Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday 6th January 2009.....

Morning, several hours until daylight...

awake, thinking about the problems....

All seem to boil down to greed, and ineptness , and then the sollution
invariably seems to be piling more crap on the common folk, and taxing
them more.....

you know, I cant remember hearing of any of the security measures ever
actually stopping or catching any terrorists...

and everytime there is a successful attack, it appears to be a false
flag event covered by a bungle, followed by more crap & taxes....

more of the same...

its like Katrina/New Orleans, I heard about the problem on NPR ten
years before it happened, thousands died, rich did land grabs for
Casinos, and every since, the Army corps of humdingers repeating
mistakes, like a script error in a theater play... nothing ever
learned, nothing ever forgotten, and a bunch of useless fucking
drones sucking at the public slop trough, and screaming for more...

I dont know about you, but I think we need out of the political pig
farming business....

I heard Obama speaking about the latest incident, like some stern
father.... I'm not stupid, I know when the rhetoric is over his
cronies will make billions putting average people thru more useless
bullshit, millions of people a year harrassed, and if someone wants
to take down a plane, a $50 shoulder fired rocket will make all of
it moot....

And if one analyzes terrorism, its nothing but paybacks for corporate
military industrial complex killing & robbing & controlling on the
far side of the planet..

the terrorists, and the american public, seem to share a
commonality... they both are too fucking stupid to go after the real

pawns taking out pawns....

anyway, I just wont bother to fly... tired of all the previous
useless bullshit.... I used to regularly walk through major airports
and fly carrying a high powered rifle and ammo.... it was common...
nobody got hurt... And now toenail clippers are a felony?

I dont think its far to the end of the line, terminal stupidity and
total disfunctionalism... the technocult was fun while it lasted, but
its not any fun any more, and not likely to last... So I turn my back
on it as much as possible...

I also heard Hillary talk the other day, went on for five or ten
minutes, and she never once said anything meaningful... reminded me
of chewing cardboard... nothing accomplished except a gross wad of
shit to gag out when its all chewed....

basically we have a bunch of cardboard cut out politicians, posting
endless laws in the village square, while their owners rake in
everything and the village crumbles and is covered with thorns and
brush... people are spending more time being screwed with, at a
stiff profit, than getting anything done.... as in the Tao; the
court is arrayed in splendor, and the fields are full of weeds....

when it finally implodes, theres going to be herds of "more equal"
pigs screaming their guts out...
Terminal stupidity is what it all is....

its like this; a squad of soldiers from any country on the planet
could be easily delivered to the US by various means, with a couple
mortar tubes, and a few cases of mortars, and all of homeland
paranoia department's shit wouldnt stop them from mortaring jet
liners on the tarmack, and you could count on only one thing, thats
that security would try to keep the people on the planes....

the only reason it hasnt happened, is we make it too easy for them,
we deliver targets to their doorsteps via the US military, and
they're killing as many as they can much closer to home...
terrorist attacks in the US arent worth the bother... they do a few,
and the system spends billions pretending to prevent it.. and all for
what? so major corporations can keep selling us stolen oil? when for
a fraction of the total costs we could have every house in the US
covered in solar panels, and an electric car in the driveway...

wake up people... quit following lying asshole jerks... you're
being screwed, & thats all you know....

Sent from my mobile device

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