Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday 25th, January 2010..........

Morning, just woke up, lit a fire.. Its a bit cold, down to maybe 70
degrees or so...

I listened to short wave last night, caught a bit of a program called
the armchair survivalist, some guy in Idaho selling freeze dried
food... he has food stashed in his fallout shelter, food stashed in
his camper trailer, and no doubt plenty in his house...

was fun to listen to, like a food travelogue..... but I wonder if he
is really ready for whats coming? quakes could trash his house and
fallout shelter, and alien arrival might make all the prep work
moot.... when the UFO lands in the yard, shooting at it with the
.308 might not be a good idea... Idaho gets cold with no house, and
its downwind from nuclear power plants on the west coast.. First rule
of survival is location... and Idaho, some parts might be OK, but I
think I prefer the tropics, where 70 degrees is a chilly morning..
and where food grows on trees, and if the aliens land I can offer
them bananas and coconuts, and know they'll get tired of those
pretty soon and leave....

anyway, fun to hear the survivalist program, but I doubt he's ready
for whats coming... my guess is total catastrophy, and alien
arrival... and I dont think owning too much will be a good idea....
if I grok the script right, most will be down to carry-on baggage
rather suddenly... I think a lightweight and minimalistic neo
indigenous trip might be in order... I think the aliens are going to
round every body up.. sort out the keepers from the weepers, have
the keepers cut the weepers throats, and either move the keepers or
the planet somewhere closer to the galactic center, and call it a zoo
or something... nowhere in that plan does a house in Idaho work out
well.... I doubt they deliver the survivors back to their front
doors.... its not the bus from summer camp.. its some aliens who
consider us worse than animals... I think I'd consider myself lucky
if I got to wander off alive...

so in my mind, it all boils down to bug out kit, and that it better
be set up with stuff to help you survive anywhere there's a planet to
stand on...

and if I had to start over with what I could carry, it would be a
strange list.. not at all like the survival kits the boyscouts make
up for something to do until the rescue party finds you...

and I think I'd want more in my skills set, than knowing how to open a
food pouch and pour it into a pot of water...

Everyone, even survivalists assume various levels of continued
normalcy.... I dont assume that.... I consider a burned over
planet, every thing rubbled, and a few wandering survivors as
normal after the dust settles...

thats if I'm not on a starship mopping floors and cleaning toilets....
either way, I think I'd want my personal gear to be fairly well
thought out... they might decide to drop me on some other primitive
planet to start another colony... here you go, have fun, we'll be
back in a few thousand years to see how you did.... and I can see it
now, drop me with some run of the mill woman like on the dating
services on line... gee thanks guys, I really like overweight
females with the attitude I'm going to do everything for them that
they can think of.....

Good chance I'd have to sneak out after dark to get away from her
too.... can I take my dog instead guys? she's at least good

no, I think this Geronimo will be ready to get my food where I find
it, sleep where I get tired, and pitch my camp where it looks
nice.... take a look at Haiti, there's what happens to houses etc.
Civilisation is an assumption, and the survivors will be wandering
back towards the brush soon, and when they get there they wont have
shit for tools.... a machete maybe... no hoe, no hammer, no axe, no
blockplane to make arrows with, no gouge to carve a bowl, no lens to
start fires, and no skills.... so I think survival is starting
over... Kind of like a divorce, you get left with everything not
worth stealing...... the wise guy never acquires the house, bank
account, furniture, or the woman for that matter....

Plenty of people in Haiti went to the city looking for a life where
they got to pretend to work.... attracted by money.... my guess is
after they realize the world isnt going to save them, or feed them
forever, they will be looking thru the garbage of their lives for
anything useful.... a knife, a pot, a bag, a plastic bottle for
water, and they will start walking towards their cousin's house in
the brush.. maybe he will have some corn & beans going? and will
give a few seeds?

meanwhile the talking heads act like everything is normal.... well it
is, until its their turn to wake up to utter destruction.... then
we'll see how they do...when its them and their family under the
rubble, when its them with no food or tools, waiting for help that
doesnt come.. do you suppose the world will be any better prepared
for the next disaster? or will we keep spending our resources on
petty fights over who gets to own the most slaves where?

Wait and see, I guess, but I dont count on any body coming to help
me... if it takes them days to get to a place they can fly to in a
couple hours, it would be weeks to get to a place they had to drive
to..... Buearocracies seem to be best at keeping offices occupied,
and the coffee machine empty... they dont seem very good at planning
for or reacting to disasters....

forming a buearocracy like homeland security is asking for a disaster
by dronism.... they'll have big plans about rounding up all the
food for themselves, and set off a shooting war with its rightful
owners..... I wonder what will happen to all the overfed females I
see online? could be an ugly story to wake up in a rubbled city with
no offices to show up at.... no supermarket either, and too late to
contact that nutcase in the tropics, too late to get a ticket at the
travel agent.... imagine if the haiti quake had been in New York
during a snow storm?
It wouldnt be hundreds of thousands dead, it would be millions....

Sent from my mobile device

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