Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday 14th December 2009..........

Later, did some online UFO foto type searches...

very interesting stuff.... I tend to believe older evidence more
than newer.. I've run photography darkrooms, I know what was
possoble to do with that tech... and new digital tech is even better
for hoaxes.....

but when I see something carved into a rock, or an obvious non human
body being autopsied, It gets my attention..... even if only 5%
of it was real, I'd have to say there was serious amounts of
evidence... then theres the bible and book of Enoch... thats some
fairly old evidence... latest possible manufactutre 100a.d. or

And Yonaguni in okinawa sure lends creedence to the great flood myth.....

I never have been a UFO buff.... nor that much into religion....

I've always liked what was real & natural....

So I find it incredible that I've been convinced of not only both
issues, but a definite connection...

Theres no doubt in my mind whats going on...

And I do now firmly believe in the scenario of the Bible & Enoch
scrolls.... its too obvious, too plain, and too easily fits what I
know about leaders & followers...

I am lucky that I came at this alone.... I see online, no shortage
of bliss ninnies forming UFO religions.... I wont bother... I'll
take the warning seriously, and run my own life accordingly... I
dont need a group-think to feel whole....

What I see is how it all clicks together.. book of Enoch, old
testament, new testament, things Jesus said, all makes sense once
you get the overview...

all of Jesus's parables fit.... reading Enoch was like reading the
first chapter last....

and now looking online at UFO stuff also clicks... it doesnt all
have to be real... there are reoccuring themes..... I wonder about
all the varying flying saucers... its quite obvious there are myriad
models... how would I explain the variations? well, things dont age
much in a vacuum, and an interstellar society probably wouldnt be a
waste dump/land fill culture like our own.. and If I was immortal,
I'd probably take a dim view of someone trying to sell me a new
computer every three years.... or a new flying saucer as soon as the
payments ran out..... I think I'd buy a nice one, and expect it to
last.... so we could be seeing models that are thousands of years
old alongside newer types, all still functioning like car classics
kept up or restored by their owners....

different styles totally could be different species....
Nature loves variation, and every star & planet would be slightly
different.. and stellar distances and times would provide plenty of
species isolation....

different boats for different sailors....

different life forms are a no brainer... seperating real from
fraud is likely harder than believing in many different types of

also today I googled; elongated skulls, Ica Peru

something I saw in person 14 years ago, that started me on the trail
leading to my current realizations..

folks, it all adds up... there's no doubt in my mind that the
history of humanity is interwoven with extra terrestrials.... too
many things point to it...

and the book of Enoch is a very serious warning.... especially now
with people pushing world government agendas.... thats like running
Charles Manson for President in my opinion...

Why create a power structure for someone to grab ?

My guess is whats coming is really bad, just the human stuff...
then the alien arrival will ice that cake..... throat cutting seems a
bit crude in comparison to being able to repair genetics etc....

if we could fix Manson would we keep him locked up?

If we could rethink ourselves, would we need to be slaves?

The best case possible is we get our own trip in order so there is no
excuse, no moral high ground, for anyone to do anything to us for...

taxing people literally to death, is not an enlightened nor viable fix
to current problems..

what if we could exceed our maker's expectations?

we are an unplanned and Bazaar hybrid..... who's to say what our
actual capabilities are?

what if we could be really good if we once realized the truth?

its obvious materialism isnt taking us anywhere good.. neither is TV
based Zombie programming... and if all the adventure story readers
decided to grow up one morning, find their courage, and become
adventure story do-ers?

the secret is learning how to live minimalistically, especially the
food.... imagine all those Burbia Referator Porker-holics
finding something better to do than hugging their refrigerator and
TV, microwave, Sofa, and calling it a sexlife...

I'd rather be an animal..

well, pretty good day, some inspired blogging if nothing else..
not quite Suzi feeding her goldfish....

one question in my mind this morning is about the giantism? how big
were we supposed to be, before the little frolic & fun episode with
the watchers took place? were we supposed to be the little hobbits,
like in Borneo? I forget exactly where? no wonder Yahwey would be
angry! who needs slaves that are bigger than their masters?

and do we need huge brains? or would it be better just to learn to
use what we have....

what if the alien superiority complex was overkill?

can we get our act in order and gain rights to be left alone and stay
ourselves? Maybe an accidental creation, but some mutts are
exceptional.... whats our forte? surely we have another side besides
greedy materialistic self centered power trippers.....
And are the instinctual liars, killers, and thieves capable of bottom
line enlightenment? pointing out paradigm three to them should be

anyway, its been a long day...

Sent from my mobile device

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