Saturday, November 21, 2009

Blog entry; Friday 20th November, 2009.......

Cooking food, raining, sundown in an hour...

feeling OK, heard Chapman today on a call in.. he said twice it was
going to get like road warriors....

I think its going to get bad.... like all the apocalyptic movies
combined.... the mother of all disasters......

Carbon tax isnt going to save anyone anything.....

I think the Ranchers are spot on......

I feel for all the people who will die or worse......
But theres not much I can do about it...

Just continue to make a fool of myself doing this blog trying to get
people to think...

And as a man, I find it very sad to be alone and know a couple
billion women will die for being glitter sluts..........

One of the nice things about the online dating trip, is ocasionally I
get to see some background scenery..... some very beautiful areas
in Mongolia....

I think some of the women in the outlying areas might make it......
We shall see......

later, ate, thinking about some of the biblical predictions... Its so
encrypted... but I'm quite sure I at least have the overview...
and its not good....

I would love to see the decent people survive.... and I've long
wondered what kind of moment the actual mega disaster is going
to be? is it possible that large numbers of people could survive?
largest number of survivors mentioned is 200,000,000 or about 3%
of current population...

one of the thing I notice w/dating trip, is the problem w/overweight
white women seems to be universal.... every country I surf.... and
I wonder about the commonalities besides race......

later, midnight, woke rested, thinking about some of the nice
looking women online, its getting me wanting to make some moves,
like farm sale etc. so I could go to someplace far away to collect
a woman... I love travel, havent been able to do much of it for
several years, so a trip sounds nice... so far I like the chinese
and mongolian women the best... they seem simple but pretty, and
say things decent people would think to say.... I have always
wanted to go to china, and tour by buying a horse and saddle and
going into some more remote area and spending time traveling among
the people and villages..... I have little interest in the

like the Mongolian girl who said she loved freedom.... me too...
most of who I am, and what I do is about freedom... life is
inheriently a form of freedom... albeit generally circumscribed by
limits imposed by the sick elements in society....

People are waking up, realizing that the technocult is on a bad
path... and thats the first step of repairing it... that the people
become sick of the sickness.... one thing I am seeing from the social
networking sites, is that now we can all easily peer into far away
cultures, make friends there, understand them, love them, and go to
see them in person, when we run out of worse things to do..

I think the online dating trip is important... it will lead to alot
of cross polinization.. there are already Americans, Germans,
British people everywhere on the planet.... I doubt you can find a
place without some american living there among the locals... and
soon with the online social networking, more & more... and its
both women and men, I see fotos of white western civilisation women
with Men and children in far mongolia, and I am happy to see it...

I think given time, such resources as the internet could see us
having a better planet.. but that time factor is very worrying....
Human stupidity being what it is, with so many exercising their
butts in front of TV's, with the send end being controlled by greed
heads, We are headed towards disaster.....

alcohol, TV, football, & a job, do not create a life...

they create a medium for mental morons to pretend to..... the
american dream is as fake and plastic as Barbie & Ken.....

I feel for the fat white women.... To be once so beautiful, and to
lose it from ravenous porking from the technocult's electric answer
to the
pantry, is really sick.... I havent owned a refrigerator in 16
years... maybe 18...... my food is simple... living on $30 a
month plus what my trees grow isnt bad.. I get plenty to eat, and
since I quit buying oil and sugar I feel alot better....

and lost more weight...

basicaly we have been turned into credit pig slaves...

I admire the thin mongolian girl, who's message to the world, is;
"I love freedom."

I doubt she stays chained to a refrigerator or a TV....

and her message sure seems alot nicer than what I read coming from
the fat lesbians.... pigs bad mouthing the hand that feeds them,
licking each other's vaginas because they're too good to be a decent
man's wife.... I know homosexuality is just part of the human
spectrum, like cows jumping over the fence looking for better
pasture, but when it grows and grows, pretty soon the society has
problems.. and those very people depend on the society as much as

well, its a short road now to total anarchy... coming to a theater
near you.....

The Bible talks about the wages of sin as being death.... I think
that message from the ranchers has been so twisted by the glassy
eyed fanatics as to lose it's meaning... evil deeds bring evil
results, lusts & greed brings poverty and war and death...

And I suppose people will only begin to figure it out when they
are left alive and screaming in the rubble and among the bloating
stinking corpses of everyone who wasn't as lucky.....

what is sin?

I think Christianity has been ruined by christians....

its been made into a social country club for brain dead morons
with out a cause they are capable of really understanding....

I dont see the other religions as being any better, just different
versions of the same things being used by their status quo to justify
what ever they want it to...

I look around me, and am disgusted by everything I see that isnt good
& natural...

I love freedom.......

And I want a woman who doesnt need controlled, because she's real
enough to control herself...

Freedom and control are a dichotomy pair... If I control myself, I
wont be controlled by others....

the fat women have no self control.... so they are controlled by a
greed based food industry.... victims of the profit motive, turned
from beauties into horrid monsters, because they never had to learn
self control in their pampered warm and fuzzy pseudo reality....

I dont want to control anyone, nor do I want anyone controlling me...
so I have self control....

I control my own destiny... through daily choices and actions...

and what have I learned? not to believe in anything except my own
ability to learn truth.... becase its the truth that sets you free..

truth is I dont need a refrigerator... or some woman emptying it, and
ragging me if I dont keep it full enough for her...

"A good man eats to live, a bad man lives to eat." (Tao)

What do good and bad women do?

well, the social system is collapsing..

have a nice Apocalypse..... you could have prevented it by waking up
and actually doing something about it... at the very least getting
yourself outside Hell's gates...

Sent from my mobile device

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