Monday, September 21, 2009

Blog, friday 18th, September, 2009............

Blog, friday 18th, September, 2009............

Mornimg, awaiting dawn...

thinking about the world situation, things like last nights news on
short wave, wondering what swine flu in france and trying children as
adults has in common... I know, the commonality is power
trippers... People who are heireditary parasites who live sucking off
common man by providing un-needed services.... the neo-nobility....

like insecure women who try to control their husbands to make up for
their own insecurity...

they have become specialists at manipulation and lying in your face,
called government, diplomacy, education, etc.

they have led everyone so far up a dead end path with their sweet
sounding lies, that for them they see no possibility other than more
of the same...

Well, specialization in nature always leads to extinction... and
these folks have become specialists in dreamimg up and selling grand
schemes with themselves always in control..

Isaac Asimov commented on them that he didnt see any way to get rid of
them, I see a way.... Let things take their course... and when
people wake up, which is happening, and things get bad enough, and
it becomes do or die, people will get rid of the parasites.......

in nature the specialization always ends when something changes the
paradigm on the food supply... well, do you think climate change,
mass starvation, and the rubbling of every city on the planet is
enough change?

these people are really good at intimidation games.. laws, treat
harshly a few and so control many... but that only works as long as
there isnt a greater fear... in this case its the greater natural
fear of swamps, of the donkey they are trying to continue to ride thru
the resulting problems come home to roost, of their own

Their toilet paper laws are meaningless... When reality hits no one
will obey them, they cant......

everyone will be too involved in trying to survive...

they plan grand wars of utter destruction, thinking their rich
bunkers will save them...

they create diseases to more effectively kill their fellow man, and
call it national security...

they build their ivory towers into the heavens, in absolute extreme vanity.....

what is my advice? Same as always, let go of excessive materialism,
get mobile, scatter, etc.

If you have no door to kick in, nor an address to find you at, nor a
bank account nor retirement account, their leverage goes away.. if
you are mobile, self sufficient and well armed, and keep to the brush
and mountains only fools will try to search you out....

sell the house, or let it go back to the bank, get a new lifestyle,
living by your wits if you have any....

learn to eat simple.... learn to grow your own food, make your own
weapons, deliver your own babies, educate your own children....

head back the way we came, back to viable paths....

out of the maze we have been led into by liars for personal gain....

do not volunteer for their military or police....

volunteer to get real instead...

if you are out of a job and homeless and living in a tent.... Use any
resources you can to get a better tent, a more durable shelter...
become neoindigenous... Take up fishing, walking, gardening where
ever, wander towards the sunshine.... sell your car and get a horse
or a canoe or kayak..... Live on very little....

Or you can hang out on your packrat's nest guarding your glitter until
the mega-quake comes and burys you under a house you didnt need,
while you sat on your hoard of excess, doing the bidding of
instinctual liars killers and theives....

being a Hyeena in the system, or a jackal, wont save you..... change
your Totem to the Coyote Clan... be smart, be seldom seen, eat whats
available, travel often, follow your heart, make music to the moon
from the hills...

let go of that, choose this....

I live quite fine on $30 worth of food a month...

with what I know now, if I lived in the US, and was unemployed, every
months food stamps would get me four months food stash, hidden
everywhere in $5 plastic barrels..... with nothing but an axe & a
shovel I could dig a hole to live in, cover it with some poles and
brush, on some knowle that had drainage... like the book I once
owned called the $50 dollar and up underground house book......

being a bush rat is more rewarding than being a wage nigger with no job...

being a free man is better than being a fat slave....

cooking over a fire of small sticks, is better than paying a hefty
energy bill....

Having little leaves you without much to lose....

the less you have the more free you are....

Nuthin' aint worth nuthin' but its free......

are you free?

people are figuring it out......

I am generally ahead of the curve enough I get dismissed as a nut
case... that comes in handy sometimes... being considered crazy is

more fun than being normal....

Dont want my old job back, it was boring, and they jerked everybody
around weekly with un necessary bullshit... Sound familiar? if you
work a job you know what I am talking about.....

well, if I work a job, it wont be a regular one... no fourty hours a
week for this loco coyote... not when I am quite comfortable
surviving on as little as I do....

Like the Indian said;

"White man has sold his soul for a place to sleep & shit."

well, I can paint my face red!

Why did the Native Americans fight thousands of battles in an atempt
to avoid the American dream?

Was it because their lifestyle wasn't good enough for them?

gee? I think its us who's lifestyle isnt good enough for us, and we
spend our lives trying to improve it with a credit card....

And you guys think I'm the crazy one?

best look to your own sanity I think.....

yesterday I worked on an experimental bow, a couple days before I
started changing a really good stainless steel kitchen knife into
another hunting knife.....

Well with a little camping gear you can sleep where ever you want
to... and shit off the trail please, the dog does that, very

I plant fruit trees... will they stop producing if I dont own them?
if everyone thought like I do, we'd be living in a garden of eden,
and not a living hell... dont just plant a tree, plant a fruit

and if you pass this way again, maybe there will be food there? and
if not the animals or other people can eat thanks to you..... I've
seen fruit trees a hundred years old producing food....

I've scouted great depression era abandoned homesteads looking for
fruit trees to get starts from.... wouldnt you rather see your
children in cherry trees than in school getting mindwashed by bored
instructors who were mindwashed by bored instructors?

most will never abandon their ways and search out my path...

a few maybe... If it was even one, I would feel well rewarded writing
this blog these years....

if you are bored, take up a craft that results in your neo-indigenous
gear... even at work.....

An example; I once had a boring job.. did alot of driving, ended up
at one park after another all day long.... Picked up litter, cleaned
the toilets, painted the structures, fixed the boat docks, repaired
the vandalism...

and I got a half hour lunch and two 15 minute coffee breaks..

& I had always wanted to learn knapping, so instead of napping on my
breaks, I took up carrying around hunks os obsidian and hunks of
thick glass, a railroad spike, and a hunk of tire rubber... thats
what I kept in a can in the truck....

and every day I knapped out arrowheads on my breaks, got really good,
and turned out arrow heads in about 15 minutes each, that did fool
collectors..... I had people who collected arrow heads refusing to
believe I made them.... and my point is this I can go anywhere and
find broken glass... so I have a survival skill very few possess,
set me down anywhere and I can start producing tools from rocks.....

and I did it out of boredom.....

I learned to tie fishing flys because my parents controlled the TV
channel selection...

I learned to work leather as a hobby to prevent boredom...

change your hobbies, change your future...
Change your habbits/lifestyle/life, change your chances in whats coming.

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