Wednesday, September 30, 2009

28 Sept. 2009...............


morning, another pretty one....

thinking about politics this morning, and how it pretends to work.....

the Bible says place your faith in no man.... Very astute advice....
especially concerning politics, the deadliest of all games....

the founding forefathers of american government were wise in the
system of checks and balances, it was the best system possible for the

times have changed.... But humans have not.....

Unfortunately the checks and balances system has been perverted... we
now have an elite class of drones occupying all the branches of
government, who are whores to monied interests for the large part...
And we have a body politic that has been manipulated thru divide &
conquer tactics, and has been effectively conquered thru propaganda
by same monied interests...

whats the cure? self sufficiency first, if you supply your own
needs, including defense, what need have you of an invariably
corrupted government?

true freedom is when an individual is free to make their own choices
about everything that effects their lives...

the smaller the government, the more likely it is to be responsive to

but even then, anyone who observes human nature even at the highschool
level will realize humans even in small groups, are generally jerks,
and play all kinds of social games for reasons of vanity......

there is only one cure....

and thats getting population densities down to the point politics is
meaningless.... and then attempting to get people to work on
themselves enough to evolve a culture thats less egocentric.....

individual family colonies in space would work more or less, or
seperated small farms....

but I grew up in a family with serious problems, so I well know its a
limited success solution at best....

freedom is a result of mobility... plain truth...

no doubt many a tribe has split up and formed two tribes in human
history.... just as families break up...

The real answer is to cure the human.....

so far hasnt happened here...

I suspect the Ranchers have figured it out thru genetic
enhancements... created a race of human ants somehow...

But it evidently has its problems, or they wouldnt be doing wolfling
colonies for new blood.....

I doubt they come interstellar distances for purely altruistic reasons........

if they are human they are self interested, perhaps collectively in
this case......

The founding fathers also tried to put the most power into the hands
of the most people possible...

good idea... another form of broad scale checks and balances.....

The patriot movement wants to go back in time, the status quo wants to
stop in time or even worse consolidate their control, and the
intelligent individual just wants out entirely.... and to not to have
to die in the process....

its why some of us are incurable romantics, we long for something better....

personally I dont see that happening on this side of the
apocalypse..... and on the other side? Who knows, all I know is to
continue trying beats collective suicide by vanity....

I suspect the Ranchers are going to let us trash ourselves as a
lesson, come in pick up the pieces, sift for human decency and
rudimentary primitive intelligence, disease resistance etc. and we
end up with some kind of dictatorship... hopefully benign, and
just..... If it is just, its better than what we have now.... and
maybe their intentions are to use the best of us to seed other
colonies, and go from there, who knows....


any culture with star travel likely has to come up w/some sort of a
working sollution to egocentric self interest.....

it could be a simple genetic enhancement....

such as creating humans who dislike dishonesty...
And who are socially responsible....

the Bible points this direction over and over....

I try to help people, often to my own detriment....
but I'd rather suffer failure than not try at all.....

I think over time one learns to fine tune their giving... i.e. Filter
for worthiness......

I also try to live on very little... this helps keep the vanity at
bay... and wanting to see other stars and planets has me keeping my
baggage much lighter than it would have been.... also knowing the
predictions in the bible are very likely to happen, I know better
than to get too caught up in the current reality.....

its been a long process....and alot of it is in this blog..... I
blog to share my learnings.....

besides, its a fun hobby, expressive......

and people like me give the status quo something to worry about....
i.e. People that ocasionally make sense, and who are public with
their ideas.....

the pen is mightier than the sword... so modern communications tech
is more powerful than nukes if used correctly.....

I listened to Harry Shearer's Le Show last night, dirty laundry on
government, from a liberal perspective... tonight, batteries
permitting, I will hear some right wing perspective dirty laundry on
the status quo/government......

but what do I do personally with the stuff?

I use it to help motivate me towards personal freedom... any emotion
properly channeled can be used to help remove yourself from the
problem zone....

government is like a nuclear reactor, the farther away the better....

yes, its very powerful, but I dont need it... i have a solar panel....

I have also learned that allowing one's self to fall into
dispair(spelling?), is allowing one's self to fall into
disrepair..... if you dispair, it means you need to get back on
target, quit relying on others, begin taking actions however small,
towards freeing yourself from dispair, by becomming more self
sufficient... No doubt dispair is the bread and butter of
psychologists, who will gladly follow you the long way around the
barn, at a modestly insane fee, until you figure out you dont really
need them....

I have a young lady friend who recently became a licensed
Psychologist, and they told her in school dont expect to really be
able to help anyone....

I suggested she try telling her clients the truth....

i.e. You have to fix yourself, I'm here to help.....

