Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday 11th December 2009......

morning, home, glad to be here... I'm not much on towns....

did find the book of Enoch on line, got to read most of it...
definitely interesting, and fills in the whole vignette about human
history etc.

8asically it was a planted colony, like a genetics lab, with watchers
placed.... but no females thought of for the watchers, and they
decided to borrow a few human females.... which started a race of
hybrids... that were prone to giantism, and being instinctual
liars, killers & thieves....

kind of like crossing a german shepherd with a doberman, two
intelligent dog breeds, results are skitzoid..... dont do it, unless
you want a hundred pound dog with the personality of a bitch poodle
on steroids...

anyway, head guy gets insulted his watcher troops screwed up his
garden/human hobby, and decides they need punished by having to watch
all their kids get killed off until the genetics is clean again...
this explains UFOs... these are the watchers... AKA fallen

so the whole script is planned out, with the apocalypse planned as
part of the clean up, and then the final extermination of liars w/a
lie detector with the name Yashua..... the genetics doesnt bleed
over too bad, I.e. it isnt totally dominant, and it tends to stay
strongest only in lines that inbreed.. which is where Royalty came
from.... Bad news for Prince Charles..... and the greedheads who
are descendents of the nobility etc.....

But almost everybody got some of it....

and so the salvation plan... save out some of the better humans to
reboot the colony of decent types...

if you google genesis six, you can find two versions of the book of
enoch on Steve Quayle's site.....

he also has a section on all the mentions of the giants in the bible,
very interesting....

also the book of Enoch states at the end of the game, the galactics
show up with a million man invasion force.... with high tech and fire
power all on their side... and some estimates of only 200 million
human survivors to deal with......

so what this means, is the Christians who think the devil is some
disembodied spirit trying to manipulate them into giving up their soul
etc. Thru temptation, are a tich off target... the real story is
the evil problem in humans is from screwed up genetics, tainted by
some galactics who couldnt keep their pants zipped a few thousand
years, as ordered...

And if we dont want to be genetically edited, we have to first
survive the survival test, second fight against the corrupt genetic
affects, and understand what JC's job is more or less, and be
ready to help, and able to state truthfully that you know about the
problem, and got control of yourselves, and didnt let the greed and
lust monster run your life...

i.e. Be able to proove you are worth havin' on the winning team
rather than the burn pile group....

Sent from my mobile device

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