Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday, 22nd January 2010............

a couple hours before dawn... got up, lit a fire for mosquitos, and
put the food on to rewarm...

I hear the vehicles on the highway, car O'clock in the morning, a
billion slaves, thanking God its friday, and that they get a couple
days at home soon so they can pretend to be free....

Poor fools... Kept poor by their own minds... not enough imagination
to dream a better life, not enough guts to leave their rat's nest
security behind.. not enough will power to quit endebting themselves
to more and more of the same.... not enough time in their lives to
justify it all.....

I heard a program on Radio Deutchevella, about Mongolia, it was
about some park, to protect some animal near extinction, signal was
so faint I never caught what the animal was... but they talked about
a city of 300,000 yurts, called; Ger, and people living in them thru
cold winters heating with wood & coal... I happily listened to the
vignette, also heard the Mongols are getting into better quality
genetics with livestock now, rather than just numbers of head.... a
good sign...

And I thought about how close freedom was....

a small yurt is cheaper than a big house, and freedom is cheaper than
a big government....

the average person now works to pay taxes, sit in a huge house,
heat it, drive a ton or two of steel
in the rat race to the salt mines, and their only rest is sitting in
front of a TV having their head deusched out by talking heads
pretending to be somebody special...

the Mongolians have a better life...

Yurts are still warm inside, coal still burns, and its fairly cheap
shit by the BTU or Kilocalorie...... in the US, millions heat
their houses with coal, via the electric company... with the company
making a stiff profit conveyoring coal into the fire, losing half the
energy in line loss and bureauocracy, so you dont need to open a
stove door a few times a day, and toss some in yourself.... check on
prices of coal by the ton, compare BTU's per unit cost with
electricity, imagine your house morphing into a yurt, and subtract
from your budget the costs etc. in house payment, energy, taxes,

and wonder how terrible it would be to live in a warm snuggy yurt,
heat bathwater up on the stove, perhaps some tea also?

I paid off a farm that way once... I cut firewood instead of bought
coal, and I'd still be there now, if not for a once a month Drama

moral of the story, is that happiness isnt found on the path marked by
vanity.. happiness is a form of humility... its when you are
physicaly comfortable; warm, clean, dry, fed, and relaxed and
puttering on your favorite hobby... it has nothing to do with elegant
houses weighing tons, Cars weighing tons, taxes weighing tons, and
40 hour a week jobs trying to pay for it all......

Sanity is Retro....

I heard Alex Jones even saying that yesterday, that people need to do
two things, get back to the land, and fight big government...

Well, if you got back to the land humble enough, government would
have a harder time taxing the dog shit out of you... what are the
taxes on a couple thousand dollar yurt, and a thousand dollars worth
of horse and cart? and how much job would you need to buy them and
ten acres of land?

add a windmill pumping water, some fences, garden, pasture, small
barn, a couple dexter cows, a few sheep, a spinning wheel and
loom, a woodlot and a pond, and what would you need in government
services? maybe get a high powered rifle, a shotgun, and now you
dont need the police either......

My son is starting to look for a used flute for me on ebay...
something to do after I learn guitar...

I retired at 39 years old....I'm now 53... its been good... I did
it by letting go of normalcy.... I risked my life to make it
happen... I do what I want to every day...I dont own a car or a

I listen to the problems on short wave, I add my two cents via this
blog... I work on hobbies that add to my life.. I pay about $10 a
year in taxes... I planted lots of food......

and now, I'm going to stow this blog page to send out after daylight,
and as the sun rises in a few minutes, I'll be practicing my guitar,
while you start your car and head off to your job... I'm free, you
are not... and you probably think you are better than me....

think all you want.. the only thing you get working for the
technocult these days, is old...

Sent from my mobile device

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