 95% of
my actual knife needs... and it weighs ounces.....
Another point I would like to make is that a smaller blade combined
with a hachet is better than something like my tarzan knife... and if
given the opportunity, I will have a full sized axe in any survival
situation/baggage array possible... in fact, my guess is my stargate
baggage includes more knives than any other item, why? because they
are so useful, and there are different knives that are best for
different purposes...
am I a knife nut? certainly... But its for more reasons than just
liking knives... I understand their intrinsic value....... they are
in fact worth more than equal weight in gold... I'd rather have an
ounce of knife than a pound of gold in a survival situation....
another point I would like to make, is the hunting knife and the
kitchen knife were one and the same earlier in their evolution... in
fact a good hunting knife still carrys the atributes of early food
preparation knives... we now make cooking knives with much thinner
blades that slice much more efficiently, but the good hunting knife is
a hold-over from the common utility knife of a hundred years ago or
so.... the reason hunting knives retain thicker blades into the
modern era is durability factor, they dont break.... and the reason
they retain food preparation attributes is because thats our primary
need in life... you can run away from a fight, but you cant outrun
and hunting is a food harvesting endevour.... The hunting knife and
kitchen knife are kissing cousins..... and there are some kitchen
knives on the market that are better hunting knives out of the box
than many styles sold as hunting knives.....
it all boils down to utility.... What works the best for the purpose....
And my first real thoughts on this began as a teenager when I saw a
garden variety Hippy in the Eugene area in the late 60's or early 70's
who had made a custom sheath for one of the early Gerber all metal
Chef's knives, to use as a long belt knife for general use.... I
puzzled over the sighting and realized the guy was on to something...
It was a better knife for real life uses than 90% of the hunting
knives on the market at the time..... better steel, better shape,
much more useable than any heavy Bowie with a crossguard...
Gerber later got the same idea and began marketing their chef's
blades with the addition of a grit filled epoxy handle coating as
hunting knives, and they were very very successful commercially and in
the field....
the bottom line on knives is any knife is better than no knife, but
the better the quality the better off you are in real terms... Cheap
quality knives are popular with low quality humans... and a real
woodsman invariably has good knives... The best he can buy or
Another example of the crossover between kitchen and hunting knives
was the Green River brand knives popular with mountain men and
settlers, also the indians, in early american history.. They were
nothing but high carbon steel kitchen knives with slab sides rivited
on of various sizes and styles. and made a rennaisance with the black
powder fad of the 70's.... no different than other brands that were
in production into the 70' and 80's... basicaly to our ansestors
kitchen & hunting knives were a seamless concept.... I think the
artificial divison was caused by the popularization of the Bowie
knife, which started life as a fighting and survival knife, and
ended up being percieved as the ultimate hunting knife shape, which it
In fact its a poor style for a hunter, and the blades were too thick
for ease of use, and with excessive crossguards they became very
impractical as usable chore knives... and in the modern era continue
in myriad forms as fighting and survival knives in spite of being very
crude, heavy, and impractical for actual use in any situation but a
back alley... Sadly the military copied the style for combat/survival
knives, and servicemen got very impractical knives thru several
This trend continues even today, and in most knife shops that cater to
hunters and survivalist wannabees there are more bowie style blades
than anything else in the showcases... and are usually purchassed by
males with more hormones than knowlege about knives... its another
example of salesmanship steering a trend away from anything
practical.... luckily custom knives also became popular in the 70's,
and custom makers were creative enough to not stay locked in to the
bowie style, and since then, custom knives in more practical styles
have led to production styles of hunting and survival knives
vectoring off from the bowie, and into some really nice stuff...
Basically the bottom line in survival & subsistence knives is you need
a decent knife of good hardness, in a useable size and shape... 99%
of knife use even in survival situations is day to day chores, and
isnt fighting bears, or taking on armies of enemies... I'm afraid
modern humans have watched too much TV, and its affected their
perceptions about knives... this bowie versus more practical shapes
delima was a discussed problem even in literature of the turn of the
century a hundred years ago... and people with bowie styles werent
considered practical and knowlegeable woodsmen or hunters... The trend
continues to this day...
if I were designing a knife for use by people as a practical user in
survival situations where they also had axes and other tools, it would
be about an eight inch drop point with little guard, and good steel.
And I would and have recommended that a person also have a much
smaller knife in the 3 to 4 inch sizes for general uses... basically
you can get by with just one knife, but better versatility comes with
having two sizes... And my logic on my 12 inch Tarzan knife was for a
single item survival tool... which it turned out to be very good
as... much better than the same materials designed into a bowie...
and my current knife project is for a smaller easier to use for chores
design. knives have been a life long personal hobby... and I am less
attracted to killer knives than practical users... And I suspect many
males of being overly focused on violence and combat.. Its borderline
mental illness in my opinion... being ready, able and knowlegeable
about fighting knives, and fighting, isnt a bad thing, but extreme
focus there, isnt a sign of a well balanced and practical human.....
So I hope this disertation helps some grow up a bit concerning
knives... Concerning Women and knives, they tend to be more
practical about sizes and shapes, but unfortunately usually lack
knowlege in the area of quality in design and materials, and also most
often have no concept of the limits of knives to stand abuse.. my
advice to any woman wishing to upgrade her knife area knowlege, is to
get better harder steel, learn to sharpen with a stone, and then use
your knives gently and carefully, and get a hatchet or cleaver for
heavy more brutal jobs.... women tend to break fine knives, and use
dull ones, and buy soft ones, all are signs of ignorance. most
modern men arent much better... do I expect this advice to change the
world? No, mass ignorance has way too much inertia... It was written
for the individual who wishes to be on the right path into the future.
And there are very few humans aware enough to know they should learn
more about knives....
I hope I have helped those people.
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