Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday 29th January 2010..........

Listening to short wave, a survivalist program in the 31 meter band,
coming in a bit iffy.. guy did a pretty good explanation of DC soap
operas, and he pointed out that all the machinations are not equal to
the little finger of the body politic...

which is what I've tried to point out in this blog, that the status
quo is nothing in comparison to the people...

I hear other people make realizations equal to mine constantly now...
I'm seeing survivalism becomming a popular hobby.. probably
giving the home land insecurity nerds nightmares... they've awakened
a sleeping giant.... thanks guys, TV was soooooo boring.... Now we
can all have fun playing overgrown boyscouts, activate, educate, &
evacuate.... Adios Babylon!

I got to hear a Debbie Medina interview out of Texas, those are fun,
pistol packin' Mamma RN running for governor, and I wish her more
than well, the Lady has guts... she can be my nurse anytime......
I'm more than a bit libertarian, a green libertarian really.....

Also alex Jones was talking today about doing a social net website....
I think thats a good idea, have to see if there are any lady
survivalists eh?
i wonder if any would know my blog...?

its fun to have some community amongst those on the way away from
Babylon... there are more regular listeners to anti-system radio,
than there are military and police, and plenty of military & police
are with the constitutionalists.... you know what that means? it
means the Junta has a problem... arrogant fools who think an order
given is an order followed, legal or not....

the word is out, the government isnt by for or of the people.... That
means its illegitimate...

its unraveling by the day.... best they get stopped short of
WW3...... No beer & pizza if they dont....

I'm enjoying the nick names people are handing the resident president,
I'm not hearing enough respect to wiggle the pointer on the
respectometer... I dont think the guy could ring a bell for
salvation army at christmas and get anyone to donate to his cause....

a friend of mine described it as hero to zero....

I think he blew it... Going to go down in history as the most
ineffective president ever.... worse than Bush Clone 2... did the
guy really think he could say this and do that, and we wouldnt notice?

I think Geitner in congress is a powder train leading under Obama's
door..... his political life expectancy is looking less than 3 more
Could be first president to leave office in handcuffs?

welp, he could be his own lawyer at his crimes against humanity
trials... people have starved to death while he fed his buddies

so to me, I wonder what will happen? will the people rise up, or
world war three, or will the sky fill with ships? have to wait and
see what really happens, but definitely keeping me on the edge....

and it makes me glad I'm some fool on a hill, and not in the halls of power...

morning, full moon, daylight in an hour or so, feeling pretty good,
Alex Jones is talking about setting up a social networking site, I
think thats a great idea, I'm more than tired of searching thru
women only interested in money, bisexuals, transvestites, city only
people, people without a clue, etc. would be really nice to be able
to go thru fotos & bios of people who are fellow survivalists, back to
the landers, and aware of how screwed up the status quo is....

I suspect I could find a mate, and connect with new friends in short order....

Sent from my mobile device

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