Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday 8th January 2010.........

Just after midnight, got a small fire going... feeling OK, happy to
be insane by normal standards...

my neurosis is better than your's, because I'm happier with it!

I have this pair of jungle toads that live in my house.. one is
bigger and fatter, thats obviously the female.. they catch bugs
at night, and sleep under my tool box during the day.. they wander
around in the shelter and in my yard, and come in just before dawn
like a daughter with a boyfriend....

Yeah, I'm crazy, got wild toads under my tool box... but I have
less bugs than I would if I ran them out.... they provide me a
service, I protect them from large venomous snakes.. We get along

one thing I've noticed, is you have to be normal to get really screwed good....

which is really great incentive to be you, instead of being normal...

we have this situation now where people are waking up from the TV
produced mass psychosis...

I'm enjoying being a conspiracy theory buff, its a great hobby,
entertaining like TV never was... I get to laugh at the Gilligan's
Island reality... a political system run by idiots who think they are
gods... beats the dogshit out of daytime TV, and with the
call-ins & interviews, its educational...

plus it makes the government types really and justifiably nervous....
yeah, morons, you've done gone too far with your games and lies, and
its imploding your direction....

its going to be fun to watch the paradigm shift flood the land.....
last people to figure it out will be the biggest assholes..... its
like a fun game, tell the secrets, lets all get on the white house
untrusted list, and give the Hillary & Barrak Puppet Show something
to worry about... Oh! My God! The Patriots are coming! thats
subversive & un-american!

only to you, you lying shit heads.... Average folk are sick of
un-necessary improvements....

War in Yemen? propping up the Saudis? thats like trying to stop
entropy.... the planetary stastus quo is dead meat... albeit a still
dangerous Zombie at this point.... their day of doom is

yup! all you need to realize, is the star of Bethlem is a space
ship... sounds crazy, but when you realize that, the world starts
making sense....

I've run into thousands of tidbits that support the thesis, and
nothing what so ever that prooves it wrong....

I dont think I'd want to be status quo when they arrive.. my throat
feels fine the way it is.....

I dont think Hillary, Barrak, etc. are going to do too well at their
trials, I'm worried enough about my own case, and I havent ordered
any bombings, or anybody tortured, or lied to make lots of money...

That little realization about the star of Bethlehem is beginning to
seep under the door and wet the rug... I hear it coming, and I know
we are perhaps only months away from that paradigm becomming
mainstream.. all that has to happen now is the Christians realize
that its non threatening to their religion... and I hear them now on
the verge of that realization.. its coming, and thats good, because
when you read the book of Enoch in that light it all makes sense...
and everybody with any brains, is going to start getting their act
together, with the end effect, of it being like a Buffalo

fighting the corrupt system is the order of the day.. and an army is
massing in the hills....I hear people on the conspiracy call ins
continually rate themselves by when they started waking up... years,
or 3 months, 6 months etc. makes me feel like an old dog watching
the pups....

what is happening now, on radio, on line, is like the letters of
corespondence era of the american revolution.. only its not a few
patriot types, scratching with quill pens for years... Its millions
of people using high tech comms to spread the new paradigm...

I also hear ammo is coming back onto the shelves.... thats nice...
keep buying... production follows demand, and demand follows
paradigm... the more ammo the people have, the less likely the
status quo is to survive... simple physics....

and we do need serious change in order to survive....

anyway, I'm looking forward to the near future, and hoping to see
the paradigm shift... the Elite are intelectually bankrupt...
Following out dated Malthusian logic.. while the space elevator has
been staring us in the face for thousands of years since Jacob's

what this all means is there is a chance we rethink ourselves & ace
the test..

its pretty much all up to you my friends... the future of the planet
is decided by your decisions, and how you cherry pick with them...

my advice? same as always, get mobile, lighten baggage, arm up,
get self sufficient, plant food everywhere, help others.. scatter,
and quit relying on the economic system.. its dead meat...

anyway, I think I'll go back to bed.. but I often wonder one
thing, and thats if my blog will make a difference, or if I'm just
talking to the wind? well, not important really, not knowing makes
it part of the mystery.. and it cant hurt to chime in with my two
cents worth.. there are plenty of people who can use information
and concepts I have provided to better their chances.... and its
there to be found by anyone who looks for it....

Sent from my mobile device

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