Sunday, December 6, 2009

Blog; Sunday 6th December 2009......


thinking about Afghanistan, and the preceived notion that the sweep
yesterday killed 7 "taliban"..

You think they were combing the hills looking for Lawrence of Arabia
or something?
Or were they going through the towns and villages door to door, and
putting people at gunpoint , threatening to shoot men, women, and
children, while they rifled through everything they owned looking for
their personal ability to protect themselves, read; 2nd
ammendment/inalienable rights? their buddy Karzi in kabbul said it
was ok right? signed a piece of toilet paper for them?

well, what goes around, comes around...

meanwhile back in the US the rainbow niggers are whining for more
cotton pickers jobs so they can pay a bazillion dollars in taxes, so
they can feel safe in their homes? and finance the violations of
other people's rights somewhere else?

when does somewhere else become your house?

whenever they get around to it.....

hey folks, wake up.... its all the same vampires...

the Nazis and the Stazi signed papers too, as they tallied the people
they took out & shot, or gassed, or sent to homeland security camps
and vaccinated...

you cant work for a system supporting it that violates the
inalienable rights of others, without having them eventually show up
at your door too....

And when the Ranchers come, you dont think they will consider those
that went along with it all to be just as guilty as those who signed
the papers and pulled the triggers?

Will saying; I paid my taxes, be a valid defense?
I think not.....

will saying I called my congressman be any better?

Will saying I went to church save you from being burned down? will
being mediocre and doing nothing help?

will saying I'm an American save you? will saying I believed in Jesus
save you? will having gold save you?

I think its time you rethink yourself....
I think its time you unplugged your TV....
I think its time you actually did something....

do you think being born on land stolen at gunpoint from indiginous
people will be viewed as a proper defense for your inactions? Or that
you went to a protest?

"You will know them by their works."

will be getting a Nobel prize while you sign documents sending more
troops door to door be good enough?

all boils down to personal actions... Today vaccinations that abort
babies and sterilize people..
Tomorrow a chip in your forehead....

when will you say no & mean it?

connect the dots....

its always the same movie... be it the sword hidden in the thatch,
or the gun burried in the hills...

the real issue is control... control versus your rights to a decent
and balanced life....
Will your car save you at the checkpoint?

will your house save you from the helicopter gunships?
Will your hoard of materialism made by slave labor be worth much?
will the Ranchers accept gold as blood money?

why do you suppose they went to such great lengths to provide a
warning burried in a riddle?

was it so you could bloat on Christmas dinner? while others starved?

a billion people on the planet going hungry, while all the farmland
is owned by vampires.....

its the beast government folks... who's animal are you?

do you know the great spirit from a TV evangalist?

Cattle with brands, which national farm do you belong to? will you
moo to the census counters?

are you a slave to your own vanity?

instinctual liars, killers, and theives.... those who pull the
economic strings..

who will all the military hardware be used on?
Who will FEMA rob at gunpoint?
Who will be shot if they dont obey?

no one will buy or sell without the mark of the beast....

subsistence is survival.....

welcome to a hell of your own creation through inaction....

Sent from my mobile device

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