Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday 23 January 2010..........

Morning, cooking, grits and starfruit....

worked online, a dating site, trying for two hours to fix a glitch,
it had me listed as belonging to a transvestite's group and wanting a
relationship with another transvestite....

I dont much even like seeing nude men in art work... I'm about as
straight as is possible to be..... had problems due to ICE'S shitty
internet, took a couple hours to find the right list and get it un
checked..... how embarrassing! I really dont care what other
people do, as long as they arent hurting anyone, but I sure get tired
of homosexuality in my face... and I really dont give a fuck what the
legal system has to say about hate speech, if they try to curtail my
right to free speech, I will suggest they do auto/homosexual acts

i.e. Stick it!

I suspect the political/legal system has been over run by a bunch of
busy body faggots and perverts....

and I can relate to why the Ranchers of bible fame consider them bad

scewed up enough to be sexually confused....

anyway problem fixed...

you know, If I was to survive until and after the arrival, I would
look forward to living in a culture of honest people.. it would
have to be nice....

no scammers, no perverts, no power trippers, no greed heads, no
liars, no politicians, what would we do without them? in a word;

my guess is the screwed up types are going to keep pushing their
agendas until they get shot, lynched, burned, etc.....

I wont miss them....

I promise!

anyway, think a bath is next followed by guitar practice... I am
eying my other knife blades, thinking a project, but better not, my
projects tend to be intense... I need to take a break between them...
the one I finished up yesterday is a practical beauty....I feel
fortunate to have it...thinking about a sheath.... an ace camp

what I have realized in my life, is that reality is 95% bullshit...
and if I had it to do over, I'd be focused on my neoindigenous trips
to the exception of all else...

pony cart, yurt, horses, a small patch of land somewhere remote,
and build some boats.. get a couple small milk cows, some sheep,
make my own blankets and clothing, grow my own food, make my own
things, try for that quiet peaceful life the Amish aspire to...

I think they had it right; get out into the countryside, avoid
governments, teach your kids privately, avoid the technocult, call
it good...

I think my big difference from them would be a neoindigenous flavor to
my life... less community... I once passed thru an Amish
community, and the people who interacted with me recognized
something in me... they thought I might be one of them...

and interestingly enough I have always been attracted to some of their

later.... epoxied a couple handles into heads, my Vaughn
carpenter's hammer from my days /years as a professional carpenter..
I made a new Cortesia handle awhile back.. and my nice Chinese
forged tilling hoe also got permanently attached to its handle.. its
31 inches overall, also Cortesa...

Well, it will be interesting to see what happens now...

later... Checked emails.. Read a news brief, I see humanity isnt
getting any better.. still killing each other... people are

people kill each other and we have some morons sans neurons who want
to remove our rights to protect ourselves.. thats like outlawing
fallout shelters to prevent nuclear war..

well, you know what? I'm going to protect my self no matter what
anybody's law says... my law says I get to protect myself any way

modern law is absurd..
how can anyone think endless more laws is a good idea?

the ten commandmants of the old testament covered everything
necessary... Few people obeyed all of them... so I doubt adding
thousands of more did anything meaningful........

the bible terms the law a yoke... that pretty much explains it, laws
are an enslaving device.... how many new ones do you like paying
for... ? do you suppose the economy would change any if the
government was eliminated?... anybody with a job would instantly make
twice as much money..

later, after dark, heard VOA, shortwave for the orient.. for an
hour or less... I noticed they spent less time on the news than on
either sports or movies.... i.E. the reality to fake reality ratio is
worse than two to one... and most of the news alotment was taken up
by general betrayus playing the talking head routine, and saying
nothing substancial or meaningful... semantic content effectively
zero.... then a talking heads discussion about Haiti, with honorable
mention of France using political clout to drain Haiti with
reparations for over a hundred years, and world bank helping drain
them until recently... and that the substandard construction due to
poverty resulting from being milked is what caused all the deaths..
But not to worry, the bureauocrats have a plan to fix the problems
via bureauocracy...

yeah right......

the best thing we could do for haiti, is line up all the rich on the
planet, and hit them in the forehead with medium sledge hammers...

it wasnt the quake that killed them, it was people pretending tp be
their friends at a profit...

a trend set to continue...

the Ranchers are right.... I spent most of the day listening to the
world call evil good, and call black white.... the big lie is

I also heard commemtary about climate change causing migration...
notice this has already started but is being ignored, and all the
government players are more worried about money extraction from
foriegners than facilitating anything meaningful... also mention of
future drought in the US.... I've known about that for 16 or more
years,tried to warn family members & friends, got considered crazy,
might as well have saved my breath... mention on VOA that some would
stay.. Yea? And drink what? I discussed the phenomina a couple years
back in this very blog, i.e. Dry line moving east and south... when
Kentucky is as dry as Nebraska is now, the US wont have an economy, a
government, or a population....

the news is liars doing oral sex for their economic masters...
sucking and gagging sounds with positive vocalizations... do you
suppose we'll ever get to the plain truth? yeah, when its one road
warrior talking to the other about all the skulls one trips over...

maybe its time the French paid Haiti reparations for a hundred years,
and the world bank returns all the money they filched plus interest,
and to the people, not to some puppet government corruptocracy working
for the CIA.....

will that happen? yeah right.. expect more gagging & sucking sounds
with yum-yum noises by pundits....

people of haiti, forget money, forget help, just start planting
trees, food trees, lumber trees, shade trees, nitrogen fixing trees,
dont believe a fucking word anybody says, just plant trees...

Sent from my mobile device

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