Monday, November 30, 2009

sunday, 29th, November, 2009.......

Morning, and a pretty one, checked emails, got some kind of
response from craigslist, not sure if its a response to my ad, or a
response to a resonse to another ad...

anyway, it was nice, teasing & challenging... I answered it... no
foto, so could be talking to a monster behind the door, or a

was fun to do the exchange though...

I think the email came from Tonga, which is a fun place to get an
email from..... especially one with no foto.... leaves the
imagination plenty to chew on.....
so, some kind of a reaction going on.....

the fun part is the randomness I think... No tellin' what will happen
from where..... no doubt in my mind those ads get looked at, like
something floating in the water to cruising sharks...

plenty of mateless women these days... Myriad reasons, but the
online sollution is obvious, just a matter of finding the right
combination that works...

got an email from my buddy, in response to my crit about $30 a month
membership for online dating services... he thought it must cost alot
of money to keep up a site etc.

I noticed that one site had about 30 thousand postings, male and
female, and if they paid $30 each a month it would be a tad bit of
money... but I dont think the business model is working that good,
as I see on not one woman in a thousand has
membership... and I think the male crusing sharks arent paying much,
unless they see one they want to bite...

and considering there are so many, I doubt they bite often... only
when they get a mutual hit from something worth going for....

I dont think its a good business model..... I'd rather get a dollar
a month from all those people and call it better...

greed is self defeating, and thats all you need to know, dont go
there... vanity is no better... its short lived... its the good
things that stand the test of time, and a good affordable
dating/match service planet wide would be a really good thing
and worth doing... I was happy to get the hit this morning off
craigs,,, it was fun.... and I think its a really good idea for
people to cross outside of their own cultures... I'm not much on
world government, but I am positive about one planet one people....

government is presumably based on mutual self
defense from other governments, but anyone with a grasp of history
and logic can see that creating governments to defend us from
governments is more than mildly insane... like creating lawyers to
prevent lawsuits...

And think its better to not create either.... we could create small
family holdings instead, all well armed, and defensive in nature,
and go a long way towards not needing any governments...

The sollution is not, and never will be, in creating more problems.....

Modern civilisation is 98% bullshit.... and that all is about to go
by the wayside......

my buddy also sent me something he found online, some Christian
talking about space elevators and how we are supposed to get one up
before JC's return.... I havent seen that passage yet in the
bible.... but I'm glad the guy is pushing the concept....

and I'm glad somehow that he's made the connection between JC and space.....

later, got dishes done, fire going and food on....
Bath soon.... also got the guitar out...

so will bathe, then play guitar, and then eat... a common ritual....

after that, go check emails, see if I got any more nibbles besides
the message in the bottle from tonga......

its got me thinking about adventures...... you know as a kid I loved
adventure stories of all kinds, but after doing a few, real
adventures, they have lost my interests, basically if you are into
adventure stories, it means what you really need is adventures....
and once you start on adventures, it gets very addictive...

and I've done adventures before in search of women... generally the
adventure was better...

one thing I see people doing alot of on line is just looking for new
friends.. doesnt say much about the old ones...

another thought I had was after seeing a couple hundred pound tatooed
biker chick with a kid or two... I realized the only guys who were
going to go for that one were some big fat biker types who'd lost
their own woman and kids to the lawyers... in other words its kind
of some wierd shuffling going on...lawyers win, kids and parents
lose, replay.......

if we hung all the lawyers, it would probably take all the fun out of
it.... and people would have to just get along and keep their kids
fed or else....

the lawyers have inserted themselves where its nobody's business....
same for government...

I'd imagine alot of marital disputes would be either non existant, or
shorter in duration, if natural forces were allowed to play out....
women who didnt take good care of their husbands and vice versa would
lose them... Which could prove to be very drastic... having the
lawyers and govt involved pretends to help..... generally I suspect
they are only causing more divorces, with pocket filling and power
trips going on....

so I do enjoy knowing the cycles, that we are approaching the final
phase, and soon it will be get even day.... I'd guess future
generations will sell little lawyer ornaments to hang on their
Christmas trees.... complete with little noose etc. to signify
what instinctual liars, killers, and thieves get in due time...
likely be some military officer manikins too, maybe also some jowley
politicians? and some little whorish looking exwife dolls?

I've always figured if I was interested in some woman with kids, I
should carefully question her about her ex husband, surely I'd hear
how terrible he was etc. but being an ex husband my self, I have
some perspective of my own on it... and what I would want to find
out, is who he was, contact data etc. so I could go talk to the
fellow slob..... likely the most educational guy I could find
concerning the woman... Women generaly like to denegrate the ex, &
vice versa.. and if she's got his kids, youre going to have to deal
with the guy anyway, might be easier if you'd had a couple beers
together first thing, he'd be less threatened by it, and you'd have
the darkside of the moon exposed..... could be handy info, and
allow one to formulate a plan in advance, for when she started her
shit.... Nip it in the bud.... and maybe you and him could take the
kids fishing etc.? he and kids would likely appreciate the
visitation, and you'd have a buddy that really understood your
marital problems......

it would also go a long way towards preventing women's shit games,
and they could do it too..... Talk to exwives.....

it would also go a long ways towards seeing the rejects left w/fellow
& fellowette rejects, instead of trashing a chain of decent
spouses....... and I guess we'd need some dickhead manikins for
effigy exhusbands?

The problem with current reality, is that everything points to
civilisation being terminal... the homosexuality, the greed, the
excessive taxes, the police states, the corporate fascism, the
scientistic and Elite eliteism, the Medical Mafia insanity, the
toxic chemical agribiz food, it all points to Uh-oh! Land.....

best you arm up and get mobile... because I dont think the people in
charge are smart enough to figure out that they are the biggest

control freaks, greed heads, vanity puffs..... arent likely to
figure it out until they see the Guillotine....

later, searched Tonga, was interesting, 75-80% of the women are
Obiese... most obiese females on the planet... also heard they had
anti-Chinese riots and the Chinese business owners packed up and
left... funny how thats a reoccuring phenomina with business
cultures, same thing happened in last L.A. Riot, except it was
Korean store owners...

if one realizes the roots, its that business is a ripoff game
disquised as a straight game... success in business means you've
screwed a whole bunch of people out of some money each... it also
points out why the jewish culture was booted out of place after


Sent from my mobile device

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