Friday, December 4, 2009

Blog Entry; Thursday 3rd December, 2009......

Morning, a pretty one, dry season beginning...

pretty good day so far, one minor frustration, but I feel the cure
coming, and am interested to see if the universe helps me balance
from the results of the egocentricity of others? if so, the next 25
years should be pretty good.... if not, then dying wont be so hard
to take...

so its win-win...... won by learning about others, won learning
about myself, winning by learning how to get beyond it, and all my
losses have been gains of sort... the biggest shame is time lost
believing in others...

the biggest win is coming thru the shit w/an intact heart.... that
took some doing.....

kept my worker busy this morning planting
a corn patch.... seed for the red corn I hope... one never knows....

listening to shortwave these day, climate gate, and feel its just
going to add to the problem.. the greedheads and elite saw climate
change as an opportunity to bilk and control every body else, now they
are getting figured out, and their Carbon Tax stinks like dog
vomit..... And the sad part is the days go by with no real changes for
the better, good people wasting time bringing down bad people while
the real problems grow.....

Edgar Rice Burroughs once wrote in a Tarzan book that where ever
humans go they bring "dissention & strife", I think it was tarzan at
the earth's core... I wondered about those words when I first read
the book as a teen ager, and since have realized how true they

as one ages, one gains experiences w/others and one sees... I have
been enjoying reading the date site comments by women looking for

I've looked at women from all over the planet, and found plenty with
toxic minds... have found a few humble ones too.....

I am seeing that the women most likely to have it figured out right,
are third world women 40 or older....

yes virginia, male help comes with a price....

but its natural that it be that way....
No matter what you think... or what anybody tells you...

no free lunch....

not even for women.....

most of the older ones are divorced, w/kids soon grown.... a tough
row to hoe....

I've seen both sides of that coin.... such a shame people cant wake
out of their egotistic delusion and prevent such realities by getting

but who is perfect eh? only those that think so, until they learn better....

anyway, on climate change, control trips arent the cure, its the
opposite, need to let peoples all find their own paths, not be
regimented to march thru the swamp in files and ranks... all paying
the pipers for their unneeded and unwanted orders...
you can not in any way face whats coming, by being told what to do
and having the dogshit taxed out of you....

The Elite arent as smart as they lead you to believe
they are... when one blindly follows leaders, one loses alot of troops..

Best you be free to take the best path you can see for yourself, not
be ordered to march between the barraks and the Labor stations by
armed guards between barbwire fences, and be wondering which day the
showers spurt gas instead of water... or which vaccination will be
the one that has your body stacked like cordwood within days....

Davey! dont go back to sleep! The monsters are here, they're among
us! they kill people, they lie, they steal!

The sons of Cain......
the Demon spawn.....
john: 3:12 "Not like Cain who originated with the wicked one and
slaughtered his brother....."

In other words Eve had an affair......

and part of humanity is tainted genetics... likely we all have some
of it...... and either we fight it internally, and externally or we
go where it takes us..... and you dont want to go there... its
where the lines of sacrifices up the pyramids went....

some are more that way, and they percolate like swamp gas thru the
muck to the top.. to stink....

With smug contrite preditor smiles.........

well, likely a couple years ago I wrote in this blog not to seek
leaders, that leaders could be corrupted, that organizations get
infiltrated, the answer is individual action, personal

Well I'm sitting here listening to the radio, hearing others use
those very techniques successfully.....
Could have been my seeds, could have been somebody else's good seed..
not important, what is important is to attack their plans...

Thank God for the Renegades.....

in fact I sit here most days listening to short wave and things I came
up with months or years ago are repeated or co-originated by others,
and being new paradigm thinking.....

Bloggers are important, we analyse, we interpret, we think, and we
say it like we see it....
we read between the lines searching for truth...
Part of the sollution.... definitely!

if governments really liked us, it wouldnt be a good sign.....

later, evening, listened to some short wave, nothing worth
repeating.... the world is still out there...

Well, I think the status quo is having some dificulties... people
are waking up in quick succession...and every one is waking up
others.... the big lie is terminal... you can only hide the truth
so long, you can only do so much damage, you can only get so arrogant
before it comes back on you...
So its an interesting study for the observer... how long can
collective egocentric human culture continue? too bad more people
cant figure out how to apply their ego towards self sufficiency....
Moral of the story on climate gate, is it doesnt matter who's in
power, abuse is the inevitable end result... I'd rather be a humble
guy with some root rock survival skills in whats coming, than a

the cure is to quit believing..... let us assign civilisation a fairy
tale status... kind of like happily ever after in marriages... if
you want to form a new government, I suggest you call its operatives
"tooth fairies" and dress them accordingly..... dont believe in
shit, seek truth, its what counts... the truth liberates....

if government is disfunctional, quit feeding it... find something
else to do...

I heard them selling freeze dried food today...
About $35 a week per person... thats what I spend a month now...
my fone bill is half my diet bill.....

poverty is a state of mind.... the difference between freedom and
poverty is how you look at it... an example might be an indigenous
culture that didnt use a medium of exchange.... or like the plains
indians used practical items like horses etc. as currency..... were
they poor because they didnt have 401k's and stock options? how did
they survive with out nationalized health insurance? did they whine
to congressmen?
How bad were the taxes? and tell me about their carbon footprint.....
and how many new laws did they enact per year? are we really better

I dont think so....
i think we have a complicated mess.... like what happens when
habitual liars create a reality.. they keep covering lies with more
lies.... we've had some extraordinary liars hard at work for a long
time..... the truth is fairly simple, its all bullshit....

the cure is to get down to reality...

I was reading some in the bible today, trying to understand... JC
had a simple but unpleasant mission, tell the truth, let them kill
you for it, and we have a little surprise for them a few days
Must have been hard on some ego trips when he reappeared alive... do
you suppose his killers realized they'd screwed up?

might have caused some emotional problems for the local status quo...

and funny thing all thru his process he kept pointing out that some
were bad genetics...

and if one reads, the future story is mostly about genetic
editing... no more Mr. Nice guy.... I dont think I'd want to be
part of the status quo.. its a downhill trip for them.. they end
up in the fires that burn forever... which I've interpreted in other
locations in the bible to mean radioactivity... do you suppose they
get left on the planet their hubris trashed? We'll have to wait &
see..... interesting conjecture...

Sent from my mobile device

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