Thursday, January 28, 2010

thursday 28th January 2010..........

morning, and a pretty one....

Read Obama's speech was about jobs creation....

He thinks we want more cotton to pick huh?

no! We want emancipation from instinctual liars, killers, and
thieves.... jobs isnt good enough any more, we want 40 acres and a

hey folks, being jobbed up the butt is how we got into the straits we
are in now... more of the same isnt a viable fix... the answer to
fascism is freedom, freedom from banks, moron bosses, bogus
economics, killer doctors, worse agribiz companies, city water with
liquid happy pills, and overseers who think they are gods.....


its gone too far now... being offered a place in the chain gang on
the plantation has somehow lost its appeal... dont want the slave
cabin, dont want the fat wife, dont want the job security with the
company store getting everything plus more via credit....

we want our freedom...

the Anti-Drone Revolution.....

and like I've pointed out, its the country people who fix things in
the cities, and any of them with half an IQ, is headed out of
town... fix your own shit morons! the future isnt in jobs in the
cities, anyone who falls back into that toilet deserves what they

take a look; Port Au Prince.... thats city futures, how much would
you like to invest? care for some more bogus retirement, medical,
investment plans?

or a house in town, to pay taxes on until it folds up......

I dont know about you, but I'm not headed back into a slavery of lies......

I dont think the game is over yet, and until I see a sky with ships in
it, I'm going to assume the bad guys are still trying to screw me
every chance possible....

how about "Absolute Zero Trust"? thats what I feel towards all of the
worthless bastards..

theres no going back, Babylon? No thank you!

put your jobs where the sun doesnt shine......

the real future is in freedom... freedom futures? Yeah! Sell me some of those!

Sent from my mobile device

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