Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Monday, 4th January, 2010.......


home alone w/dog...
Pretty morning... heard a survivalist show on shortwave last night,
very faint & hard to hear, guy was doing pretty good, talking about
kerosene lamps and related issues... my personal style of wick
trimming differs from his, he said straight across, I trim on a curve
to match shape of the metal flame hood... I also nip the corners, to
prevent flyers of flame.. interesting that he's discussing that at
same time a lantern is on my shopping list... he also stated a
hundred gallons of kerosene was a good stash.. I agree... not that I
can afford that though... and I'll be using diesel in my lantern, as
they quit selling kero in my area, latin mindset; throw out baby with
bath water, as long as you can look good while you do it...

kerosene lamps and lanterns are old tech., oil lamps really, pre
kerosene..... back when they used to extirminate whales to light city

originally I'm sure lamps were made with brass, and fairly high
quality.. Nowdays, the thinnest of pressed steel.. and if the wick
adjusting key works, its a miracle.... its like my candle holders,
came from Europe, at least 200 years old, not much good with modern
candles though, as they are meant for a taper of about an inch....
nowdays one is lucky to find 3/4 inch candles.. Or about half the wax,
call it a candle.... this is inheirent in a greed based Capitalistic
culture... they work fine on paper, but eventually collapse due to
quality degredation, starvation of the workers, and the Elite
devaluing currency due to credit binges...

I think management arrogance & decadence is in the formula too....

also some worker/slave Decadence...

one thing I was wondering this morning, is if The status quo realizes
that when they trash the industrial system, that all the sudden
they become obsolete....... nobody needs bean counters to count
their beans for them.. and when there arent enough beans, bean tax
collectors end up missing...

later, got food going... Dog & self eat another day... Soup, w/2 kinds
of beans, two kinds of corn.... tailends of unused seed...

the downside of economics, is that some starve that wouldnt in a
subsistence culture... in a consumer capitalistic culture, lazy liars
do best, honest workers do worst... in a subsistence culture its

definitly a dichotomy pair.... and have likely cycled throughout
human history... good chance the economic system results from excess
food supply, grows and bloats, then natural change in ambient
dynamics affects food supply, effects amplified by arrogant elite,
total collapse back to subsistence, Elite least likely to be able to
feed selves or fight, due to dependence on hired help...

Elite genetics trimmed off a bit each cycle, as is most gullible hired
help genetics... as feeding or defending an elite is a serious
unneeded burden...

Pony in the swamp vignette, the pony wouldnt go into the swamp
without being whipped, and is unlikely to make it to solid ground if
the elite insists on riding or keeping a pack load on..

so elite minus pony.....

pony could get wise, and kick the elite's head off before going into
the swamp too.....

I munched some dried coconut and ripe bananas for breakfast... I
also opened some little bananas that I think are original genetics,
and they were loaded with seeds..... thinking to plant them in
patches where the monkeys and animals can get to them, and so spread
them all over the jungle.. would be a pain for human food due to
seeds, but no doubt keep one alive...
The root of subsistence, is something to stuff in your mouth all year.....

unload the Elite anytime possible, plant food everywhere...

later, puzzling on the guitar a bit, trying to start learning more
chords, very happy to be beginning to get the basics down, much
happier than watching a shitcalm on TV would make me.... I think
sitcoms are generally disgusting, might as well have a plug
recepticle implanted in your forhead, and let big brother have the
feedline plumbed in.... how you are supposed to think programming...
politically correct propaganda...

anybody who repeats what they hear on TV sitcoms has a brain on loan
to the status quo.....

either think originally, or try not to think at all...

another thought I had this morning, is how nicely suited to the simple
life the common female would be.... those pick up & put away habits,
and dilligent work skills would be much appreciated...
Personally I'm wondering how long until females begin to realize that
being dumb, flashing eyelashes, and playing secretary in an office
for materialism credits, isnt equal to a wholesome life?

looks to me like they are being used more than liberated... real
women's liberation isnt a job in the office, its having a simple
enough life to do things she wants to with the excess time.... maybe
take up ornamental iron work, or stained glass, or making bowls or
something.... I dont know if anybody except me has realized this yet,
but they're calling trying to have kids, raise them as single
parents, keep a house up, and hold down a job supporting the status
quo who helped get rid of the husband/dad unit, " women's
liberation"... doesnt seem too liberated to me, the poor bitches
seem worn to a frazzle trying to juggle it all....

I think its most likely another case of calling black white, and
calling good bad, by an elite with something to gain... a feminist
attitude sure isnt equal to listening intently and thinking for one's
self while communicating with one's mate...

people arent human anymore, they're puppets who live TV copy lives.....
Raising little state owned children.... black slaves likely had freer minds....

its a cause & effect universe... you're going to get what you
deserve... the key is deserving better....

Sent from my mobile device

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