home alone, just got food going... now starting to work on my knife
project... its the Puma style , got brass washers epoxied into
handle slabs... will wait for that to harden & start working on
got stuff in Canoas yesterday, now can complete it hopefully... will
be nice a refugee kit item....
funny part, is the glue cost more than the blade...
I got a hunk of copper tube for lanyard hole liner, and I also bought
a new short wave radio, cost $12 And was missing AC cord & carry
strap, but the good news is it has good sensitivity.... used it
last night, caught a ham net bcst, guys were talking about coming
civil war in the US, and they were being professionally jammed...
Which is common now on patriot bcsts..... yeah, I'm a nut case, knew
this was coming years ago... But I have been surprised at how fast
people are figuring out the big lie... and that it sounds like they
are going to do fine, understand the govt. Will try to plant people
in their groups, and are working around the problem from the get
I talked to locals on bus yesterday had another woman say it was the
apocalypse coming, and a local man talked about the disfunctional
legal system where thieves go free, and they jail common folk for
bullshit to extract money via fines.... same as in US... eh?
basically government has evolved into public parasite number one
everywhere on the planet.....
doesnt matter where you go, its a money & power grab... soon to
implode, as the people are catching on, and more than a little
disgusted... I think it will come unglued in the US first.... heard
a cop telling people on short wave to stand up for gun rights...
personally I think theres going to be a rope shortage.. people will
have to hang the tyrants back to back to get two into the same
not a problem rope is adaptable stuff... and will choke off their jowls.....
I think it will be the status quo that starts it.. they will start
killing people first... but by the time they do, people will be so
fed up with their shit, they will be outnumbered thousands to one...
sad, but wait and see....
more people are waking up every day... Realizing how bad it really
is.... the ugly american is quickly becomming the awake and angry
my guess is more shennigans next couple of elections, black box & ken
& barbie politicians...
and people will know it and the war start fairly soon.... I think
all the plans of the status quo will come to naught, they picked on
the wrong guys....
i.e. Everybody....
anyway due to new radio purchas, only spent $10 on food for this
month.... no problem, green bananas in the soup...
as I've said before, all the government info gathering on people will
only result in them knowing everybody hates their guts....
control is an assumption..... all asumptions are wrong.....
and the Ranchers have predicted that the people win.... the more
bloody it is, the more of them will hang.... justice, real justice
is mostly a form of getting even.... And so far the status quo has
made every mistake possible.....
greed is about to become a capital offense...
people pretty much know the score now.. most everything I've realized
is common knowledge now.. its only a matter of time...
God help us!
which he will.... aint gonna help the bad guys...
basically its all a trap for them, genetic editing.....
the status quo has planned this for decades, the Ranchers have
planned it for thousands of years...
later listening to short wave, VOA, talked about corruption in
Afghanistan, it makes up a quarter of their gross national product...
must be a copy of US government..... I heard the US govt. Is now 90%
of gnp.... its insanity.. all we actually produce now is
politics and conquest....
losing conquest... and corrupt politics..
meanwhile we badmouth others for doing what we do too... the US is
no better than Iran, it just likes to think it is...is any tyrant
better than the others?
I dont think anything is going to get any better until after total
collapse... sad but likely true..
when we remove our nose from the business of others, and the
government quits putting its nose into the lives of the people, things
will get better, you cant cure politics with government or vice
versa.. the US govt. Has no better credibility with Americans now
than the Iranian governmet does... things will get better when the
government collapses.. Until then, things will get worse... its like
some insane person who has to confront their own insanity to allow a
cure... it may take 5 Californians to change a lightbulb, but it
takes everybody to change a fascist government.. And as long as
politics is partisan, they'll have their way with us... when we all
agree we've had all the shit we are going to take, is when change
and that day wont come as long as people are badmouthing each other as
liberal or conservatives... so far, divide and conquer is alive and
morning, just woke, thinking about something I heard on short wave...
it was a comment about the government, and Waco texas massecre.... "
that people expect the government to try it again, but this time it
wouldnt be free."
in other words they wouldnt be able to do it without citizens coming
to help...
A lot of people think the status quo is running scaird... all I can
say is if they arent, they are incredibly stupid... I suspect a
little of both...
All their macinations, and corruption, and history of genocide and
murder are catching up with them now... and they have been so busy
feeding their own neurosis, that they havent noticed that their
insanity has become obvious to the general public...
the technology of communications has allowed a revolution in
realization, and the genie isnt going back into the bottle... if
they try censoring the web, people will start passing out CD's and
blue toothing info, at an increased rate... every action causes a
more powerful reaction... censorship would actually be a really good
thing for the awakening movement, it would create increased demand
for the truth, and more people would activate... the status quo is
like Wiley Coyote on Road Runner, they had a big plan, but have
painted themselves into a corner using Acme Rubber glue.... and
their explosives are about to detonate on them....
And yes, police & military will confiscate guns if ordered to.... but
only for a little while, until outrage and anger cause such a backlash
that they start getting sniped at.... people arent buying those guns
to give them up... they are buying them for self defense against the
effects caused by corrupt and assinine government... the status quo
is about done waving pieces of paper, and getting the people to obey..
it all boils down to belief, and a big corrupt government is pretty
much like a smaller one... their days are numbered... they can do
some damage for awhile, but you notice Marcos didnt hold the
Philipines forever even with the CIA etc. Backing him, and unending
martial law... every dog has his day, and shooting the opposition
just pours gas on the fire.... the tyrants are sowing the seeds of
their own destruction every day, every way... they are just too
stupid to realize it.....
Ruby Ridge & Waco woke up thousands of times more people than they
killed.... they helped wake me up.... I realized there was no call
for what happened in either case... other methods could have been
used.. Instead, the big power trip resulted in wrongful death....
and I wasnt the only one to realize that...
millions made the same realizations.... where we are now is like
the night before the big battle.. the people are moving, loading
clips, sharpening knives, lashing their packs, and filling canteens,
and getting some rest... when the battle starts, it wont be the
cigar smoking industrialists, bankers, and bureauocrats who win it, it
will be boots on the ground & well placed shots..... and the tyrant's
mercenaries are as nothing in comparison to a citizen army.... the
Grand Militia......
Sent from my mobile device
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