Friday, January 8, 2010

Thursday 7th January 2010.....

slept awhile, woke rested, lit smudge for mosquitos, an hour until

realized something; that due to money, and the the love thereof, we
have both individually and collectively made just about every wrong
decision possible... with the trend muchly accelerating in modern
times.. it doesnt matter what decision juncture one thinks about, it
was the path best not traveled taken, due to somebody's profit motive,
often one's own..

From the burning of the Hindenburg due to political games based on
profit motive, to rural electrification administration's covering a
continent with ugly wires, its been the same... people moving into
cities, ditto, all caused by profit motive...

REA for example; most of america was rural a hundred years ago,
living on farms, connected to reality... People were just starting to
get radios and electric lightbulbs, and were building or buying
windmills to provide electricity.... enter the dragon of big money &
government programs to support big money, and they covered the land
with electric smokestacks, wires, nuclear power plants, buearocracies,
and deadly jobs repairing high voltage lines having catastrophic

so instead of every family being independent isolated, frugal, etc.
we created the consumer culture... and have been paying the electric
bill every since, polluting, leaking radiation, and the ocassional
pus sore forever meltdown......

my point is its across the board... analyze any decision, generally
its the path with alligators taken due to the element of money......

I dont think its possible to come up with an example of anything we
accept as normal, that we arent having problems with, and if one
studies the issue there wasnt endless decisions made, and every
decision twisted and torqued by money....

And its still happening continually... Every day, every way... and
here to stay as long as you play...
and pay and pay.....

so what does one do? head back towards the fundamentals at a gallop!

I heard an interview with Ron Paul today, he talked about families
heading back towards self sufficiency... should echo familiarity to
readers of this blog....

Also heard about a family having problems with CSD and the law because
they hadnt registered as home schoolers.. and the long noses were
trying to take their kids, have the parents arrested etc.

gee? I wonder what my grand father would think?

I think we have a sick society... and only one way to cure it... That
every man wake up to the reality I'm talking about, and start making
decisions based on other principles... its time for a mental
revolution of independence and non compliance....

the reaction to the home schooler's issue should be more home
schooling, not less... Put the fucking busybodies at CSD out of a
job anyway possible, unemploy a bunch of school administration
drones, keep your kids out of the toxic programming, etc.

Ron Paul said today, there was two things the government wouldnt give
up control of; the money, and the children...

you need to think about that statement, and wonder why...

you also need to realize that thats exactly where the big battle needs
to be fought, and that it is possible to kick their ass on both

kids can be easily educated with homeschooling, especially now with
computers, and people can return to intrinsic value metallic currency
without government anything...

I'll gladly teach any kid anything they need to know for free if I
know something about the issue, and I'll gladly accept silver, gold,
brass, copper etc. Coins...

people in the State of Montana are minting silver coins... I'll take
those! and be happier than taking Obama's toilet paper currency....
doesnt take Werner Von Braun to know which is worth most in real

and nowdays with free book downloads, wikipedia, and god like
bureauocracies, I'll gladly coach kids reading....

I taught my oldest son to read at adult levels at three years old...
he went on to become a state champion...

He also used my techniques to teach his little brother to read,
because I couldnt due to divorce and visitation limits imposed by a
bureauocracy so my exwife could have an excuse to rob me at government

gee? money, money, trash everybody's lives for money...

Enjoy paying your taxes, they're used mostly to screw you more
with... no? Follow the money... wake up from the nightmare, and
think about what I've said here tonight.....

its time for mass non compliance......

on everything.... if a company of troops marching does a left turn in
unison, what does the company commander do? yeah, the bureauocracy
can only yell & scream and follow along, and hopefully your rifle is
clean & loaded...

power over only has one limit.....

what you will take....

as soon as you quit taking, limits are established...

you have a brain, you know right from wrong better than any politician, no?

we dont need their fucking laws, we dont need them... We dont need
their shit paper economic system.....

"Left Oblique! hut!" (anyone who knows marching orders understands that one.)

Sent from my mobile device

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