Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday the 16th 2009......

Wednesday the 16th 2009......

Morning, going on three thirty...

slept OK finally...

heard Albert Addis last night, saying what I figure out for myself,
and others also have realized, only way out of economic problem is to
inflate the currency.. as he says, what cant be paid wont be
paid, and he thinks maybe only 20% or less of national & private debt
can possibly be paid... it adds up to about a quarter million dollars
per person.. And as he points out, the average family of four isnt
very likely to pay a million dollars in taxes before its over...

personally I think they plan on heavy inflation, and using threat of
military force ect. To keep the Chinese etc. From doing anything about
it... the chinese are already pissed realize they've been ripped off,
but as typically human over look the fact they have been keeping their
currency artificially low to be able to fuck their own people and have
their elite get filthy wealthy in the process.. i.e. Its an all night
poker game, and everybody around the table are cheaters, and all have

which expresses my point; where do we suppose it will all go?

just a matter of time until the shooting starts....

the elite are people with specific attractions, preditory types, that
use personal agression to elevate themselves above the mire....

business, politics, etc. Its invariably the least scruples that go
highest, like a big filter..

I saw a version in the military, w/officers, it was generally the
worst of them that did the best, and forced the best of them out..
so where does that lead over time? it leads to an entrenched shithead
class of elite.... Most werent too bad, but it was the worst that went
highest, and the best that left soonest...

but, I know something thats important...

that this downhill trip has a destination, and that we were planted
here, and those that did the seeding have their own goals in the
endevour, and I'm 100% sure about my thesis about the bible etc.

and what that means for us, is we had best get our own personal shit
together, because the end of the game is fast upon us, and these guys
with the moving stars in the heavens plan on cleaning up the genome
but good, and doing it the hard way for us....

two step plan, let us totally fuck ourselves first, come in after its
over, and burn the rejects in staggering numbers....

first stage eliminates the ones too blind and mentally ill to see the
truth, second stage is mop up to high cleaning standards....

where does that leave us?

well we can get caught up in the shit, and go down w/the Titanic, or
perhaps survive to later be seperated out and fried against the wall

or we can work on our selves, admit we're fucked up too, struggle,
also help each other and others, and at least have a better chance of
making it thru the survival test, and maybe avoiding being
exterminated by the folks who have the big guns and the high ground,
and who have wandered off and let the vat ferment for awhile....

I spend alot of time analysing it all, am uncomfortable with many
issues of it, know I actually know very little, and suspect the
Rancher types are likely on target on all levels...

I also know we have zero chance of beating them, and so our best
option is joining them, and its going to be them who set the terms,
not us...

all unpleasant thinking, but also critical realizations, and very
important to us and others....

and so we become the heretics described in the bible... the ones who
figure it out, and get denegrated by the established fanatic religion,
who's main purpose seems to have been to get the word out...

and by having discussed this on the blog, we have also fulfilled
prophecy and gotten a more correct vision explained to any and all
who happen into it.... and considering the blog title is survival &
subsistence, and main theme is preparing for the future, that means
anybody who searches those themes can run into it,.....

This morning I have been thinking about JC's statement about anyone
who screws up kids would be better off never having been born...

gee? Where do you suppose that takes the pediphiles? or bad
teachers? Or people in government agencies who pretend to be
protecting kids, and use them for lab rats, like the CIA trip in New
York city a few years back where
60,000 kids died or disappeared, as was reported on radio Canada...
or where will it take George Bush who signed legislation to permit
the drug companies to do the very same things with Mentally retarded
children? I've met and known kids who were considered mentally
retarded in my life, and not a one of them deserved to be killed for
the benefit of anyone... most of them seemed to at least be pretty
good people, albeit with other problems...

so, we have a survival test aproaching.... are we prepared? Do we
have our head in the right place?
Are we concerned only for ourselves, or are we going to try to help
others? its better to go down fighting for whats right, than to
continue living for whats wrong...

Truth is the key.... Realizing as much trurth as possible... not
getting caught up in the sick game...

nobody is perfect.... that means we all still have work to do....
that we all need to conciously establish better habbits, realize our
own defects, and struggle to do something about them...

We also all need to mentally let go of normalcy, and get mental
mobility... its not materialism, or dried food, or guns, its your
headspace that counts most, the materialism etc. Are just potential
tools and resources to do a job.... and I think we'd be far wiser
spending our economics on preparing to help those behind the curve,
and not on piles of gold & silver thinking of ourselves....

some coins, yes, but stacking a room full of silver, when the money
could have built a fallout shelter for many, and provided it with
food? which one would the Ranchers burn? which one gets the positive
nod at the end of the test?

and back to the point on kids, what do you suppose the Ranchers would
think about abortions? from their perspective, its a universe with
unlimited space, resources, and billions of planets, many likely
empty of sentient life..

and aborting babies is like playing Gods arbitrarily... killing
children before their first breath is not, not killing children....
its logically like saying its OK to murder people as long as they are
asleep while you do it...

Honesty, courage, compassion, humility....

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