I find a good way to fix myself is using things like the Tao, Buddha's
stuff, the Bible etc. Or even the Scout's Ideals to focus on...
there is much good in studying the simple philosophies from other's
realizations in the past.... nowdays if I get trashed, I just tell
myself a good scout isnt downed by defeat, and bootstrap myself up
for the next attempt.... its something to do, overcoming failure is a
great hobby with no shortage of opportunities to enjoy it..... I also
have learned to worry less by just waiting to see what really

one thing I have been thinking about these last couple days, is
drinking water containers... I would like to get ahold of some of
the new stainless one liter water bottles, like the plastic yuppie
bottles.... I think stainless would be just the thing for the bug out
pack.... a dozen wouldnt be too many, they'd be good for all kinds of
things, but I havent seen any show up here yet, will have to wait
until the yuppies go onto something else and there are factory over
runs from china that show up in stores here...

if they do show up, the locals wont know what they are, so I'll get
them for a couple dollars each....

likely less than the yuppies are paying?

I think the bugout kit needs to be one's top priority in many ways....
and I will keep upgrading mine as is possible....

thing to remember, is you can only carry so much.... and up until
the mega quake etc. happens you can likely count on fossil fuel
based transport... after that you go down to Darfurs level
instantly... best have a cart or wheelbarrow if you cant keep a
horse... also better to keep your butt to the edge of the empire if

I suspect like many that the way out of current economic mess will be
the usual cure, steady hard inflation.... what that means is we have
to get more efficient, and focus on our priorities better....

for common folks I advise you quit believing in the system, and start
believing in the apocalypse....

any fool can see where we are going.

My own trip is a good example, average income maybe $100-$150 for the
last year, managed to spend half on preparedness...

and while doing that, wrote this blog to try to help others behind me
on the economics to poverty curve, and I've come up with ideas like
the recent concept of using online forum type systems to replace
government with......

If I had to start from zero, I'd go a good stout sea kayak, and plan
my kit to all fit in it.... IE start with my mobility, and use it's
small size to limit materialism....

I'd do fine.... work the ocasional odd job for money to buy cornmeal
and salt etc. or grow my own on abandoned land somewhere, and live
cheap by camping and fishing etc. eating alot of clams, barnacles,
and maybe do a hidden spud patch so I could do chowder....

key to success is minimalism... key to failure is relying on others
or the system... We know where its going folks... mega quake, fire,
smoke plumes.....

it all makes sense once you grok where angels really come from.....

funny we havent seen any lately eh? you'd think they'd be stopping by
for tea with the pope, if the popular interpretations were correct....

I think anyone who has read this blog any amount of time knows the
truth.... Elijah's fire came from the heavens, where is up? the
fire didnt just burst into flames, it was hit with a beam coming from
up... up is a direction... what could possibly be above that could
send down a beam of fire and ignite soaking wet wood.... Reading the
passages its obvious Elijah knew what was going to happen... how
could he know? I suspect Angel means; agent......

and Prophet could be someone recieving messages... ESP? we are
borderline now on technologies soon to allow beaming visual images and
sound into the brain, and by passing the ears and eyes.....

and advanced form of this would explain Jacob's dream, Ezekiel's
aircraft vision, etc....

somebody was using high tech toys to play god....
Do they have tech to connect to great spirit? I dont know, hope to
find out by asking them or observing them after arrival....

I'm sure they were pretty toung in cheek about alot of it, like saying
a child of god would get a strong desire to follow the word of god
etc. When they became a true believer.... i.e. when they figured it
out, or heard rumor of what it all was....

yeah..when you figure it out and realize what it all means, and that
your personal survival is at stake,,
one would tend to want to follow any good advice.....

many will laugh at what I say... let them....

last laugh should be a doosey this time.......

laugh all you want... Just get the kids to safety please.......

and once you realize the truth of what I am saying, what motive could
you have to continue collecting excessive materialism, feeding your
vanity, owning things... Etc.?

If this planet is habitable after the apocalypse, I dont think
there will be any shortage of land, gold, etc..... If human population
gets cut back 80% by it all, there is going to be plenty of room.....
materialism? Plenty of stuff for anyone willing to dig around in the
rubble and bones....

after disasters, fires, etc., things do start to grow again.... I
dont grok the whole story, have more reading to do, but I do
understand some will go to other solar systems.... thats something
I'd enjoy doing... being a colonist on a new planet could be alot
better, if there were none who were greedy, none who would trash the
ecosystem and arrogantly call it progress... thats the equivilent
of calling whats left after carpet bombing an improvement....

well, from the sounds of things those who like such progress should
be well pleased by the mega quake and fires etc., 'be no shortage of
their favorite progress for them to appreciate...

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