Friday, January 1, 2010

Thursday 31st December 2009........

Late afternoon, rain in the distance..

feeling OK, just ate, listened to a bit of short wave...
Sounds like people in the US are waking up to the reality with the
FED, near 90% would like to see it autited, i.e. Abolished....

word is getting out about the whole ugly game...
Vaccines, toxins put into the water, wars, corruption, manipulation,
police state etc.

the only way to stop them is to say no and mean it... and to do that,
you need to be prepared on all levels... but dont stop there....
find independence.. Struggle towards self sufficiency..

morning... first day of the year...

awaiting dawn in an hour or so, full moon setting...

saw some nice examples of native american neoindiginous knife styles

I make my own stuff generally, but its always nice to see other
people's ideas..

listened to an inteview yesterday, a historian/economist, talking
about world situation, he felt the status quo would want a major war
in the mid east, to cause oil prices to rise to $500 a barrel to suck
up all the excess dollars in the world economy, and refloat the
dollar.... Very possible scenario.. If that happens, you could see gas
at $20 a gallon, and perhaps a nuclear war... none of which would do
us any good.... The bible is correct about the status quo being
preditors, and causing an apocalypse fighting with each other over our
dead bodies...

and afterwards, things would be more than a bit primitive... enough
so, that what we see now as quaint & archaic would be the proper
tools for survival..

survival and subsistence starts with basic fundamentals... Simple
equipment you can repair...
I was looking at aluminum pack frames, very nice,
but think it would be better in some ways to finish off my wooden
packboard project, its heavier, but less likely to break, and much
easier to repair, and would carry excessively heavy loads easier..

there is a wide gulf between yuppie gear, and whats practical for
survival uses..

durability factor is key.... survival is work, there is no house to
go back to after a weekend hike.. its open ended.. and so having
simple tough gear is what counts... during a cultural crash, I'd
want firearms, afterward I'd want bows and arrows....

I have long used my neoindigenous hobbies to prepare.. I find it also
helps with emotional turbulence.. in life one has hopes, most often
dashed by the unreliabilty of others, its nice to have a constant to
focus on... so I've often used work on basic items as therapy.. and
every failure becomes a positive in the direction of real & meaningful
preparedness for anything,, and a happier lifestyle... not to
mention the beauty possible when one makes their own things... when
there is no boring job, when there is no TV, one has near infinite
amounts of time to think.. and so its natural one begins to use
available resources to make things, busy hands make a happy heart,
and the difference between something crude that works, and something
artistic, is mental.. same resources, same amount of work, but beauty
results from going the extra mile mentally before your hands begin
forming the project...

afterwards it pays dividends emotionally.. living in beauty is
emotionally uplifting for one's spirit... all primitive cultures
created beauty.. Our creates ugliness... an industrial park is no
comparison to Yurts or Tipis in a medow.. cities of vanity are no
replacement for children playing in a creek.... computers are no
replacement for crafts.... In more indigenous cultures people made
things that improved their lives... Our culture focuses on things that
allow us to do less for ourselves, and more for the system.. we have
become victims of our own over socialization... having a glass and
plastic coffee maker plugged in on the counter doesnt produce coffee
that tastes any better than what you can make using a teapot of water
over a small fire, and a filter... the coffee maker lets you do it
faster, but then you run off to pay the taxes, electric bill, & house
payment, instead of sitting contentedly on a log watching the sun
rise as you sip coffee..

the current tax rates mean everyone is spending half their lives
working to support an elite class...
The elite are fine with it being that way, but havent you had enough
of it yet?

Sent from my mobile device

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