Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday, 12th, January, 2010.........

Morning, awaiting dawn, had an anti gun dream wake me... guess I'm
listening to too much radio eh? Or maybe not?

well, I've said for most of my life; never trust a government, and
so far its been a spot on saying, and I suspect Jefferson & others
would agree with me...

one of the main problems the current status quo is having stems from
how much americans read.. we were book freaks before the web, now we
are book & web freaks...

and we are collectively ecclectic... there is somebody reading
everything imaginable.. that includes writings of the renegade

like Jefferson....

the Elite assuming the public to be illiterate morons, is more than a
bit off target...

as Chaucer said; the only true university is a collection of books...

and what that means, is a high priced top end preppy education
hardly exceeds some fool who loves to read and has a decent library
they frequent...

the preppy degree will give you "Ups syndrom"...

Ups syndrom is kinda like down's syndrom, you get a bigger head,
but instead of being decent folks like down's syndrom, the victims of
Up's syndrom are often arrogant assholes...
And it does seem to be hereditary....

sitting with a book reading, is a humble passtime... Much different
than sitting with a wall hanger degree pretending to know more than
you actually do, and making money at it...

my point is; that there is an element of common folk better educated
than those with the best educations.....

add them up collectively, give them a system of communication planet
wide, and they soon are making lewd comments about the nakked
emperors from the classy U's, that mommy & daddy paid for, so their
little spoiled rich kids would have the best..

its obvious to me, the elite lack good sense...
I guess they didnt grow up in common culture
peppered with wise folk sayings, and smart assed commentary... ?
being snobs, they must have missed the real culture, or considered it
beneath themselves?

and so; dont know their ass from a hole in the ground etc.

where I grew up, if you thought you were getting good, there was
always somebody with a wise crack to set you straight...

In American culture disputes are more often settled with words than
fists... its why we didnt invent Martial arts thousands of years
ago, we didnt need it, the truth in the form of a quip, and the
looser with red ears was enough to decide the issue pubically...

in our social groups it aint the degree that counts, its can you stand
the heat when your critics turn it up on you?

and the only thing we love more than setting an arrogant person in
their place, is doing it to plenty of them.... human decency does
rate high in common culture, down where the real people are...

the "wise ass" is a folk hero of sorts in american culture.... we
expect them, we depend on them, we take them for granted....

They are generally creative and colorful, independent thinkers who
often have their heads poked out of the box everybody else is thinking
and muttering in....

which brings me to my bad dream induced point; if we let the status
quo take our guns, who's going to protect us from them, and their

aint gonna happen.... not unless they like being perforated.....

the places in the US with the worst crime, are also the places with
worst anti gun laws.... New York, Chicago, Washington etc....
washington being the worst if you add political corruption at the
national level into the stats.....

if you want to stop airline bombers, looking in our underwear wouldnt
be nearly effective, as asking us all to carry guns on flights...

Just because a bunch of hand wringing mommy's boys think you have to
have an expert to use a gun effectively, doesnt mean cops are the
only ones.... many cops R very good shots, I know, I've shot with
some.... but the average bumpkin is plenty good... its a funny
thing, when you grow up with plenty of freedom and space, and .22
Shells, boredom turns into practice, that later gets transferred to
better calibers....

who stopped the underwear bomber? wasnt the billion dollar homeland
security department, it was a couple of common guys.... I think we
need to quit relying on over priced experts, and start believing in
common man.... people used to carry guns on planes.... back before
hijackers and their government assistants.....

Sent from my mobile device

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