Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday 30th, Sept. 2009...............

Morning, just after four AM, awaiting sunrise in an hour, have a
small toad wandering around in the house eating bugs... he seems to
be doing pretty good, the sticky toung at work...

Listened to a bit of short wave last night, Albert Addis, I like his
spiels, last night he was talking about the economy as usual, and
commenting on government lies, and how they've trapped themselves into
deeper & deeper lies with no way out.... Evidently there are ships
parked in Singapore, world's busiest port, all the way to the horizon,
idle.. More ships than the american & brittish navy combined, not
business as usual carrying toys for christmas etc..

Well, the Grinches have finally stolen Christmas, they did it last
year, by giving all the money to the big bankers and calling it an
economic bailout... Same bankers who caused the problems mind you,
who blew a trillion or so on big bonuses for themselves, pet whores,
and posh parties....

"why is there poverty? Because the rulers eat up all the money in taxes." (Tao)

last year, I realized at Christmas, that if things kept getting
worse, this Christmas could effectively trigger the collapse...

so we shall see...

I dont think the government has any credibility with anyone... the
only reason things havent crashed already is because people have to
eat, have to keep trying somehow, but its only a matter of time until
Rome begins to burn....

Same trips as Rome's demise, failed foriegn wars of conquest,
corruption and lunacy at home, and people oweing their children to
the creditors...

so, its time and past time, to load up your ox cart, and head to the
edge of the empire and join up with the barbarians, get on the
backside of the invasion and sacking... sacking, is now known as

And the Praetorian guard , i.e. Homland security, has big plans to
protect the wealthy, but I think when it all comes unglued, there
will be plenty of fat rich bitches being raped on bloody marble
floors...well, maybe on some Monsanto product floors, but you get the

I wonder if after it all comes apart, if there will still be a
squawking head smiling on the TV The next day, telling us how things
are getting steadily better, a friendly face, well chosen words, a
tone of voice that inspires confidence & belief....

like a tape left running on an endless loop...
Repeat, repeat, repeat.....

and if this Christmas aint poor enough, I'm sure they'll keep robbing
us and calling it a cure... like the church bleeding robin hood to
death with leaches......

well, there's only one way out.... And thats to begin telling the
truth..... but I dont think they know how its even done.... maybe
they should interview some elite university psychology professor on
mainstream TV, ask him what the truth is, and how do you get there?
what kind of phrases does it entail, what kind of spin doctors do
you need to script it up? etc.

And he, liking his job, can utter some double speak, drop some
names, quote some history, give some stern but meaningless advice,
while the presenters nod solemly.....

you know the presenters; "Barbie & Ken"......

No folks.... I think we're going to learn the truth the hard way....

and if you arent out growing spuds in some mountain valley where the
new better, improved, & government mandated Digital TV doesnt reach,
could be you on the marble floor with the line of Rats waiting for
their turn on you....

Things are going to get alot worse before they get any better.... and
as long as you see Corporate lap dummies on your TV, dont expect
them to say anything that isnt fluff.....

Best head down to the hardware store, and buy a hoe.... you can ask
the salesman about them, what they are, which end goes in the dirt
etc. get a file too, the salesman may or may not know how to use it
on the hoe.... I"ll give you a clue; you sharpen the straight edge on
the metal thingy..If the thingy has bend in it, curve, you sharpen
it on the outside, away from the handle, and if the blade thingy is
straight, you file it on the inside...

then start thinking about all the people you know, and know of.....
and try to remember if you've heard of any organic gardeners,
hopefully living out of town, and when the shit hits, you grab your
blankets and hoe, and head for that person.....

they'll know what to do, and how to do it, and you can live on body
fat & bugs, and practice your new hoeing skills until either there's
food, or you run out of bugs and die.......

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