Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday 9th January 2010..........


after dark, but a police state dream woke me... and the mosquitos
were whining outside the blanket, so I got up and rebuilt the fire to
smudge them...

One of the things I'd look forward to the rancher's arrival for, is
the ability to learn from them.. I'm sure they could answer some
questions.. one personal question I have, is one JC answered, saying
God is a spirit... but he also said things about good people seeing
god.. so I'd be into some clarification... at this point its a

Another question is their view on self defense and guns, I dont
think they would be into gun confiscation, as much as into bad guy
clean up....

good people owning guns caused no problems.. Bad people with them are
a nightmare, be they crooks or cops.... the right to self defense,
including against an obviously corrupt and hypocritical government is
a self evident necesity, and any people who think otherwise are a
breeding ground for fascism.... the final check on government is an
armed populace... the problem with Elites, is Ego Blindness.... So
busy passing laws for little people they overlook controlling
themselves, and eventually corruption wins and permiates the culture
from the top down, as is obviously happening in the US.. control is
like a drug, some are more easily addicted, more attracted to it..
and now we have police forces with more & more control freaks, people
they used to know better than to hire...

if you want nothing to be accomplished, form a committee... if you
want serious problems, create a bureauocracy.....

if you want things to run smoothly, stay out of the business of the
people.. And use taxes to feed people, not to control or kill...

the ground rules of good governance were laid out in the Tao Te Ching
thousands of years ago... modern experts wouldnt know good governance
if it fell on them from the 40th floor....

well, they'll figure it out when the collapse hits.... when
stealing on one hand and doing nothing about it on the other collapses
the very system they depend on to play their crooked games...

Reading the Koran has me thinking about the muslim mindset... they
must see the US as the corrupt and evil predicted in the Koran.. It
fits the description, just as it fits similar descriptions in the
bible and book of Enoch... And I am sure they have realized that the
problem is foriegn oppressors combined with homegrown versions.. you
know, those people did fine without western culture trying to control
them, they'll do fine when it collapses..... the battle of good
against evil has traditional zones... a yin- yang dichotomy, with
the contaminating opposite dot on each side..

it is easier for the village to handle its home grown thief, than
ones from the capital.....
In modern culture we have them combined, the village isnt alowed to
rid itself of the petty thief, and the robber barons have free reign
also.... This is a recipe for disaster..

when things break down enough that no food arrives in the cities,
they will begin to think earnestly about the problems... before this
they will try everything possible except the right things....

Western Civilisation is dying, it is being legislated to death;
taxed and controlled.. the reason people arent having enough kids to
replace themselves, is because they have a retarded child of a
parasite bureauocracy living in their home and eating everything..

and the third world people still creating too many children are like
mindless barbarians who can only think of sex and food....

we dont need one child policies, we need vestigial government...

instead, we have bloated spiders multiplying like fleas on rats at
the city dump...

Well, when vanity dies, people will figure it out...
In the post modern era, government is theater at ground zero.. its
only a matter of time until peoples tired of outside manipulation
get technologies to rid themselves of foriegn oppressors... after
that the homegrown oppresors wont have the world's arms and munitions
factories to back them up either.. and eventually people will go back
to growing cucumbers, Lentils, and onions, instead of national

knowing when to stop prevents disaster....

the only thing that stops a status quo, is a sea of armed and angry
people, sick of being sucked, and having it be called for the common

Sent from my mobile device

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