Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday 16th December 2009......


a couple hours until dawn...

just lit a fire to smudge the bugs....

Thinking about the Genesis 6 UFO'S things, and after a little
research online its obvious I'm on track.... too many unexplained
artifacts from ancient civilisations etc.. and all pointing the same
direction.... plenty of hoaxes no doubt, but also plenty of things
that arent.. the Skulls of Ica, nerfiti's statue, hyroglyphics of
helicopter gunships and jet aircraft, the crystal skull, dried
mummified alien corpses, its a long list even before you get to
bazaar fotos, and doctors hacking up corpses.... (somebody needs to
talk to those guys... hacking up every corpse into little hunks
doesnt make much sense.... autopsies? its dead, that means it died,
and if it was in a crash, cause is obvious... and you guys hacking
shit up is destroying evidence so you can feel important? knock it
off, if it aint fucked up, dont fix it.... If you want to see whats
inside use electronic means, and keep your bloody stinking hands off

its like Cousteau hacking up Dolphins and calling it scientific...
maybe we need a few alien scientists to hack up doctors etc. And see
why the have to hack things up?

anyway, it a destructive mindset, & not adult... same type as
likely pull the legs off bugs as kids...

And after some mental digestion of book of Enoch, I've begun to have
some unanswered questions....

like why create humans like us in the first place? if you have
several times the brain capacity, why twiddle around with low
domes? personally I suspect there is more to it.... my guess is they
are fronting stagnation, and have gone back to basics to try some
other paths....

the currency of the Galaxy has to be creativity...

maybe they altered themselves via adding on memory due to the
problems inherient in immortality, while sticking with a windows
like mental operating system, and now they have realized they'd be
better off going back and doing the opensource software path? too
many pop ups, too much garbage program accretions, its all FUBAR,
now what do we do?

lets build some little Linux devices & see where they go with it?

The no metals planet concept in Enoch reminds me of a containment vessel....

And I have a problem with the Yahwey construct as described.. in the
overview, we have an immortal being, really bazaar alien, who
somehow over the Eaons has gotten to the top...

attributes seem to be telepathy, skills at biological enhancements,
and military success... but the portrayed character exibits some
very human like tendencies.... anger, vanities, desire for respect,
callousness, etc.... some of these could be contsrued in my
primitive mind as imperfections? I read a very paternalistic
mindset, and an opinion of females that makes mine seem; "gee
shucks Miss Molly" in comparison....

And one of my main questions, is if his watchers embarassed him by
diddling the human women, and screwed up his experiment, why not do
a good fix, instead of letting it all work itself out the hard way
for us? several thousand years of hacking each other up and now
blowing each other to bits, sure seens a crude way to alter a DNA
then there is the Throat cutting, and blood up to a horses belly
trips... Hmmm? gross... especially considering honesty can be a
genetics affected variable.....

Which has me questioning our own blood thirsty lying thieving
natures.... if we got it from his guys, they'd seem more like
space pirates than Angels...

so I mentally postulate the possibility that maybe we have the
potentials to be better than our designers somehow? heresy? I

but if we can fix the problems in a non violent and humane manner,
why should we accept orders to cut the throats of our own people?
seems cruel, primative, and unnecessary... why not just fix the
problem at it's genetic roots instead? use our creativity, and do it
without hacking people up...

you know; come in below budget, ahead of skedule, & exceed the contract?

it would have to get us some respect with these guys, and they might
decide having us for friends is better than for slaves, and instead
of dropping us into a no metals gravity well, out of fear of us,
they might decide they needed our help as friends...

lets ace the test.... we can cherry pick mindsets...

nothing says we have to let the instinctual liars, killers & thieves
get their way.... one can say no & mean it..... how? personal
actions... Like my buddy, sold his house, moving into his camper,
first night last night.... read; not paying property taxes to the
state.... no house payments either.. hmmm? whats wrong with this
picture? the bankers will think its nothing, and the state wont
notice one missing taxpayer from its rolls of victims.... but what
if others started getting the same ideas? what if others started
working their way out of the american nightmare...
you know, focusing on mobility, self sufficiency, going
neoindigenous on what ever level works for them, and not for the

could be some drones get laid off due to lack of funding... could be
some bankers with diminishing returns due to their bogus money not
being needed....

could be some aliens dissappointed, no throats to cut....

we can beat the test.... all we have to do is decide on a different
path and take it.... my buddy is going to be pumping economics into
his sailboat....

buying more freedom, and screwing the fascists in the process...
notice he didnt whine to his congressman.... he's doing it himself...

just this week I heard bitching on short wave about UN/world
government controlling the seas....

more fluff, its a big area to patrol, and before this is over the
numbers of people in the brush or going Ocean Nation are going to go

we dont have to cooperate with authority figures if we can find a way,
a better way, around them....

why should we kill each other off? why not use our brains instead?
why not build our own portals up and out?

its a free universe, if we scatter out into it.... you know; Ocean
Nation, neoindigenous... its too big to patrol, too big to

It's MY universe...

sure seems a better dream than the American nightmare.....

up & out folks....

die free!

Sent from my mobile device

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