Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday 26th September, 2009...........

morning, have been keeping busy since dawn, dishes, cooking, etc.
Working on my shopping list for this month...

getting down there on my stuff missing for my preparedness trip...
Not much will I get this month, maybe more dental work, which is
priority one,
would like to get some rechargable batteries for my radio, but not
likely to happen...

not that important really, listening to the world insist on going
downhill gets old, especially when you'd like to help make it better
and people insist on the downhill trip...

so, I'll work on my refugee kit a bit if possible, maybe get some
grinding wheels for the steel bow project..

thinking about the right wingers on short wave, if they are correct
about half of what they say about the government in the US, things
are about to get much worse fast in the name of improvements.....

Last time I was up there I didnt like it, TV was mostly cancer drug
commercials, gave me the feeling getting out of there was my high
anyplace people are dying like flys of cancer and it's business as
usual, is a good place not to stay....

I see signs on the horizon that the day is coming, that a homeless
person living in the brush will have the best life in the country....

It reminds me of the Soviet union, when the government used to round
up people and send them off to the gulags to use as slave labor...
any excuse seemed good enough to snag somebody, and they got a five
minute trial to make sure they didnt know anybody important, and ship
them out....

The KGB was also generally on the lookout for anybody who was trying
to live free of government control, and I remember stories of them
finding families in remote areas, living for years with no outside
contact, due to fear of the government agents.... in fact National
Geographic did a bit on it after the fall...

well, what goes around comes around, vagrancy laws used to regularly
fill chain gangs in the US, same thing, and these days we have
prisons for corporate profit etc., so I see no real difference...

so the day is coming the KGB, now known as homeland security, will be
checking your papers on trains like old Nazi movies.....

so much for land of the free, did they take that out of the national
anthem yet? it and home of the brave seem dated and out of place
these days...

The flag still flies, but freedom is an archaic concept...
something future generations will study in Abberant Psychology

Maybe there will be a course on Bravery also? discussing the causes
of such anti social behavior, and how it was eliminated thru mass
chemical lobotomies....

So my redneck friend at work who made the prediction 25 years ago
that the status quo wouldnt be happy until they could march us at
gunpoint between barbwire fences to work and back, seems to have been
spot on...

spose they'll use the best suck ups for slave breeding purposes?
create a race of humans that make the most gutless employees possible?

plenty of those to choose from.... welcome to the cowardly new world....

Welp! I can see the writing on the wall; "Eni Meni miny mo, off to
the Gulag for re-education you go.."

somebody has to compete with the Chinese in the used body parts market....

me?, I think waltzing matilda sounds nicer...

go in search of a Billabong or two....

only question is the departure date, anytime is fine, as long as it's
well before the buses start leaving for Gulag 13, or Re-education camp
666........ Or Haliburton/Aushwitz industrial & chemical park...

Aint nobody good...its relative...

one man's profit is another man's loss...

One man's justice is another man's atrosity...

there is no such thing as freedom inside a culture...
Culture these days is which perticular pattern you were brainwashed
into thinking was normal....

The box you grew up in, while being told how free you were...

I suppose its my point of view, but the US seems to be a nation of
Subburban Lemings these days... we have the denial lemmings, and the
survival lemmings, big difference seems to be the brand of water
filters, whether they're allowed to have a gun or not, and if they
have a coin collection & a credit card, or just a credit card... one
group eats GMO food, the other stocks freeze dried....

I guess Harry Shearer's song about urban survivalists on Le Show
pretty much tells the story, seeds and pullets hot items this year in
town... do you suppose the chickens set on the fence and cluck about
the corporate farmland in the distance, and speculate about its actual
existance, or if its a hormonally induced mirage?

well, maybe its time to get off the Monopoly board?

I'm gettin' burnt out on the game... seems awful late... and the
worst players morally, won, as is the usual case...

What do subburban people know? Anything?

maybe its time we augment the discovery channel with the survival
channel? how to butcher a chicken? urban worm farming? For food &
Could have programs on home defense combat shooting skills? where
team B does drive by shootings using paintball, and home owners return
fire? maybe courses in long range sniping at humanoid robot
dummies dressed as FEMA and Homeland Security agents....

perhaps interviews with Mercenaries about raider Psychology?

Courses in how to survive Police brutality episodes?

Have a few Doctors giving reports on the litany of government mandated
vaccines, and whats really in them according to independent lab
reports, and the surmised actual desired effect of perticular

or maybe a course on body language and behavior of people while
lying, so common folk could understand politicians better? could use
a few now retired experts from the field.... no shortage to choose
from, but unfortunately some of the best that are legendary have
passed on, to the crappy fishing ground....

Maybe on Sundays the Survival vehicle car show? with Hummers,
SUV's, Campers, and Yahoo 4wd Trucks? special report on rattle can
camo paint jobs..... and a program on flag eticate, both stars &
stripes and Confederate?

Interviews speculating what really happened to the MIA'S from Korea,
Viet Nam etc.

Dying Gulf war veterans giving para-legal advice from their hospital beds.....

How to Operate and maintain the home Geiger counter, and test for
Depleted Uranium Residue on military surplus items.... And on
returning family members....

and shows on love and feeding of retarded or deformed children of
parents who fought in the more modern wars...

Interviews with Veteran's Administration Lawyers explaining the 4%
success ratio of those filing for disability....

Could have comercials for charitable organizations trying to help
countries this or that administration has bombed into the radioactive
stone age....

or special reports on government statistics of how many inmates in
internment camps that seem to have been "misplaced" this month...

Maybe an urban survivalist sitcom? so everyone will know how they are
supposed to think?

some, such as myself are at a loss as to what to think and not think about....

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