Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday 14th December 2009........

Morning a couple hours until dawn...

well, finished up reading the true names version of the book of
Enoch last night, it was more difficult due to the foriegn
vocabulary, than the new translation version... I figured out some
interesting things....

One is after the arrival, is that either the planet is moved or
humans removed to another planet, closer to the center of the
galaxy, to a location where starlight is 7 times more intense than
it is at our present location...

I'm no biblical scholar etc. so its hard to piece it all together,
but I'm quite sure I am correct on the overview, it makes sense in
a crazy way... Basically we are a created species, and were planted
here... what ever it is that created us is infinitely old and
powerful and perhaps linked into "the force" as the concept was
portrayed in star wars... but its some kind of bazaar alien life
form... and seems to be able to twiddle with one's immortal soul,
like we give credit to satan for doing.... in other words, it plays
at creating new life forms, planting them, maturing them, and then
using them for IT'S purposes.... and its been long established as
War Lord of this end of this galaxy...

What this means, is that we are in deep shit.... because what it
says goes, and all the other life forms that know it kiss its butt
figuratively and continually... like most management types, it
assumes itself to be god, and in this case you dont argue with the
definition... and you'd better fear the "guy" if you know whats
good for you...

Because it's incredibly powerful and very very strict as a disaplinarian....

King David evidently had a grok on it, check out how he kissed the
aft end in psalms.... a bit overboard... unless you knew what he

OK lets bring it up to now....

there are alot of things this Yahwey guy doesnt like..... and he's
decided to do a cleanup here.. it was one of his hobby planets,
and his guardians went screwing the women and contaminated the
genetics and got a bad hybrid going.... that Yahwey intends to
eliminate... so he's allowed us to kill each other off for thousands
of years, which over time tended to eliminated the violent genetics..
ocasionaly he helps... And he's planning a final clean up....
some how our world government types, now being set up in Copenhagen
under the guise of carbon tax treaty, is going to be so oppressive
and cause so many deaths, that it triggers a world wide
war/revolution.... and in the process humanity begins killing
itself wholesale... basically the bad guys get to infighting....

an example is in the bible, Giddeon I think, where an army is
destroyed by getting it to fight itself...

and in the coming case, once that happens, Yahwey shows up with his
troops, and takes over, and then runs the survivors past JC who is
telepathic, who picks out the liars, and they are given over to the
honest folk to literally have their throats cut, or they are

So what it amounts to, is what you or I think doesnt mean shit...
we arent the judge, and the real judge has stiff instructions... an
example I've used before is homosexuality... personally I couldnt
care less about it.... but the Yahwey guy doesnt like it.... and he
intends a serious cleanup...

meaning all those folks who have fallen in to it for what ever reason
have a choice to make, either rethink themselves, and re-engineer
their own lives, or if they are alive at arrival, they get their
throats cut &/or burned alive.... hmmm? not my wish for them, not my
opinion, just how its going to actually be, if I'm correct about the

Another group mentioned in Enoch was women who dont have children
via their own actions, i.e. Birth control, abortions etc.
evidently the femminist's "right to choose" is taken a dim view of..

Basically Yahwey is super strict.. and super powerful, and your
opinion isnt the one that counts, its his...

and Fear of him is the proper mental foundation... in other words,
he's a galactic hangin' judge.....& you dont want to piss him off...

All human history, all the killing and death, was due to some of
his servants not doing as ordered.... thousands of years of
killing..... his decision to have it happen that way.... Jesus
allowing himself to be tortured to death? Yahwey said; "do it.".....
if Yahwey says cut your own throat, you'd better have a sharp knife

it all makes sense of the bible..... Its not some fable about some
imaginary god of the universe, its a story about an all too real
Alien XT who's conquered the known Galaxy, and does as he decides
with it... and has plenty of technology and troops.... I read some
things that seem to say the megaquake gets done on purpose by them,
after they pick out what they want for humans, that they vibrate the
mountains and hills flat as a final clean up measure... I think
thats fairly serious.....

I dont think your house payment will mean much....

another issue, is you're better off dead from refusing to do things he
doesnt like, than doing them.... no chip in the forehead.... no
lying, no going along with world government etc. no homosexuality,
abortions, no trashing the planet, no lust & money & power trips...

Its scairy stuff...

especially when you realize all the ET's work for him.... Google
"fotos of aliens"..... its sobering....

we've been ignorant provincials.....

Not only are we not alone, but we are in deep shit; Galactic levels
of trouble....

and my job, evidently, has been to figure this all out the hard slow
way, and then write about it, so you get proper warning....

Prayer seems to be a form of telepathy, and he is listening in
somehow... read book of Enoch...

so, here we are at the crossroads, Ninevah repeated? either rethink
ourselves individually and collectively, or pay bloody burning hell,
and very soon.... after Copenhagen, the only thing I know of thats
missing is the mark of the beast, and thats what Copenhagen is all
about, the new economic system.... I.e. final acts before the
Apocalypse.... and if youre part of it, go along with it etc., you
get your throat cut..... think about that while using the credit

this is all serious shit... ignore or laugh at me at your own risk,,
you have been warned.... and for myself, I've finally figured enough
out to realize its time to get really serious about getting my own
trip in order on all levels..... not because I am some bliss ninny
christian, but because I have enough grok on the reality to know I'm
in the brush patch with a Galactic sized Bull Elephant.....

I'm on tip toes..... and what I thought was an elephant rifle seems
a tich smallish now.....

anyway, bad news for all you folks who thought you got to run your
own lives as you saw fit, and who thought any thing you could get
away with doing, was fine..... well, Santa Clause has been
watching you, and he has an alter ego.... If you've been really
really bad, in his opinion, (thats just a bit bad, in your opinion),
you get your throat cut, or dumped into the mouth of a volcanoe or
something similar....

Merry Christmas......

Sent from my mobile device

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