Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday 12th January 2010............

Evening, slept awhile, woke rested.. now night....

was laying in bed thinking about all the intrigue on the planet,
heard VOA on shortwave quoting US govt official denying US involvement
in killing of Iranian nuclear scientist....

my mental response was its not going to matter who denies what, when
the shit hits, and then the Ranchers arrive to do clean up, some where
in that process the guilty get theirs.. and the bible, Enoch, and
Koran all say good folk manage to escape...

I dont see any blanket promise other than the ressurection, and I
consider that best thought of, in terms of as an insurance policy...

I think it would be far better if people began to rethink themselves
and turned the tide on the world government fanatics, but I dont count
on that happening, human nature being what it is....

the Koran has a clear statement that the game is to entrap the
killer/liar types, and let the good guys continue... I as a bit of a
kitchen scientist, wonder about the mechanism, and where do life,
technology, and spirituality define themselves in the minds of our
extra- terrestrial friends who manage the experiment we are the lab
rats in...

I tend to take it seriously... I didnt come at this from religion,
nor being a UFO buff.... and I dont look forward to megadeath due to

I heard Hillary on the official US commentary, same broken record
routine stuck on repeat about helping women & girls.... pure
hypocrisy, bombing them with un-depleted uranium isnt really what
I'd call liberation, nor is killing off their men who are trying to
defend the culture from foriegn oppressors after resources etc...

I also heard on short wave that the US homeland security types have
publically admited they consider the US christians to be enemies of
the state.... I guess alienating a billion Muslims isnt enough? Now
they're going to take on the bible belt too?

What if the Muslims and the Christians realize they've been both
declared enemies? would mean they were allies by necesity... sounds
to me, like the status quo types are short a few brain cells... those
are two groups of people I wouldnt mess with.....

basically its all coming out into light of day, and the status quo
types must have a death wish going? just the Christians are a more
than formidible enemy... unnecessary enemy I might add... the type
used to be the system's staunchest supporters, and now heartland
america has realized the fascist game, and that they are in the
sights of the power trippers... the good old boys arent going to
take that on their bellies... unless its the prone position behind

I think the rich drones are imbecils...

Do they really think their society of corruption is up to the task
of oppressing the entire planet? thats quite a hunk to try and bite
off.. they're likely to choke on it.. also they twiddle with the
Russians & Chinese? man! arrogance must be really in? one nuke can
ruin your whole day.... basically a couple of tactical nukes, one on
new york and another on washington, and the status quo is dead
meat... a third on Tel Aviv, and all thats left is a rat hunt...

I think we have some serious insanity happening..

Alex Jones has said he's seeing signs of the status quo maybe
announcing alien contact.... and alex aint into UFO's and little
green men... I wonder what the push is? why the status quo would
bother? I dont see anything in it for them... unless they've spotted
something undeniable coming....

who knows? have to wait and see, but I wonder if blanket arrogance
includes adding aliens to Muslims and Christians on their easy enemies
list.... if so they are more insane than I'm capable of imagining...

me? I'm the foreward observer type... cant believe what I am hearing
over the squawk box... all adds up to crazy..... especially
considering how the game is all laid out in bible to Koran etc...
even the Tao... I guess when you are arrogant, warnings go unheeded?

I think if someone had spent all the time and effort to leave
warnings that lasted thousands of years, I'd want to pay attention....

but what do I know? Eh? didnt go to the right school, dont have the
right friends, and cant afford designer clothes nor a proper egomobile
to transport my vanity in... I just get by... I just try to do good
things, I just try to walk tall in my own life... and so far I
havent seen anyone on the planet deserving of being on it... the guy
in the mirror is a personal favorite, but he aint that great

so I concentrate on getting my shit together as a brush rat.... Its
all I can do...

that and pray... Which makes more sense every day as I realize how
sick things are.....

anyway, I think I can sleep now, expressed my thoughts......

Sent from my mobile device

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