Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday, 11th January, 2010........

Morning, did food hike, got more than I could carry... currently
munching coconut.....

baking a few green bananas, soon to clean some breadnuts and roast too......

not starving...

thinking this morning how I need to get my trip in better order, how
listening to the worlds problems is a distraction from fixing my
own... I'm doing OK, & have come a long ways in the last year,
dropping emotional baggage, realizing the power of getting my own
self improved...

I played guitar before dawn, working on chord rounds mostly, shifting
from one to the next, and making noticeable progress.....

much more rewarding to teach myself something than to watch TV...

the demise of the technocult, and commentating there on, has
become a hobby for me......

got pissed at it enough to leave it, now living pretty much like a
wild man in an Eden, what I lack in class, I make up for in

one thing I know is that it is possible to have a good life on a
subsistence level... civilisation is a distraction from reality...

it would be easy to organize a subsistence culture that functioned,
much easy than organizing a technical one thats inheriently

I got an Email this morning from my friend, he said the Camper lots
around Eugene are empty now, the retirement types all the sudden quit
buying campers... I think thats a mistake, they no doubt are
withdrawing into their houses as the economy crashes, I'd much rather
have a camouflaged school bus, or house Truck backed into the brush
somewhere remote, than a house in town in whats coming....

people in town are going to be caught between raiders, FEMA on one
hand, gangs on the other, and both levying "Taxes" in the form of
what ever it is they want, from food to women..

most are going to be left with only one option, kill or be killed..

much better to scatter into the brush.... get lean & mean, and far
enough apart that raiders cant go door to door..

I was thinking about Geronimo, how his group made fools of the best
army of the day... mostly done with mobility... I'm sure they were
also raiding for food... would have been better if he'd had more
help, smart enough to stay out of pitched battles too.. People to
resist, grow food, attack from all directions..

I think in whats coming, its going to be a smoking free for all..
the Military bases have truck docks behind the chow halls....when
trucks quit showing up there, it all starts falling apart..

modern militaries assume supply lines.....
and continued infrastructure......

I wouldnt bet on any of that.....

it would be better if we didnt go there... It would be better if the
legal system began to function, and jail a bunch of greed heads....
Gietner would be a starting point, then sweep up the rest of the
sleaze bags he co-opped with.... we'll see what really happens, but
I'd be prepared for the worst...

I heard yesterday that a Rasmussen pole found over 70% of americans
very unhappy with the government, and over 40% very angry... gee?
What will happen to those numbers as things worsen? and will the
military protect those responsible? I doubt it....

I'm sure this has happened many times before in human history...
empires melt down from corruption, trading turns raiding, plenty die,
and those who dont begin again...

I was downloading martial arts fotos yesterday, got a nice foto of a
guard position for a great sword.... one I'd never seen before...
and I thought about Martial arts, and its farmer's roots... much of
it designed to take on raiders an win using whatever you have that
will work for weapons....

I was also thinking about how I'd design an expedient homestead from
scratch.. the brush hut version.. and thought the way to do it would
focus on water, a spring somewhere, and then build into a nearby
high spot, within sight of the spring, and then clear a hole for
garden, fruit, and pasture, with garden below the spring, fruit on
the hump, and the hut dug into the hump's top...

the clearing for pasture needs be a field of fire,for the approach,
and behind the hump one wants the forest closer, to be able to retreat
into, with higher mountains behind.... most raiders are going to
come from the valleys, from the cities... most astute survivalist
types will be dug into the hills...

I think its important to have forest etc... and a way to block or
disquise the entrance..

later, listening to short wave, sounds like bankster gate is heating
up.... this needs to go all the way...

vacuum the fleas out of the carpet.....
do a good job, or they just come back....

Sent from my mobile device

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