Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday, 25th, September 2009..........

Morning, well, almost, awaiting dawn in a few minutes... slept OK,
bug count seems low this morning, a day home alone, so I'm happy

listened to a bit of short wave last night, a health program, a couple
interesting tidbits, one that
UN/WHO has admitted releasing current swine flu microbes as part of
a fake vaccination trial to manipulate the public into taking

If true, means they effectively decided to mass murder a few people
to get the rest of us to do what they tell us to... fairly arrogant
if you ask me...

I dont think I trust any of them, and have decided my immune system is
fine without letting such jerks twiddle with it...

Also heard more on rumored Navy ship used as test for vaccine, that
its in port now, several dead officers & crew, quarentined, crawling
with doctors, and declared a national security secret...

If true, more jerks at work, more mass murder, and more reason to
have my camping gear up to snuff...

Where does it stop? control trippers, greed heads, instinctual liars
killers and thieves........

Also heard last night a ground wave of anti federal government
sentiment is sweeping the US....
I guess I'm not the only one to realize Obama blew his chance to fix
things by being a lackey for the same group as Bush was....

and as I pointed out to the world in my questions Bob fielded the
other night, can you think of any reason at all we actually need a
federal government?

Its like Spud farmers in Russia figuring out that the communist
government always showing up with a truck to haul off his crop &
leaving some currency not worth corn cobs in the outhouse, wasnt a
good deal...

Give it up, let it go, better go find someplace you can plant some
spuds for yourself, that the government doesnt know about, and enjoy
the peace dividend of not paying into the system...

All boils down to food, shelter, clothing, tools & weapons... and the
human labor & resources to produce all of the above...

And I know what I'm talking about, have been living outside the box
for years....

the house, car, fatty food, job, and the Rat-grind are all held to
you by the glue of vanity....

much better to be seldom seen, because you are living in a wall tent
in the brush, stirring the potato soup on the wood stove....

The key to success in the future isnt keeping up with the Joneses,
its in getting as far away from them as you can, and living as
minimalistically as possible....

later, day came, went down to the spring, washed dishes, cleaned out
the spring pipe, it always plugs with leaves and soil that wash down
in the rains, should get a spring box built to keep the leaves out,
w/a top, but I havent done it yet due to being used to just cleaning
the spring out every few days.. I got corn and peas & lentils rinsed
of ants & weevils, this is the tropics, if it doesnt get bugs in it
its because its something toxic..

then I got a fire going, using dried coconut husk for tinder, then
coconut shell broken up on top of that to make it get serious,
followed by fair sized sticks to hold fire for cooking....

Decided today is a party day, home alone, maybe celebrate Bob reading
my questions on air or something, so I decided to use 2 pounds of
legumes in w/my skinned corn, just to see what it was like.... I
usually do maybe 3:1, starch to legume, 2:1 is correct, but the peas
cost almost twice the corn, and I'm done growing up, so usually
fudge the numbers a bit... but today about one to one on the ratio
just for something different... did yellow peas and green lentils

have bananas going ripe, no shortage of citrus,
and peeled a coconut, currently munching, will hack up the rest for
accenting the chews in my main fare later....

I dont worry about the 4 food groups etc... thats for fat people, I
just get the starches, do my protiens w/legumes, and do fruit,
coconuts, breadnuts etc. In place of salads & veggies, citrus daily,
and feel fine... also chunked up some hot peppers into the pot, I
eat them daily, have for years....

Thinking about the fact that most people now are city people, and
dont know dog dudu about living out of town or growing food etc.
well over these years doing this bloggeroo I've written thousands of
words on the subjects and in the case of growing food pointed your
browsers at Rodale press etc.

so if you kept buying freeze dried food instead of getting knowlege,
when the food runs out, I suggest bugs as a staple diet.... because
growing food takes time and experience... theres more failure to it
than success generally until you figure out what actually works for
your situation etc. and then the bugs, rats, etc. are like little
FEMA drones with shovels and dumptrucks after your stored food....

I was mentally far enough ahead of the curve to get food trees
planted, literally have food falling on the ground, and regularly
planting more food trees.... its a bad habit I know, but considering
whats coming, who knows, might come in handy when the super market is
gutted and burned by rioters who got angry because the big teat in the
sky quit running milk & honey on them in trade for pretending to do
something important in the city full of office buildings....

Who knows? after the cities collapse in the mega-quake the Ranchers
warned us about with the bible, repeatedly, including one passage
that says in plain words ALL the cities on the planet will go down at
the same time, maybe some woman will survive by being on coffee
break, and walking on the street when it happens, and afterwards
climb over the stinking smoking rubble, wade thru the gutters running
blood & guts, and wander around lost until she smells pea soup...

By then she'll be thinner, alot more real, and maybe open to a working
relationship? I suspect feminist mouthings will stop with a narrow
glance... might work out, you never know, but if not, a boot in
the ass generally solves the problems....

I suspect women evolved from Canada Jays, a kinda pretty bird in the
mountains, called camp robbers where I come from, they show up
anywhere there is food and gobble down all they can, unless you run
them off or put them to work...

Lucky I was lazy, and so had time to wait for my trees to grow,
while all the local women called me crazy... I could literally go
wander around for an hour and come back with all the food I could
carry, tree food, better than garden food in that you only have to
harvest it... low work to sack ratio once you get it going.... my
guess is half my diet now is tree food... and if you people
weren't so busy chasing bogus bucks, and vanity, you could have
planted your trees long ago.....

Just remember when your reality sandwich shows up, and after that as
you munch grasshoppers etc., always remember to plant every fruit
seed you can like a fanatic religion, clean around or transplant to
better spots wild shoots from around existing trees, fertilize trees
with mulch or your own manure if thats what you have, and maybe in a
generation or two your tree food to crawly food ratio can get better
and stay that way...

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