Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blog entry; Thursday, 5th of November 2009.............

Morning, just got my food over the sacred flames....

doing my daily rituals.... chop wood, carry water..
Life as a free man.....

munching coconut... got the electro-plinkatron unzipped......
learning a new skill in my 50's......
Eyeing my steel bow project, maybe do a tich on it today....
Crazy as a Loon.... wild as a coyote, wary as a deer... its the
natural path... neoindigenism equals sanity.....

you know, I avoid killing ants.....

harmless life forms energized by the great spirit..

things scientific fall apart.... why? Imprefections...

nothing lasts forever but the earth & sky....

Dust in the wind.....

a smalll fire is most usefull, two small fires are better than one big one....

thank you for the teachers... not those who teach history thats only
telling part of the story.. those who teach the truth....

I have learned many things from men long dead... the gifts of good
spirits combined with the written word.....

so welcome to the big test, humanity's final exam... are you
studied up adequately, or is there something more you can learn?

my woofy dog is happy
she knows all the rituals too...
My worker is up the mountain working on my buddy's land....
planting things, cleaning out underbrush, making a living the hard

He's put himself thru highschool, and soon to finish university,
speaks and reads english, supports a pretty wife and a baby girl....

I got an email from my son the other day, a bit down, all he can see
ahead is work and little gain to show for it..... he said he wished
he had a farm where he couldnt starve or get cold.....

well he does, its just not convienantly located for his job... but he
needs to remember that its the goals that he is working towards that

its not money that matters any more, its preparedness and skills and clan....

my worst enemy in the village is bothering no one now... group
effort and a tich of leadership did in his intimidation games....

He admits to having killed an 80 year old man with a knife, never
went to jail, used his evil ways to intimidate a village.. The law
did nothing for two generations... he is a neanderthal type, an
instinctual liar, killer, and a thief... no different than the
illuminati, other than being less stealthy...

and thats what they are, just more intelligent, better at lying,
killing, and stealing....

but the same techniques will bring them down also... for every evil
man there are a thousand better ones... For every problem there are
sollutions... but before you can advance you must see... I hear
people on short wave admitting to waking up from a dream... every
week someone admits to just recently realizing whats really going
on.... is that you too? it was me also, just not as recently..
Thats all.....

my most used pot is my little Chinese pressure cooker... stainless,
because there were those who taught about the dangers of aluminum...

there is no them and us, just us, some awake, some still lost in
vanity land from the image of the beast on the TV stand...

today I eat my subsistance fare, lentils, corn, green bananas, rice,
coconut.... all healthy food, no vanity.....

the wind blows gently, the sky is overcast, the pot simmers.... soon
to add the rice....

the dog waits under my floor certain of my sharing the food with
her..... she is good company.. Never complains, apreciates the anti
parasite drugs that keep her alive.....

and our grand parasites? what drug kills them?

Gold is pretty, stainless steel is a better investment...

all sollutions to complicated problems are simple..

soon We will be eating, not to live to eat, but to eat to live....

small sticks cook the food.... The mountain grows more of them...
small dreams are more possible, small cabins in the forest are easier
to maintain than gradiose ranch styles in vanity land....

Think small poeple... Small sollutions to big problems, you can only
save the world and your own skin by cleaning up your own act....

soon dead bodies everywhere if you dont....

The Bible talks about getting "one" with God, but the Christians are
so busy all being self righteous that they have never connected the
idea to the great spirit &/or nature.... same God... same god for
Muslims, Taoists, students of Buddha, etc. but all too busy bad
mouthing each other to get back to the garden.....

best take a look at yourself folks.....
My arent we pretty.... In our Sunday finest clothes...
My arent we grand in our vanity whilst trashing our planet.....

my, wont more taxes surely help us all....
My, isnt a billion dollars enough for some?
My, arent we stupid for admiring the geedheads...

quit it! stop it! grow up!

quit worshipping the electric idol, dont just change channels, shut it off....

think, really think... find a rock to sit on and think...

first think, then act....

American idol? the illusion of rags to riches obtained by few dreamed
by many...
Find your own voice, sing your own song, play your own instruments.....

The worst two things you can do to your children after beating them
is have a TV and send them to public school....

why school? You cant teach them to read and do math? how much do we
really need a dozen plus years in a classroom?

which is more important now? a certificate to hang on a wall, or a garden?

which is more important, hate or love...

which is the right path, honesty or lies?

we dont need depopulation, we need space elevators.....

we dont need religion, we need good sense..
It seems to be the more rare commodity...

so why do you suppose we were left with Jacobs dream?

it wasnt so we could have a religion, it was so we would have an
idea... there is only one door out of the Malthusian box, and thats
it..... nuclear war or Space.....

which is a better investment? Gold under your bed, or a path into the

why not invest accordingly...?

check out my website:

there is no sign in, no asking for money, just a concept that can
free us all......

give it to your children.....

the best gift ever... a future....

Sent from my mobile device

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