Sunday, January 3, 2010

Saturday, 2nd January 2010......


nice and hot, good day for me, learned something online, that I didnt
know, simple, something you all already know..

played guitar a couple times, last stint putting together a round of
chords, with notes of harmony laid in, nice, no doubt a few million
guitarists ahead of me, but I enjoyed figuring it out just the same..

thinking about blame, how everybody, including self points fingers for
why things are so bad now, and getting worse fast.. Well theres two
sides, one is others, other is the self..

all boils down to choices one makes.. Washington called it being
the Captian of your own destiny.. and many times in this blog I've
pointed out that you can make choices.. you dont have to wait for a
collapse before you can do something to make for a better world..

or just improve your own life in real terms...

power over stems from a lack of power from within.. people are always
looking for a leader... someone better than themselves, a crutch,
someone bigger than life..

And there isnt anybody to count on... all fall to the same
temptations, all empires fall....

Really life is like solo sailing.... There may be ports, millions of
people living normal lives, slaves & power trippers, but when you're
alone at sea on a small boat, they are all absolutely meaningless...

theres only you, a single ego, that lives or dies based on your
choices your actions.. some cant take it, roll up into a ball &
die... but its also a learning experience, one can make the decision
to keep on, no matter what... calms & storms, days with no progress,
days being pushed backwards...

Even ocasionally a little progress....

Life is like that.... and everybody else are souls upon passing
shores... there is nobody on this planet deserving of trust... quit
believing in others, start making some headway towards fixing

its the only way to turn the tide... find some power to make some
ground to the good... you cant take money or materialism into the
spirit world... why slave for it now? when is enough enough?

the less you want, the happier you get.. No?

"Wanting something for oneself, is the worst curse"

to paraphrase the Tao....

today I was thinking about a couple items I've wanted for years... One
since childhood, and after awhile, I thought about it and realized
neither was necessary, neither death nor stargate needed them...

Later I thought about something I did need... less vanity, more practical...

and what does one really need? endless desires? with every purchass
funding fascism, environmental destruction, etc... Funding people who
already have too much... People worry about control now.... I've
never seen anybody who obeyed all the laws... there are only a few
real laws, like dont damage others, keep your word... funny thing,
JC talked about the two same issues..

All the words attributable to him dont add up to a chapter in a modern
book, but it seems to me he touched on all the fundamental issues,
and much more, gave a pretty good warning what was coming... and
died to do it... now there is serious amounts of leadership..
compare with anybody you see on TV...

I heard the heir to the Rothschild fortunes speak on radio awhile
back... I listened intently to every word, having never heard him
speak before... as he spoke, I analyzed the semantics, and when the
blurb was finished, I was amazed, semantics sum of exactly zero..
the guy hadnt really said anything.. it was all entirely double

And I wondered what use or need could he have for learning such a
speech technique?

then I realized it likely had genetic roots...

instinctual liars, killers, and thieves...

what I notice is that political leadership invariably diverts
attention towards external enemies while trashing their own people....

I'm begining to suspect there is no such thing as terrorist as
described by governments, that its just people fed up with this or
that status quo..

generally attacked after false flag excuse operations...

while the real enemies continue to profit...

and real people suffer forever...

morning, just waking up... starlit night, moon too.... thinking of
all the shit on radio, the technocult is a garbage dump civilisation,
reminds me of an industrial park mentality... none of it means
anything... if you can get away from it... I look on internet, its
the same thing... A pile..... I wonder how so many people could
spend so much time online.. I guess if you are into limitless
materialism, or reading the newspapers online, you get attracted...
what I notice, is there is nothing there with out using the plastic
card... websites seem to have few items, plenty of attention to
layout etc., but actual choices are fewer than in old style
catalogs... I also notice prices are insanely high for anything
new.... Vendors are the highwaymen of the technocult.. three types
of robbers really, those with businesses, those with guns, and
those with police...

What I've also realized is I dont need much of it..

I find it boring... too slow to load, too much page to product ratio,
too much money.. I looked at packs the other day, saw some camo
rucksacks, about $80, while I've been getting similar packs for
between $5-$20...... I also see plenty of sites that have order of
viewing by brandname etc.. i.e. snob factor... its a decadent
attitude, yuppie perfectionism... people who think they are a
corporate logo... A strange neurosis....

I think I am a person on the fringes of the industrial park jungle,
down hill from me is technoshit, uphill is forest...

also, an impression I got, was that the things I've made for myself
creatively are more meaningful than what I see online....
consumerism is not crafts, makes me wonder about the word "crafty"

means using you brain.... but the root word is craft, to make
something.. so in modern times, people dont craft things, they buy
them, and so they have quit using their brains.... isnt just
flouride in the water, or public education or alcohol hard on the
brain... Consumerism is also a factor..

lately I've been having so much success altering things I get at the
factory seconds stores, that I'm expanding my concepts of using items
as resource sources... I saw some camo duffles the other day, for
$5, and I was thinking how I cant get the cloth for that... and if
say I wanted a pocket vest, I could sew one up by hand using camo
duffles for cloth, and get a stargate item dirt cheap, made how I'd
want it etc. and give me something to gnaw at...

another thing I have learned over the years is to let go of pureism...
when I first started doing leather items in the early 70's, I used
leather lacing... made blackpowder bags etc. with not a modern
ingredient... now days, I get what ever I can find, and make the
best I can of whatever I need.... its like the steel bow project,
not likely I could get in primitive archer online with it, not being
traditional, aboriginal etc. but if you think about it, its post
modern neoindigenous... after the collapse, people wont be making
bows with yew staves and hide glue, it will be what ever they can
find that works...

so I am a savage of the technocult... I live at its fringes... Its
at my back, and I make gear while looking outwards... into the still
vast hinterlands, beyond the nightime hum of the industrial
monster... it's collapsing... decadent, corrupt, insane, I am sane,
I see the stars, feel the wind, know the feel of stone on knife...

more than anything else, the technocult is a prison for the weak
minded... no one with any intelligence would stay in a mental ward as
either inmate or guard.....

Sent from my mobile device

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