Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday 4th December 2009..........

Morning, just minutes after midnight actually...

broken sleep, hound hunters, no respect for property rights here...
Plenty of laws, no enforcement.. if it doest make the lawyers money,
its only a wall paper law....

The longer I live, the more hypocrisy I see....
Humans are the animal that lies....

We lie to ourselves, we lie to each other....
We form great collective lies....

and only when things get bad enough do we figure it out....

people are beginning to resist the collective lie....
You have to clean up your own yard to improve the neighborhood....

the answer to world government is self government... find and
cultivate your own integrity and sense of honor... become a warrior
of the mind & body....

resist control from outside, by improving it on the inside...

Honesty, Courage, Compassion, & Humility......

"When the court is arrayed in splendor, the fields are full of weeds,
and the graineries are bare."(Tao)

or in our more modern world; when the offices have nice furniture,
etc., the roads are full of potholes, and the refrigerators empty the
week before payday..

But I think its going to get alot worse.....

The status quo has a little problem, the people are catching on,
and there is a bit of a backlog of truth to be discovered.. their
new world order corruption scheme is unraveling as they weave it...

when they arrive at total control, they will find they have zero
credibility... the universe is like that, like it or not... there is
nothing new under the sun..

The difference between a democracy and a monarchy, is in a
democracy the thieves have to take turns being king...

this is an inconvienance....

A revolution not based on an improvement in the people, is a change
of problem sets...

When the people are ready to fight by force of arms and win, The
treasonous leadership will be thankful for long terms in prisons....

If you havent read the Declaration of Independence, recently, you
arent literate....

Ignorance may be bliss, but its a short lived phenomina.....

What you wont stand up against, you get over run by.....

Those who enforce the status quo's wishes, know better than most, what
a bunch of shitheads they are...

The only hope of humanity, is to stop world government, and go
personal integrity...

midnight again .. Awake.....

insomnia I think.... not sure why...
Was listening to short wave today, sounds like the status quo is
having some difficulties, more people waking up, more of their
machinations coming to light of day.... soon serious problems for
them, as people are learning about their myriad crimes...

will be interesting to see if they are foolish enough to keep pushing
their agenda all the way to apocalypse, or if sanity takes root....

personally I'd advise them to not try trashing the economy any more...
and in no case try the nuclear war or bio weapon cards..... they
seal their own doom if they do....

so will humanity rethink themselves and get up a space elevator, or
will it be more of the same on the road to Armageddon? we shall see
and either lose all or gain all...

I see growing potentials for a good ending, but I wouldnt count on
it.... one hopes the Rancher's plan was to have us win the day and
get past our collective insanity.... otherwise the most likely script
includes nearly all our deaths....

the climate gate thing is potentially the turning of the tide... its
tail will include the genocide plans being understood by the many....

no reason for any of it.... Other than human vanity...
Some of us have realized the sickness and are sick of it, others are
sick and may not survive their own mental illness..

I am pondering where to go & what to do next...
I have some ideas churning....

nothing I want to talk about here.... but having to do with trying to
find the right path....

I hear more & more people making the same realizations I have... Its a
rude awakening for many, now turning on the lights to a living

its Vampires in the spotlights.... Satanic genetics...
The blood of children dribbling from their economic mouths... the
global village in an uproar, the internet hounds on their trail, and
many a man with missing wife and children sharpening his stake...

Alot of guys lost jobs, homes, car, wife, kids, so some rich
banker/vampires could feed.... Literally millions... & I have been
there.. My marriage was victim to their sharp fangs, their contrived
recession of the 80's, & the programming of the 70's...... I got
blamed for not getting a woman rich enough soon enough.....

So I know where those guys are emotionally.... suffering incredibly,
more than anyone can possibly imagine who hasnt been there

The tide is coming, a sea of rifle barrels.... An army with only one
thought; make the bastards pay....

When a man loses his family, life has only one meaning, suffering...
and the only real cure is vengance.... and as the truth is held in
the spotlights, no law will stop the angry shouts, no police state
will do more than bring it on... no quarter for Vampires you know...
they are the ultimate preditor/parasites in all human legend...

we shall see... see the horrors for what they are...
Our fine nobility in their ivory castles.... Wearing their elegant
suits, their cultured lies, and long carriages, and their great &
bloody banquets....

Vampire Nazis, who have their Vampire police state set up with
people they infected with their Vampire-isms....
Cops on Steroids, pediphile politicians infecting the Children with
homosexuality on Saturday morning Cartoons, little Vampire Academy
schools, with Vampire bureauocracies running them...

Vampire Hospitals taking body parts and organs from those not quite dead yet....

Vampire drug companies brewing up pills to make Mommy OK with the
insecurity in her head from living in the valley of the Vampires....

Vampire Vanities.... Vampire victims.....

Vampire dreams of more and more screaming whimpering children....

Vampire poisons in the food, water, and air.....
vampires with flashing teeth on the TV.... elegant words, beautiful
lies... a bowing public to lord and lady vampires.... glossy
vampire vanity magazines... Vampire science, vampire wars...
sightless bodies in stacks.... Empty eyes staring at the full

welcome good people to the planet of the vampires....

I think we're going to have a vampire hunt.....

Sent from my mobile device

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