Saturday, November 7, 2009

Blog entry; Saturday, 7th November 2009..........

afternoon, had a busy morning,

worked on the steel bow... Got string notches in limbs, shaped limb
tips, reshaped limb butt ends to a more asthetically pleasing shape,.
also worked on the riser, its ready to start a few days of hand
sanding.. made food, cooking while I worked on the bow, finshed up
bow just in time to take my bath during a tropical down pour.. now
back is tired, from working without a bench...

got an email from my buddy, his house sale is heading towards the
signatures.. he's been lightening up via yard sales and full
dumpsters, soon to be voluntarily homeless in a camper, shop tools
going into a bus, no more house payment, soon to owe no one, and
still hold down his job, will have mobility, and be able to pump money
and time into his boat.. he reads this blog.......

imagine that folks, no house payment... its not necessarily bad eh?
no banker on his back for a free ride...

just a practical example of how one can start turning the tables on
the system... he's thinking move the boat down the coast to better
weather, my son will be helping him... people helping each other?
What a concept! so simple it works, if you have the right people....

people I'm not just talk, I do plenty of that, but I also have time
to think... and I like to puzzle out sollutions... and share them...

my friend wont keep his job forever... maybe a year or two? then
he'll say a loving good bye to worthless drones at the water and
electric board, leave his job to someone that thinks they gotta have
it, then he'll move to warmer climes, spend every day doing what he
decides needs done, gardening, fishing, working on his hobbies...

I've been a good bad influence on him....

so, soon we'll be pirates together again, grilling gator tail on the
barbi, drinking home brews, arguing over petty shit, dumping off

my son wont be far behind him, the US will be losing a state champ,
why? because a bunch of egotistical shitheads thought they had rights
to run/ruin our lives.... guess what shitheads? one hand clapping..
we dont care what anyone thinks except ourselves....

moral of the story? gotta live your dreams...

my buddy helped me get the guitar amp... So in a couple years he'll
be kicjing back listening to live music...

you have to find your courage folks...

fuck the drones, exit stage left....

I'm going to town in the next few days, will stop on way home and
visit my little neice,,, she's going to grow up with pirates..
she'll get lots of hugs, think its normal to sail a boat to south
america, normal to grow food, normal to have friends & family who
care about you...
Normal to eat alligators, and hang out with the indians...

do you suppose its better than watching TV? Or reading an adventure story?

get a REAL life!

The Joneses have Cancer and are dying of exaustion....

best you try keeping up with the rolling stones...

they'll get farther.... and be happier doing it...
Freedom is where you find it...

Told my friend years ago in Walmart; the only thing worth buying is
your freedom... He must have heard me...

my son said in an email he'd be insulted if he didnt get to help bring
the boat down the coast.. its a 49 ft ferrocement in a mini
Clipper style.. we'll be sailing her where ever we choose soon

and what will you be doing while we are living by our wits? watching
the boob tube?

eat your heart out, or find it....
Come on down the water is fine.. see if you can find us...

Jimmy Buffet sings songs about people like us... the Renegades..

Those with the imagination and guts to actually do something... do
what we want to do, not get sidetracked by liars...

an honest pirate is better than a dishonest politician..

a humble man is better than a rich one...

doesnt have the same heart.... we're not living for money & vanity,
we're living because we like it....

So come find us if you feel like it... we're worth having for friends..

And me? Looking forward to going in search of my woman where ever she
may be... Will she be white, yellow, brown, or black? all nice

Dont want no shit baby, life is only long enough for love... if you
wanna fight, go take up boxing...

I'm a free man, this is MY planet, if you want to share it with me up
close & personal, be nice!

Sent from my mobile device

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