Monday, September 14, 2009

September 14th 2009

Morning, waiting for the dawn, in a half hour or so... This
morning's thoughts seem to be about the Ranchers, I picked up a
reading out of Revelations on short wave last night...

so I am pondering just what it is we are doing and have done that
makes us a target for destruction....

I think it mostly boils down to vanity, pride, greed, and destruction
of the ecosystem.... And all the injustices along the way.... If we
were seeded here to be happy campers, good stewards, etc. I could see
why the ranchers might be upset.....

I have been trying to ponder their mindset... what kind of psychology
a sentient being that is immortal, and free to travel the universe
would have....

I think time would be relatively unimportant, as would planets... If
your body is self repairing and stays young forever, time becomes
unimportant other than for scheduling departures and arrivals...

and if you can travel at will between billions of solar systems, the
destruction of any one planet would become relatively meaningless...
with time dilhation, you could just leave, and come back in a
million years, and there would be a new ecosystem happening... even
on a planet that had been rubbled....

So the question in my mind is wheres the beef?
Why even bother with us? why not just let us continue trashing
ourselves to utter extinction?

I suspect a strong sense of justice.....

That there are those who are decent, and who dont deserve the
injustices now being perpetrated in the name of progress, read; wealth
extraction.. That there are those who would see a better world,
people willing to realize their own imperfections and battle against
them internally, and who have no wish to be any part of the
problem... People who could live happily together without all the
head trips...

so we are looking at a dichotomy pair, in human form.... One end is
greedheads and power trippers, the other is humble honest people just
trying to live a decent life in spite of all the twisted shit the
power trippers pull...

so there becomes something worth saving to any entity with a heart,
and something very much wanting destruction to any entity with a sense
of justice...

I listened to the litany of destruction last night.. doesnt sound any
fun.... when they come in it will be a firing run, and they will
also use barrages of stones.... lasers and inertial projectiles....

"Fire & Brimstone"

And basically you had best be out of town when it happens... and
literally dug in somewhere..

if one ponders the destruction laid out in revelations, I dont think
freeze dried food, a water filter, guns and ammo, and gold and silver
coins are going to be enough, and that you can hang out in your house
guarding your pile, like some kind of pack rat.....

I think houses might be on the target list... these guys dont seem
to cover planets with cities and urban sprawl... If I grok the New
Jerusalem thing right, they build cities in space, and can lower
them to planets using anti-gravity, and do it on a big enough scale
that the rest of a planet can be left natural....

So I presume that the rest of any such planet is a nice camping
area, and that they grow food inside their cities using light from
energy that isnt nuclear... if they can lower a city thats a thousand
miles square, there is a very good chance their energy source is far
beyond crude splitting of atoms, and contaminating everything forever
in the process...

so... my thought is that one best have their refugee kit in exelent
order, let go of the excessive materialism before the fact, and have
an E-tool in your pack to dig your hiding hole etc. and that you'd
best let go of the ego & vanity ahead of time.... if I get the
storyline right, its the ranchers who set off the mega quake...
take out all the cities on the planet at one hit...

Basically rototilling the entire planet....

do we have any way to prevent or counter all this? yeah, quit doing
what we are doing..

is that likely to happen? hardly....

so a word to the wise, dont get cought up in the current games.. be
thankful you've been given warnings, and best you get mobile and
agile, and the hell out of Babylon.... being a member of a church
isnt going to save your butt... being able to survive and subsist
during utter destruction might be a better bet...

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