Monday, November 23, 2009

Blog entry; Saturday, 22nd November 2009......

Afternoon, rain shower and thunder boomers..

just got food cooking, will be done in an hour..

was wife shopping online again... hit Russia, Romamia, and
Taiwan, also hit Barbados...

Russia had slow connections, took forever to load things, women
very pretty, but few I really liked, there was one, pretty,
humble, claimed to be a good housewife, would have been my choice...

I looked, and she'd already got thousands of hits... yup, pretty,
& humble are a winning combo with the guys.....she got alot more
hits than even the stunning beauties... Romania is a place I
hear on short wave, so I was curious, what their women looked like,
pretty girls with brown hair.....

Taiwan was nice, plenty of nice women.....

Barbados was different, a few I was atracted to, but I read what a
bunch had to say, and got the impression they were much better
people than I am.....

Ran into a strange one listed asia, I suspect australia, brown red
hair, hazel eyes, more red than my coloring but very similar...
and her self description was shocking, it was like reading about my
twin sister... she was pretty, no stunning beauty, but definitely
nice... bazaar part was her hits; likely in top five on the planet
of what I've seen so far... tens of thousands of hits...

I gave her a few... she'd be one I'd feel gifted with, but boy is
that an odds against game....

Taiwan was nice, because it wasnt plugged by white women.... I think
most of australia must have listed herselves under asia... I wish
they wouldnt do that, I'm not perticularly interested in white women,
and prefer they'd listed in home country, so I could find something
different.... the white girls are more than pretty, but I want a
woman who isnt arrogant....

like the russian housewife, I hope she goes to a guy that really
really deserves her...

I see plenty of women I like, but know I wouldnt interest 99% of
them... I also know it will likely be a year or more before my
farm sells and I can get in wife trouble...... I see both sides of
that dichotomy... bad side is I will see alot of good women go past
me, good side will be I will have time to get to know all kinds,
and communicate a long time with which ever ones decide they like

I think it will be a good experience, I'm way, way used to
disapointments in life, so watching good women I'd love to have,
get away from me, will probably feel normal.....

I think what will be the most shocking to me, would be if I did find
somebody that worked out..

I wouldnt know how to deal with that.....

what I do sense is that some women R figuring out there is a
problem... I see them saying things to let the guys know they arent
the same as the lesbians.... I think the tide is about to turn
against them..... I've had lesbian friends before, the dyke types
usually hate me with a passion, but the soft types like me

I'm not at all sure why.... I think the hard core feminists read me
instantly, and realize I dont fall for their line... and the softer
ones see me for my attributes..... basically a not macho guy,
calm, non violent, artistic, natural.....

I remember going to a party years ago, there was this dyke type I
knew, friends of friends etc. and she comes up to me, a group of
people, and gets in my face, & brags she hadnt bathed in a
month..... i.e. Trying to tweak or impress or intimidate me... I
just calmly said; "Thats real nice Vicky." she didnt like the
perfectly flat reaction... every body else just kind of didnt
say anything... it was a funny vignette...

I suspect part of why the dyke types dislike me at first sight,
is because I dont register an attraction to them.... they dont
realize how narrow my attraction band really is or they wouldnt be
so insulted.. that I'm not attracted to them likely reminds them
why they're dykes, cant get a date.... its not my fault, but they
dont see that....

I'm artistic enough it affects my ability to be turned on by
women... they have to have some artistic qualities to face and
build, or I'm just not interested.....

it makes cruising the on line dating thing interesting.. I get to
study my own attractions..

women are very sensitive to my vibes... I once ran into an
italian/Tica prostitute in a bar, I was only there for the beer, as
was my buddy, but she tried to make a sale to no avail, but we did
chat, and she started talking about italian cooking, I love
cooking, and it gave me loving feelings towards her, and she
picked up on it instantly with out me saying a word, she was shocked,
and said; you were just now a little in love with me!

I nodded, and soon left.... spaghetti sauce is one thing, who she
was as a person was another, and how she looked was yet another

I could be in love with just the part of her that was into cooking, I
wasnt attracted to her physically...

but it shows how sensitive women are to that....

morning, technically monday.. worked last night via chat system,
w/my buddy trying to get
my space account set up, to be able to set up a account
for my wife shopping spree around the planet.. a real pain...
the guy works w/computers everyday, has been online for years, and
struggled for an hour to boot the myspace account, which eventually he
got, and was stymied on the doulike page due to our photo being not
the right size etc... so will have to get another photo and send,
requiring help from another person and another day or two....

computer tech is still in it's infancy... mostly due to bad design
of software and operating systems.. web pages are generally moron
specials... some guy who can write a program gets an egotrip going,
overly complicates everything, and the world suffers his shit
until a competitor manages to up stage him by creating a better
simpler, more efficient trip that actually works, and all the
clients gravitate to it out of utter frustration with guy A's totally
screwed up shit, i.e. A reflection of his ego problems...

same description applies to operating systems, software, and web
pages... Ego & vanity induced disfunctionalism... just because you
can create garbage, and litter the virtual landscape with it by the
shiploads, doesnt mean you should...

the best program is the one that does the job with the least command lines..
The best operating system is the one that everything works all the
time, there are no frustrating pop ups, and it will mesh fine with
anything else hard or soft, and the best webpage is one that isnt
cluttered, is organized logically and simplistically, that anyone
reguardless of experience level can get to work flawlessly in

sounds like I've been smoking virtual opiates to anyone familiar
w/state of the art...

my buddy said some hot blond popped up wanting to challenge my IQ
scores... he thought it must be an advertisement.... I thought that
was funny... sure babe, I'll coverse on that one, first lets start
by defining IQ..... then set some parameters we both agree too..
then let me teach you some things in the process, about Intelligence,
and before its over we wont need silly numbers that evaluate how
well I or you were programmed, you'll admit I'm more intelligent
than any test you ever took, and that your focus on numbers was
silly and immature..

I can usually tell another person's IQ relative to mine in
conversation with them.. I've never had a conversation with
anybody who could dominate me... only close once.... and the guy
was a total jerk, so I had fun with him.... I doubt he's lived it
down to this day... thats what humor is about sometimes,
establishing mental pecking order.....

Even Kings fear comics.... a good pointy joke can conquer the
minds and hearts of a nation much faster, better, and cheaper than an
invading army, and spill not so much as a single drop of blood...

am I all that intelligent? no..... I'm sure there are a million
people on the planet better..

Sent from my mobile device

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