Monday, September 21, 2009

Blog, Thursday, September 17th, 2009..........

Evening, seem to have insomnia... During my normal sleep hours....
why? listened to short wave heard mentally disturbing things...

what do France & Massacuchets have in common? both recently passed
draconian legislation concerning people who refuse swine flu
vaccines.. in the state of Mass. They can destroy your property, I
assume that means kick in your doors, or shoot out your windows? and
in France they can hold you without trial ect. All the Patriot act
stuff now translated into frog lingo...
Including trying children as adults.....

Gee? do I think any of this has anything to do with pigs and their
germs? yes, the legislators.....

this swine flu trip is nothing but another excuse for a power grab,
and the vaccine is a toxic acid test to see if you are stupid enough
to let them poison you...

Comply or die slaves!

laws are an intimidation trip, nothing more, nothing less.. do you
feel like you need governed & controlled? and sucked dry economically
to pay for it...

when will people wake up and realize this is all just a bunch of shit?
its the Elite planning on surfing, read "Serfing" on your back thru
the global warming climate change era.... Serfing with an E.....

as a scientist pointed out some years ago, climate change is the worst
crisis in human history since the last ice age... so you're to be a
good donkey, and let them ride you thru the swamp....

What do Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy, and Government have in common?

Sane adults dont believe in any of them now, even if they used to......

I spent the day mostly working on limbs for a bow... its an
experiment, trying some thin spring steel I was given... have the
Riser roughed out, and have been procrastinating on doing the limbs
due to it being a nasty job.... not fond of serious amounts of
abrasive wheel cutting, with hand tools... but I worked at it non
stop, for about four hours this morning, and got the limbs roughed
and used up plenty of grinding disks, got really dirty, but I'm
well on my way to a spare bow that will have some seriously durable
limbs.... its been a long term project.....

did the riser out of Mora wood a couple three years back, all hand
carved... Mora is as hard as Oak, but rot resistant, and yellow in

If the bow turns out nice enough, it will be a stargate item...

Why am I doing this? Because I cant change the world, so I'm changing me.....

I spent most of yesterday doing research in the bible, very
tedious.... Did find some things....

the Mega-Quake is mentioned in the old Testament, in fact several
times, and it flat states it will flatten all the cities on the
planet.... gee? I've heard quake activity has increased 3X in the
last twenty years, and one of the signs of the end times/apocalypse is
quakes and food shortages everywhere..... with a nuclear winter type
effect, sky being darkened, also written about in both old and new
testaments.... could be from war, vulcanism on plate boundaries, or
forest fires, as bible also states two thirds of all the forest and
all the grasslands will burn....

so what do you suppose will happen to the 400 or so nuclear power
plants on the planet? in a quake hard enough to move all the mountain
ranges, and with Tsunamis move or erase all the islands?

Do you think gold coins, a water filter, freeze dried food, and guns
and ammo will be enough to save your butt? I think not....

also bible says the mega-quake will pop all the coffins in cemetaries
out of the ground.... and no wall on the planet will be left

Thats some serious rock & roll folks..

That means your, gold, water filter, and freeze dried food dont have a
house anymore.... and if you stay in your house guarding your pack
rat's nest of materialism, you go down with the ship...

and with all the nuke plants doing melt downs, like 400 Chernobyles,
where would you not want to be? its "mutate or migrate", and in a

in other words, you'd be better off in Tierra del fuego eating raw
clams... except they will all be dead from radio active seas....
all those nuke plants built on rivers for cooling water, remember?
where do those rivers go?

am I some Christian religious fanatic? no!
i figured out from genesis six, what it was all about... aliens!
Wee-ooh-wee! now he's gone over the edge! no! I'm right as

The whole bible is a warning device for us... the poor fools who
have to deal with the worldly-beast government, alias; new world

and I suspect the swine flu vaccine is a dry run for the I.D. Chip,
if you wont let them inject you with toxins, and monkey pus, you
probably wont like them putting a cancer causing RFID chip into your
forhead now will you? its a Y2K type test, to see how you react, so
they can drop the twin towers on you to justify some wars here and

if there is anyone who still believes in government, please raise
your hand and jump up and down & yell, so we can see you in the

hey folks, instinctual liars, killers and thieves, who could that be?
aint us honest boyscouts!

its them pigs of politics, and their gay corporate bedmates....

are we getting the overview? reality 101?

the best bible to read and understand genesis six in is the jehova's
witness bible... am I a saturday door knocker? hardly... I just
decided to respect them long ago for attempting to do something they
believed in.... and a few years back asked the local latin versions
if they could get me a bible in english which they gladly did, they
took up a collection in fact, third world folks, to get a crazy gringo
living alone on a mountain in the jungle, a bible in his native
language.... thankyou! I only asked for the bible out of
boredom..... something to read, no libraries here......

It was all an accident!

but thanks to a translation into plain modern english, and not an
extra step thru the pope's latin, genesis six gets real obvious

then I figured out Ezekiel one.... The airplanes with holographic
insignia remember?

its aliens folks, whole bible makes sense if you realize its aliens....

and if they are advanced enough to have star travel, do you suppose
they might know where global warming leads to?

or know what instinctual liars, killers, and thieves do when they get
political power?

the blind faith fanatic types make a perfect smoke screen for the messages....

anyway.... Am I too worried about legalities? no, theres alot of
jungle here, and I'm used to the snakes, no shit, last week went out
to urinate at night, and literally pissed on a fer de lance.... boy
were we both surprised! he lost his head, I kept mine....

maybe I am just a tich crazy for living like I do...

crazy like a fox.......

no nuclear power plants close.... its a pleasant place to camp all
year, dont need a house or a regular job... and I'm used to eating
bananas & coconuts.. and my dog is better company than any of the
women I've tried to be even nicer to.....

why do I write this blog? Because I like to help others... A natural
boyscout... and I'd rather be honest and considered crazy, than
dishonest and thought well of... I see it as the truth against the

Why did JC tell the people to give Caesar his coin back? was it
because you are supposed to pay taxes to the killer? Or because you
dont really need it? it was a dichotomy pair parable! and a
message in it for modern types... you dont need the economic system,
you need to get out of Babylon, and be quick doing so... get Mary
on the donkey and leave, they are after your blood....

something else I noticed reading the old testament the other day,
the advice of getting into the mountains is repeated over and over...
JC gave the same advice in Mathew.....

gee? why would they do that?

and what are you going to do? hang out on your pile of shit playing
video games, ?? or get south of the 400 power plants?

what would I wish for if I could? that a few million folks would sell
their shit, and go to the mountains in the south, and take up camping
and gardening..
Sounds crazy, but its sane.....

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