Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday 22nd December 2009..........

Morning, nice one.. My worker came, kept busy...

Sending him home with about a 7 pound papaya for my niece... and a 5
lb breadfruit for her mother..

my worker says ICE the telecom monopoly is out with a new tech
level finally, so have to go to town to change over.... maybe will
help some with internet problems... hopefully can do after the new

I spent the morning surfing with no results... looking for chinese
women, one site is good site, but so slow, and most women have
abandoned it... trying a different one but not registered, tried an
hour or two yesterday, now on my son's waiting list.... its
definitely a maybe...

thru connections got info that the Chinese are always trying to
substitute lower grades of materials than what one paid for...
american contractors have to test every shipment to keep from getting
ripped off... they have a little honesty problem too eh?

Life in the modern world is more like death of a thousand cuts....
eventually it will all blow up... these economic problems are only
the tip of Antarctica...... iceberg ha!

the whole planet is headed into the septic tank due to dishonesty.....

anyway, I like the looks of chinese women, would be a nice way to
go if I had some online woman going to go checkout.. in these times
I dont try really planning anything.... I figure it could all
collapse at any time... at this point its more of a feasibility
study, and I've had all kinds of fun playing with scammers online
but so far nothing I would consider legitimate..... but I'll keep
gnawing, to Me its like deer hunting.. might not get a deer, but
the hunting experience is generaly nice.... one thing I like about
the Chinese women is they still look nice when older... so far my
online favorites are women from Mongolia... I've been thru this
before... I know what goes on during communications isnt
necessarily what the reality is... I see the online phase as a way
to start communicating, and one really needs the on the ground
experience before you get too involved... if the farm sells, I
can go anywhere on the planet and get a woman her passport, tickets,
etc... I can also get there without any help.... I think its a
good idea to show up unannounced..

later, sharpened a knife, a hand celt, I used it for scraper
duty on my bowl and dough spoon..

listening to radio, sounds like things getting really bad in the US...
my guess is I think things are going to happen so fast now with the
collapse of the dollar etc. that I wont be able to sell this farm,
and go anywhere.. I've kept that possibility in mind, and
personally I dont think the US will be the same country a year from
now... the OPEC group is soon to have it's own currency for oil
trading... adios dollar...

when that happens it will be like blowing a hatch out of a submarine....

where ever the bottom is, is where we are going...

basically the status quo is manipulating its way towards world
government, and when they get there, they will be at the edge of
the world....

Because the very process of getting there will wake everybody up.....
its like the Vampire, he can live forever sucking children's blood,
but the more kids that disappear, the more likely the villagers
figure it out... in our case the village is going from suspicion of
a group of vampires, to belief they have a vampire blood orgy.....

vampires in three piece suits...


Vampire Elite......

I learned today that an american friend here in Costa Rica just
got his solar panels stolen..

he had caretakers living on his farm etc. but thats like asking
for someone to give thieves private tours... caretakers come with
friends and family...

heard about it thru my worker who asked me what I thought would
happen.. I said it would lead to the guy selling out and leaving...
no worry to the Ticos, always the next american.. and they know
that.... What they cant grasp is that every such happening has legs
now with internet..

they guy has been victimized 3 times in as many years.. in the
Latin world, if you are a gringo and dont get screwed over real good
at least once a year, you start feeling lonely....

they will figure out when the economy collapses... for Costa
Rica the US has been the Cow Goddess...

the US is going down, when it goes so goes here... difference here
is the ability to grow food....

The government is now financing food growing co-ops for Campesinos,
giving them a machette, a Lima, sheath, hat, rubber boots, Seed,
Fertilizer, etc...

everything they need to go back to agriculture... not 5 years ago
the government was passing laws that killed small scale manual labor

my guess is they are starting to realize whats coming... I was
talking about the effects of collapse with my worker, and had to
explain what ghost town meant.. I was talking about the Capitol

small business bankruptcies in Californina up 81% this year...

Sent from my mobile device

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